04 April 2011

Notes - Lesson? / self-reflection added

Up at seven. You are thinking about how it is. How I wrote “526” as the beginning of a sentence yesterday and how it should have been spelled out, that it is a rule of grammar that should have been caught and changed.

         It is odd twice, once because of the rule and second because you usually spell the numbers.

         Perhaps there’s a lesson in this, boy. – Amorella.

         Alta just came in and mentioned more Southwest planes are being inspected, but that by tomorrow all should be set. Our tickets are for Wednesday morning so we should be good to go.

         That’s not the lesson, boy.

         I am trying to understand the particulars; a rule and a habit are involved. I should have changed the spelling at the time but did not, I was conscious of it, but it appeared secondary to the number of miles that had been driven. Five hundred and twenty-six miles is a lot of miles in one day. I experienced many ‘existential-like moments’. Particles of experience – now is time imbedded in experience or is experience imbedded in time?

         That is not the lesson either, old man.

         Well, that’s how I see it. So, what is the lesson?

         You and Craig are sitting in Starbucks waiting for the ladies and you are ready for a lesson?

         The personnel are friendly and all but the Naked Berry Blast was expensive. I think it was two dollars cheaper at our Kroger’s back home.

         Carol and Alta are present and you are now at a shaded table outside. Spring has popped out across the area with an Arizona blue sky above. Is this an existential moment?

         No. No life changing decisions are being made. However, the experiences yesterday are working in my head and although they are not life-changing, the decisions are related to thoughts and their uses and/or purposes.

         Take a break and enjoy your company. More later. – Amorella.

Existential is the wrong word.

         You said this, not me. Everything anyone does can be the part of the existential moment at physical death. You mentioned Southwest Airlines. Can you imagine all the moments that lead to people buying tickets for that particular flight. No deaths, but being on a plane when the hole suddenly appears in the ceiling, certainly becomes an existential moment for those who are living the experience.

         Early afternoon, you saw the lawyer drama Lincoln Lawyer which all enjoyed. Then to north Tucson to La Enchantada Mall for an excellent Mexican dish at Blanco with shared gelatos nearby for dessert.

         Relating to the number “526” I think I have taken on some of your characteristics. I am sure you have not taken on mine. This brings more reassurance to me that you are a mostly separate personality. Your otherworldliness is wishful thinking. While at the VLA I was reminded of the film Contact, which was partially filmed at the place. Looking back in my life, I had a longing, a wish for such an unearthly contact.

         You can better accept the fact that I, Amorella, am indeed fictional.

         Yes, of course. I am surer that you are today. I let you write because I never know what to say.

         Don’t you wonder why that is?

         No. I used to but who cares? I can only learn so much from myself. It should be arrogant to think that there would be anything to learn at all. That is the lesson for the day. 

         This is reinforced by my personal identification with the atomic bomb. I invest my inner self in matters much larger to give me an internal sense of being. Even teaching literature reinforced this. I am next to nothing but the literature is something much more and it gives me a sense of being a ‘reality’ more than my physical self. In this perspective, each moment is existential. Concepts give me an identity as they clothe me much as my beret does. I’ll have to add this in the morning. Not yet twenty hundred hours and I am tired and ready for bed.

         Insert in today’s blog tomorrow. Later, dude. – Amorella.

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