13 July 2010


       You are feeling better this morning after having had the cyst sack surgically removed by a specialist from the back of your neck yesterday afternoon. Arthritis-wise, typical pain returned after being shut down on pain pills. You are reluctant to write about this because of it is of no importance to your writing or lack of it. However, aging is a fact of life and a mention now and then is a part of your daily reality just as it is with most older and aging people.
         I adjust just as does everyone else. Nothing unexpected for one in the physical shape I have been for most of my life, grossly overweight. Pains in joints, particularly hips and knees are to be expected. Night and early morning pains are worse. There you are, an update that older people don’t need to read to realize. I’ll be sixty-eight later this summer and I just had the inner joy of having my first cyst. Warts arrive yearly. Who knows where they will be or why. Skin tags, always. Age spots – caused by the sun according to my doctor. Most of those in the Orndorff genealogy develop them on their arms and face. More excitement as a new one appeared on my right forearm as we were in Florida a few weeks ago. These descriptions ought to do for another year. I am in excellent health as compared to some of my friends. Now, of course, after saying such a thing, I find it is to imagine being dead and buried within a week or month. Such is the humor of this world. Now, if I find myself so dead and have realization of it, you can bet I would smile on the fact if I could do so. Here one day and gone the next. Inevitable. Cheer up, in life things can only get so much worse on a personal level, then you are out of here. I think it is almost always worse (psychologically) for those left behind than those gone. This is about all I can think to say on the subject.
         I did not ask or expect you to expound on the state of your personal health, orndorff. The focus was on your cyst and your morning arthritis not your eventual demise. – Amorella.
         Well, I get what I deserve (embarrassment). I should just keep my mouth (mind) shut. I would erase the above state of health paragraph but leaving it may remind me to think first (without writing what first comes to mind). One glaring reality – it shows a defect in my character. I have more defects in character than I do warts and age spots – nothing new in that.
         You are suddenly thinking Chaucer and the Medieval concept of balance between one’s inner character and one’s outer appearance as seen by example in “The Prologue” of The Canterbury Tales.
         Yes, I am. Who knows why Chaucer popped up, but he did. 
         Post. Later, dude. – Amorella.

         After a nap I googled info on the secret warehouse production and here is a summary:
. . . NBC News award-winning journalist Lester Holt goes on a global expedition to uncover the truth behind the world's top secret, mysterious warehouses where super-classified objects are kept.
In Inside Secret Government Warehouses: Shocking Revelations, premiering on Syfy Sunday, July 11, at 9PM (ET/PT), Holt capitalizes on exclusive access to restricted sites, traveling from Area 51 in Nevada to deep inside the Vatican secret archives -- the centerpiece of Dan Brown's Angels and Demons -- interviewing informants, Washington decision-makers, former top military personnel and leading experts.
Among the explosive findings
A mandible thought to be not of this world -- potential evidence that alien life was hidden by the United States government at Wright-Patterson Air Force base.
High level informant who describes huge underground tunnels beneath military installations.
Victims (including former U.S. military personnel) of unauthorized government experimentation.
A former US Air Force pilot ordered to shoot down a UFO in England.

Experts interviewed for the show include:

John Podesta, Former Chief of Staff for President Bill Clinton and CEO, Center for American Progress
Michio Kaku, world renowned theoretical physicist.
Paul Levinson, author of 15 books and professor of Communication and Media Studies at Fordham University.
Hank Albarelli Jr., author of A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the C.I.A.'s Secret Cold War Experiments.
Katherine Olmsted, Professor of History at UC Davis.
Rep. Michael Turner, Ohio 3rd District (covers Wright-Patterson)
Luca Carboni, General Secretary, Vatican Secret Archives
Shara Bailey, Dental Anthropologist, New York University
Eleanor Herman, Author, Mistress of the Vatican
Robert Collins, Ret. U.S Air Force Captain
Jonathan Turley, Law Professor, George Washington University
Glenn Campbell, Area 51 Expert”
From: media bistro on the web
         Immediately upon viewing this hype for the show I am embarrassed by the word “explosive”. What a bunch of crap. How can Lester Holt get himself caught up in this kind of stuff? What they should be investigating is the supposedly alien mandible cast from Wright-Pat. The dental anthropologist said that the creature (if this were not faked) would have been the size of a medium to large medium sized dog. I checked Dr. Bailey’s credentials at New York University:
“Research/Interest: Physical anthropology; paleoanthropology; dental morphology and morphometrics; Middle-Late Pleistocene hominins; Neandertals; modern human origins; Plio-Pleistocene hominin evolution; Europe; Africa”.
         Dr. Bailey said in the interview that the mandible (if real) shows something not of this world. Now, to me this is interesting. She also says the cast was tampered with. Also interesting. Back to speculation. It is always back to speculation with these pieces of so called evidence. The mandible would have been a good piece on the old "X-Files" show. In with fiction even if it were a real artifact. I have run into this several times while writing these books. It is difficult to prove ancient artifacts are real, and it should be difficult. There is good reasons for people being skeptical, and it should be a mandatory requirement for the scientific observer. We are built with too much wishful thinking in mind. Why we are a species of dreamers first is beyond me.
         That is the crux of all this preliminary rambling about aliens and secret warehouses. – Amorella.
         It is. At least I finally got to what has been bugging me since watching the show.
         The bothersome word in your statement “Why we are a species of dreamers first is beyond me” is the word “first”.
         Yes. I realize human beings have to survive first, that our consciousness focuses on survival, but once that is obtained and held then we are off to wishful thinking, dreamland. Speculation. I should probably narrow this down to: “Why am I a dreamer first?” And, keep the problem where it is.
         Even here what comes to your mind is this set up: You are dead and confronted with an Angel (you an agnostic at heart) and the Angel says, “Orndorff, why are you a dreamer, first?”
         The existential and spiritual setting forces me to take an honest no bullshit stand. Otherwise, too much fiction, too much bullshit, too much story-telling.
        An angel saying, “Who are you?” in your books of fiction is easier.
         It is. This is what the Merlyn books and notes are all about, an Angelic staged confrontation to keep me honest even in the fiction.
         You need to create an angelic-like figure to keep you honest?
         I do.
         Why is that, orndorff?
         I have no idea other than for a sense of self-authenticity.
         Post. Amorella.

         Evening. Carol has been shredding material in her office most of this rainy day. At least two trash bags full of shredded papers. She just informed me the shredder is burnt up. I am not surprised. It has been a slow day for me. Nothing really accomplished as far as I am concerned. I am presently ‘unattached’ to writing on a chapter or listening to an earlier one. Who knows why. What I need to do is to go to bed early and sleep until morning. Then I need to get busy and finish editing chapter five so I can better move on to chapter six. 

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