11 July 2010


         Mid-afternoon. You and Carol are down to the Little Miami River having a Subway picnic under the tree shade in the parking lot. A lot of Loveland Canoe and Kayak activity. Carol is playing Sudoku on her iPad and you are on the MacBook. A shorter walk in the woods at Pine Hill Park earlier today, then time spent downloading and checking out several ‘free wallpaper’ sites – looking for images of Elysium that you might use later.  
          Neat photos. Some real, some conjured up. The main prerequisite for Elysium is no sun showing and nature scenes, though I have a desert and pyramids for the former Egyptian Dead. I have a couple deserted buildings too. Good time browsing through many photos. I have a photo of Mother and the old Shaman grandfather to use.
         The two photos are representations for general visual wordy description only. I like her sultriness with a hint of suspicious indignation in juxtaposition with his understandingly wise and smiling face. He is not going to pull anything over on her as her doubting wall is up. Plus, they both have the same shaped eyebrows and similar noses though hers more feminine and his is heftier near the nostrils and thus more masculine – the length is similar. She is looking up at him, listening to what he has to say but so far isn’t buying it. Now, what is it the old man is saying to granddaughter without being stern and didactic? This is the fun part for me, the set up, setting the scene without knowing the dialogue.
         Sunday evening, closing in on dusk. You and Carol have been busy gathering and throwing out paper clutter and cleaning two years of medical/health documents/bills/payments for basement storage. Tomorrow is trash day. You were just checking Facebook and have a photo I would like to include here as a reminder that you two work fairly well together and have done so since 1966 though you were married in 1967. This is one of your recent favorite photos, taken on the Ponte Vecchio in Florence last November when you and the Brelsfords visited Italy.
         It is a favorite photo, Amorella. Florence is one of my favorite cities. Di Vinci, Michelangelo and Dante walked those old streets along with millions of others over the ages. Artists and powerbrokers, what a combination. What architecture. What style. What delicious gelato.
         You are both settling in to watching Masterpiece Theatre tonight with Hercules Perot’s Murder on the Orient Express. A good break. Tomorrow, dude. Post. – Amorella. 

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