Late Posting for 10 November 11
You are sitting at Bob Evans waiting for Fritz after your quick two and one-quarter hour drive from University Heights in Cleveland. Aunt Patsy and Uncle Ernie were not home so you headed down the street to Cathy and Tod’s and visited for an hour. Presently you are passing the time at Panera in South Westerville and stop by Patsy and Ernie’s about four-thirty.
You are thinking about scene four and what comes next. You are envisioning steps of chessboards the Merlyn uses to move from one of the twelve cultural regions of HeavenOrHellBothOrNeither.
Scene 4
Avalon is an island surrounded by the River. Other islands also exist where the River appears as wide as oceans. The River of Many Names is as vertical in places and crosses itself at least once as far as these Merlyn series books are concerned.
The sea blue skies set between small puffy white clouds driven by an easy warm southeastern breeze such might be the setting of Glastonbury, England on a mild summer day. Moon and stars at night appear in their naturally ordered patterns by the unconscious control its inhabitants, the Celtic Dead. No sun. No wandering planets or comets. No one knows why but overall, life in this section of the Beyond is good, very much like their neighbor Greeks who appear to be down and under the great River of dreams in Elysium.
You are looking for metaphors that will fit with a river and yet have regions of up, down and side-to-side. Look at your Celtic cross for clues.
Back to Cleveland late after seeing Fritz, Cathy and Tod, Aunt Patsy and Uncle Ernie, and all your comrades at your Class of 1960 social gathering, more than thirty classmates showed up. Wonderful time, and Bill Miller was there, most thought he would be dead by November because of health complications. Everyone present was thankful to see him – a uniquely pleasant surprise. – Amorella.
One of the great joys of being older – seeing old friends once again.
*** *** ***
Tomorrow, home. Post. – Amorella.
11 November 11
You and Carol picked up Paul after eleven and he wanted to go to Stove Oven for his favorite sandwich – salmon salad. You dropped off Paul and now time at the local grocery on Green Road as Carol is cooking pork chops, a veggie, and potatoes for supper. You are heading home tomorrow morning. Paul goes back to work on Tuesday.
It is amazing how much time in the day is taken up running around doing things. I have been attempting to set up a pyramid of sorts –- low circular levels and build a place for the twelve cultures and the marsupials’ culture. However, I just remembered that with the earthlings who arrived at ThreePlanets, there was a revolution in thought – diversity and more of it. As such while the Dead earthlings are attempting to solidify their groups, the aliens will be attempting to divide theirs. This is a twist among the Dead I had not thought on.
Yes. You need to imagine your mental construction accordingly. Perhaps resort to what you have done in the past, create a three dimensional model of the structure based on the outer green glassed dimensions of HeavenOrHellBothOrNeither.
It is disk-shaped, eight inches in diameter and one-half inch thick. Let’s say eight feet in diameter and one half a foot thick. What a strange shape. The interior has to fit these outer dimensions.
Each ‘line’ of interior division can be a chessboard on the vertical. – Amorella.
I like that, the size of the board proportioned to the length of the ‘wall’ line.
Time for bed. You spent time working an outline of hierarchy from Dante’s Inferno and from “Hierarchy Angels” from Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas. You want to go along with the good angels in some reasonable way.
I realize both points of view come from the Medieval Age. Many of our common Western values, our views, our unconscious notions of good and evil, come from that period of thinking, at least mine do. I feel comfortable working with such categorizing minds. I don’t mind creating an abstract foundation of the Place of the Dead on such minds. The imagination of such dead people as Dante and Aquinas is as important to me as their sense of reason, maybe more so. It is difficult building a reasonable framework from nothing, or next to nothing. Even if this less than a dot of a place of the dead hovering in a setting of subatomic quantum entanglement is a modern though shadowy and spooky concept, it has to have an order. Amorella is my ordered friend of grammar. The green disk, the shell, has to have a mental construction that is set in earth, air, fire and water(alas, without gravity and other physics) It is all we know, it is our comfort when we are alive and it is going to be our comfort when we are what is left of our own physics – heartansoulanmind – that’s the main nugget of our human architecture.
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