05 April 2011

Notes - Brain malfunction & Trinity photo

Last night about ten o’clock you screamed. Carol said you screamed but you did not hear it. You followed a ‘blip’ back to the real world. Carol said, “You screamed,” and “Are you all right?”

         I said . . . I don’t remember what I said. I have forgotten. It is all a blank. At the time I thought I was someplace else and returned, I followed the blip as you say. It was very odd, even afterwards the feeling was one of being jerked out of hypnosis. Without consciousness the mind does nothing. Coming into consciousness, that’s what it felt like. I do not think unconsciousness is a part of this experience because ‘automaticity’ a function of unconsciousness, did not work. The mind did nothing, no automaticity.

         This appears to be a brain malfunction not mind. You are reminded of a near-death experience only you were coming out not going in.

         I agree, I that did come to mind, a return from a near-death experience. No tunnel though, no light at the end of the tunnel. It was like a train engine running along a track in complete darkness; a part of the brain being that engine.

         Here I am back analyzing my head. I remember, I said to Carol, “I was someplace else.”

         Where were you?

         Nowhere, I guess.

         You said it was a place, a noun.

         I do not know this.

         Could you use this to describe a “dimension” in the story?

         I cannot see how. Don’t put words in my head, Amorella. – Well, that was a stupid thing to say. Later today we are taking a tour of a smaller copper mine, then an early dinner at a local gambling casino. Tomorrow, flying to San Diego and from there to San Francisco. Whenever I get to a wireless station I’ll send this out. I hope Amorella returns, I’d be lost without her.

         Tomorrow, old man. Let’s place a photo here, I’ll choose. – Amorella.

         The plaque on the monument at the site of the first human built and exploded nuclear device, 16 July 1945. 

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