12 July 2010


        Night. You are over at Kroger on Tylersville waiting on Carol as you are running a couple of errands. You watched Lie To Me and are copying two other new shows tonight. Earlier you watched most of last night’s SyFy channel special on Secret Government Warehouses and the like. The key places for secrets are the Vatican, Wright-Patterson, and Area 51. You found the videos of the Vatican archives interesting. Wright-Pat and the alien cover up also interesting as well as possible alien machinery at Area 51, at least at one time.
         As usual I don’t like to watch these programs because there is too much belief in far too much and not enough specific factual details (or actually evidence beyond circumstantial at best) to collaborate witnesses. One witness though said he saw the aliens and communicated with them and he said they were ‘human-like’ in behavior. The photo of the alien may have been faked of course. What else is new, but I like the concept of ‘human-like’ because if there are any that would be a good sign for us as a species, i.e. with human-like behavior they survived long enough to have space travel. The gallows humor in me laughs a bit at the joke of it, because believing aliens exist is easier for me to accept as reasonable, than human beings surviving another thousand years or so without some major maturity or change for the better in species’ behavior. The dental cast of an alien jawbone and teeth was also interesting. At least I had not seen it before.
         If the aliens are out there we (governments) must have come to some sort of understanding they the aliens don’t make themselves public and the governments involved don’t do so either. I cannot imagine for what reasons but it is interesting to speculate on. It would be a kind of “don’t ask, don’t tell” understanding or unofficial earth governments’ policy. Roswell was brought up, of course, and as I found that useful in the Merlyn books it is of additional interest. I liked Amorella’s concept of little ‘consciousness’, a parasite about half the size of a hydrogen atom. Clever choice on her part, I would have never come up with it on my own, not with her playful wit.
         I think the real humor is between us, orndorff, not  the readers. – Amorella.
         No doubt they’ll think of me as crazy as a loon.
         You miss your alien friends in the books.
         I do. I loved getting into most of their heads as characters. Refreshing for me, surprisingly enough.
         Oddly put.
        Yes. They were refreshing though. Particularly Friendly and the old fellow, Yermey. Both are witty and clever, something I am not. I suppose it would be like Ian Fleming writing about James Bond. It is fun pretending to be someone you are not, particularly someone you would like to be.
          You would like to be clever and smart.
         I suppose these writings are an attempt to be something I am not, and even then, I make up a character to write them in the process.
           Meaning me.
         No. Not you, Amorella. I could not create you, at least not consciously, and it would be a form of blasphemy to suggest such a thing. You are from my unconscious self, that is all I know. I do not even pretend to know more.  To do so would be a form of self-trickery.
           You mean, self deception.
           A better word choice. You always have a better word choice.
      Just better enough, orndorff. Keep that in mind. It is late. Go finish your ‘Secret Warehouse’ program. Tomorrow, dude. – Amorella. 

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