22 April 2011

Notes - Catching up in Cleveland /

Late afternoon, this is the first today you have had time to write. Owen is asleep; you cleaned up for dinner out when Kim and Paul arrive. Morning was spent with a cold laden Owen asleep or resting on your chest as you sat half asleep yourself. Carol spent the time doing laundry for Kim.

         Owen has his share of colds and/or runny noses – day care doesn’t help, but better now than in kindergarten. Kim had her share in day care too, but was rarely sick in grade and high school, and college too for that matter. The world gets to you one-way or another until if finally does you in. So it goes. He was better this afternoon and expressed some new vocabulary “go, go, go” as he was going around the room playing with his toys. And, “ah ov ew” repeating a voice on his computer chipped dog. He called his mother on an expired calculator (thinking it was a cell phone) and said, “Hi.” He does communicate one way or another so language is not a problem or blessing yet.

         Our cat missed us and has been close by since we arrived. She wants petted and belly scratched – which we oblige. It is funny seeing her give Carol hugs like a baby might. Jadah does show her affection. She also isn’t putting up with much from Ellie either. We saw her attack Ellie twice after being pestered. Ellie is twice her size but Jadah displays twice the sized teeth and is not afraid to use them if needed. Her fangs remind me of a smaller rattlesnake’s in size and shape. She would make a good scary Halloween cat silhouette with teeth out and back bent up. Ellie needs her attention too, mostly they get along and either ignore one another or play chase.

         Kim is talking to Carol on the phone and is on her way home. Paul is in his last day at the pediatrics hospital in Akron. He has enjoyed his residency there very much. Time will tell as to whether he gets a fifth year as a “Fellow” at the main clinic. Otherwise, one more year and he’ll be job searching. More later, if time. Post. – Amorella. 

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