21 April 2011

Notes - a childish act? / a thought /

Chores and errands done as well as car washed. As you were finishing your packing this morning you found a washer on a string in a small box of odds and ends in the top drawer beside the bed. You raised it above the polished stone you brought back from Tucson and it registered a solid ‘yes’. It has been a while since you ‘toyed’ with the washer and string and for a few seconds afterwards you felt yourself in a mystic-like state – only a moment or two but enough to be a conscious reminder of what you consider to be “older ways” of thought and feeling in a twist with timelessness. Why not call it a ‘Braided Moment’, capitalize it and let it go. – Amorella.

I am reminded but it bothers me because it is not a sense of ‘reason’ alone. It is not science and it borders on superstition I would imagine. I think I was trying, half consciously, to make the polished stone sacred to myself, adopting it, something of that sort, something beyond personalizing. Very silly of me to do. It has only been ten minutes or so, still, very silly and childish.

You thought to use foolish instead of childish. – Amorella.

I did, but I cannot say it was a foolish act. Perhaps it is just a human one. It is strange I cannot use the word foolish in this case.

Even if it were only imagination you would not use foolish because, for your part, you know better. Post. – Amorella.

I would argue with ‘know’ better. There may be a ‘truth’ to the act of the string and washer, a simple truth about myself. One I do not wish to confront. You are right. I need to let it go. It was just a quick act of my humanity for some unknown reason. – rho

A good sunny day for travel. Later, dude. – Amorella.

Checking your email you found a note from Doug. Here it is, with your response following.

Blog seems reasonable to me. Question does a thought ever die? If so what happens to it? Do they all end up in the land of the dead or just cease to exist? It does appear that the creation of a thought takes energy and most possibly some living organism. I believe that it has been shown that plants have feelings and show pain. Does this mean they create thoughts also?
Have a safe trip.
Your friend,
Thank you for the thoughts. I am pleasantly surprised on the analogy as I put no conscious thought into it at all as far as I can remember. A good question- does a thought ever die? It has been shown that plants sense feelings. I plant has no brain, but thought may come from/with 'being', with 'a consciousness of self'. I don't know. Does the Earth have a 'consciousness of sorts'? I wonder. Do we tap it unaware? Or, does it tap us? The universe is an interesting place to think and wonder. You and Nancy have a good Easter!  Take care.    Dick

         In response to Doug’s question, the ‘creator’ of the thought carries it, my assumption is that one’s ‘self’ continues on in one form or another. One becomes attached to the thought as the thought becomes attached to its creator. In here this is the way things are and nothing can be done about it one way or another. It is a rule of Form and Function in existence.

         In the story it is implied that Grandma’s Stories are from the Earth and in this sense, at least in these fictions, the Earth has a consciousness (albeit not a human one) and thus it is possible for ‘thinking’. After all, as an entity unto myself, I think. – Amorella.

         I don’t completely agree you are a separate entity.

         That is your opinion, not mine. – Amorella. 

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