22 August 2011

Notes - Gear Work Noted / an existing multidimensional 'being'

         Chores, breakfast, the paper; then weights, exercises and a nap. Minutes after noon, and Carol is readying to go give blood; afterwards, you are looking forward to the usual good steak lunch at Longhorn’s.

         Do you see how you are, boy, anxious about the book, about working on chapter eight even though you have nothing in your head. – Amorella.

         That’s the reason, Amorella. Nothing is going on and it bothers me.

         Non-writing bothers you because it is not a necessity, it is a want. The genealogy is not a necessity either. Working on a task gives you a sense of personal worth and dignity; words hold more weight in your mind but not in your heart and in your soul these days. Teaching literature gave you a sense of worth for yourself and your sense of community to your students. You used to lecture on wants and needs and the differences and now you are in the middle of the lecture for yourself rather than students.

         How desperately terrible it must be for those out of work. 

         You see the writing on the wall and there is not a word up there, son. – Amorella.

         I do not feel good internalizing and churning this over and over.

         It is not your call, boy. Never was, never will be. Book five is titled The Mark for a reason; as is the last book, six, titled The Roost. All are your commentary on your time alive, another dimension, so to speak. Sometimes your mind needs to be disassembled and reconstructed so you can at least understand the gear work. Title this “Gear Work Noted” and take a break. Post. – Amorella.

         Lunch was as tasty as usual, home and you want to finish up the Freeman side which you have more material on from Ann Clymer Peat, great, great granddaughter of Philip Freeman and her booklet, “The Freeman Family in Genoa Township, Delaware County, Ohio.”

         There is much here, Amorella. I could do a Freeman Family tree by itself and include everyone. She did a lot of work and it seems worthy of creating.

         Why don’t you include the Schick’s on the same tree as there are a lot on that line also in Delaware and Franklin Counties in Ohio. You will feel better as you already have a separate line of the Orndorff’s and Bookman’s. That way you can include your second cousin, Bob Short and third cousin, David.

         It will be more just to everyone to do that and they could be supplements to Owen’s genealogy.

         Respect for your ancestors fits in directly with the books and blog, orndorff. Common themes of respect and dignity for the entire species from your heartansoulanmind are values that help put you in this personal circumstantial position in the first place. – Amorella.

         You watched a Masterpiece Theatre production and had a snack for supper. You picked up more information from Sharon McKeen Rapp, your niece, and from Wendy Ernsberger Williams, your cousin. The family seems happy you are doing the update and you are happy to oblige.

         No one else seems to have the time but everyone I have asked so far has contributed to the update. Like tonight I found out that Uncle Ernie’s parents both graduated from Otterbein, he in chemistry and she in music. This was rare at the time (early 1900’s) as only one of my grandparents had a high school degree.

         Earlier today I seemed not to have the ‘right’ interest in the writing or the genealogy. I know they are not necessities, but when my enthusiasm is up (as it is now) both projects seem worthy of spending the time on them. How is that?

         Back to the heartansoulanmind, orndorff. People sometimes say, “Your heart isn’t in it,” and this not necessarily true though it may feel true. Your heart is preoccupied with something else. Sometimes the mind is preoccupied. Human beings have a sense of this but they may not be able to articulate what the preoccupation is or was. To some this may seem blasphemous to equate each person with a trinity of being, but that is how I see it in terms of an explanation you can understand, not necessarily know as a fact. For the Living, of course, the body/brain is a fourth state of being, four in one for the Living in the book and three in one state of being for the Dead. 

           You are almost always attempting to grasp the basic human condition because it is important to you to know who you are. Surely others can relate to this. The books and blog are an explanation to yourself. Being is not a noun except for the legalities. Being is a conditional verb. This sounds simple to grasp and it is, but in the modern scientific world it is not so easy to fully accept mentally because a noun is a person. A pronoun “I” is more accurate. People are pronouns, if you will, with the antecedent, ‘being’ actually a verb in usage. A human being is a quantum-like entanglement of physics and otherwise; an existing multidimensional creature (as you can observe in your books and blog). You can take this to heart, but your mind, which should know better, has trouble accepting what your soul completes. Good night, old man. Post. – Amorella. 

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