03 April 2011

Notes - Saturday: Trinity Site + trip + Today

Sunday morning. Under a bright Arizona sky with a few high clouds and with a northern backdrop of Mt. Lemmon. You had a good sleep after arriving home about twenty-two hundred hours last night. A quick synopsis of yesterday: motel breakfast at six, headed to Trinity Site, sat in line until, drove and parked, got on the bus to the McDonald House first (a key to a good day), then returned by bus to the site itself. Wandered about looking for Trinitite (green glass formed from the heat of the blast), took a photo or two, had a Dr. Pepper (only one dollar a can), back in the car, had green chile cheeseburgers and onion rings at Owl Bar and CafĂ© (instead of Manny’s Buckhorn as it was further) in San Antonio and headed east on Route 60 to the VLA (Very Large Array Radio Telescope). (They are in the process of building a new Long Wavelength Area consisting of fifty separate stations spaced throughout southwest New Mexico.) Stopped for photos and checked out the Visitor’s Center. 

Continued west through Pie Town and eventually, once in Eagar, Arizona, down Route 191 through over seventy miles of huge Ponderosa pine in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. High point on the road of 8500 feet. Somewhat frightening hairpin turns much of the way (straight down on the right side heading south with no guardrails), taking two hours to go sixty miles (six miles at 15 MPH and another six along the way, at 10 MPH). Saw some live animals along/on the road – seven feral cows (two calves), one bull, and a badger. Drove through (several miles), stopping periodically at a huge copper mine (Morenci Mine) at Morenci that is being dug from top to bottom out a mountain (Route 191 runs through the whole operation with huge fully running conveyer belts. Stopped at the Manor House restaurant (Rubin sandwich) in Safford for a late supper then continued on Route 191 on to I-10 for the seventy miles further west to Tucson. 526 miles for the day. - Amorella

         What a great yesterday! Had lunch at Five Guys and are visiting Barnes and Noble this afternoon. This morning we worked on San Francisco and Craig and Alta got their tickets to Cleveland for our September trip. Awesome that we have our next trip planned and have a house for the eight of us (Jim and Jeanne and Sharon and Bill) at an older saltbox styled house near the Arcadia National Park above Bar Harbor, Maine. Then Craig and Alta and Carol and myself will head to Salem and Boston for a few days before they catch a plane from Logan and we drive to Cleveland to pick up the cat, spend a day or two, then drive home to Mason. Craig and I are relaxing at a table outside B&N waiting on the ladies. Beautiful mid-afternoon. -

         Good way to end the post. Tomorrow, dude. – Amorella.

         I have had a wonderful life.

         Understood, boy. – Amorella. 

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