29 February 2012

Notes - how it was being little

         You are at pediatrics at the Cleveland Clinic Family Health and Surgery Center of Beachwood on Cedar waiting on Carol, Kim and Brennan who is in for his first checkup. You dropped them off in a mid-rain shower and are out at the far end of the lot waiting for their call to pick them up. You’re idea because you didn’t want to walk. You did however, do your thirty minutes of exercise this morning after a take out McD’s Egg McMuffin after taking Owen to day care.

         It takes too much stuff in the head to take care of a little kid. I don’t know how we raised one let alone two – always commotion of one kind or another, a diversion, or playtime. I like the little ones but only for about a half hour or so at a time. I was always partial to high school students. They have some command of the language and their presence; their body language, was usually easy to comprehend. The first prerequisite: Are you awake, Ms/Mr Adolescent? That is, are you conscious of where you are? Do you have a mind? If not, find it please, then talk to me.  Waking up to “Martha Speaks”, “Curious George” or “Clifford, the Big Red Dog” is not a cup of tea; neither is listening/watching “Thomas” of train engine fame for more than five or ten minutes at a time.

         When I was little I was an only child until five. I had picture books and we listened to classical music on the record play and music and the news from the WBNS radio station in Columbus. I’m talking about 1944 through 1947 while living mostly with my mother in the burnt orange double (with a large front porch facing both streets) at the corner of West Park and Knox Street. The house was mostly library quiet (except for the background music) because Mother and I liked it that way. Somewhere along that early way I also developed a fondness for coloring books and had my eight crayons (I think eight). I remember getting really frustrated about how the crayons were too big and did not easily allow me to stay within the lines. Things got better when I was allowed to have crayons with points though I still made mistakes from time to time. The joy was the background music and finishing a picture with all the colors captured within the lines. The joy was turning the pages of a picture book (and later one with words and pictures) from opening the book at the beginning to closing the book at the end. I had a few toys and wooden blocks too. I enjoyed them from the time of taking them out to the time of putting them away. The world was satisfying, organized and mostly quiet except for the background music. Mother sat in the chair reading and I sat on the floor working on something or playing with a toy or two. I allowed Mother her space and she allowed me mine. We ate at the kitchen table and sometimes she read me stories I remember Mother tried to carry on a conversation with me but I rarely knew what to say to people. I didn’t want to bother people with my voice because I rarely had anything worth saying. I remember thinking most daily circumstances were self-evident. I mean if you wanted to read you opened a book. If you had to go to the bathroom you went in and closed the door. If you wanted quiet time you sat in the dark of a closet. I don’t remember wanting or needing much of anything. Life was very satisfying, content and pleasantly quiet.

         After the war was over and Dad came home things were not so organized. We bought a car and started driving places rather than walking the two blocks uptown to Dew’s (soda shop), Rexall Drug Store, Walker and Hanover Hardware Store, Brownie’s Meat Market, or the Westerville Library; or three blocks over to Grandma and Popo Schick’s house on East College (my mother’s parents) mostly to talk to Grandma. Then my sister Cathy was born and there was more commotion and less music in the background. Mother was busier than ever and we had to stay at Grandma and Popo Orndorff’s for a time when our house was being built on Minerva Lake Road in Minerva Park some three miles south of Westerville. Dad was either busy at work, mowing the grass, hoeing in the garden, hunting or fishing. Once we moved and bought a television everyone in the neighborhood came in a watched the Friday night fights or my parents had people over to play cards at two or three card tables. We had lost the quiet and organization the war had offered us. That’s pretty much my life until after Cathy was born in 1947 the same year Carol Cook-Hammond was born. It’s funny – I named my grandfathers “Popo” and Owen named me “Papa” – only one vowel off. Owen is not growing up in the quiet. Of course, my sister Cathy did not grow up that way either. Eventually I became accustomed to the new way but time grew into a new world that I was not born into. Later, when I was eight or so and became more consciously aware of the happenings of World War II I realized the world had never been as my world had been at all. It was one of those little jokes life plays on you, and still does from time to time as I near the age of seventy.

         You mentioned the above to Carol and Kim as you drove to the house. – Amorella

         I wasn’t thinking. Obviously neither of them could to relate to such a quiet and organized early childhood.  And to suddenly realize in this context that in 1982 Kim and I spent a half hour almost everyday after day care relaxing by watching music videos on M-TV before Carol started home from school herself. When I come downstairs in the morning Owen greets me with a smile and “Papa!” with the usual next words out, “Choo-choo, iPad”, that is, unless he is currently enthralled with “Martha Speaks”.

         You laugh aloud and consider erasing the whole of your morning thoughts, but let this be a reminder, that even alone you don’t feel you have much to say that people don’t already know and consider from time to time.

         Well, what is does show is that I don’t really have much to say – but as it stays (embarrassingly for me), at least I am quiet about it so as not to disturb people with important thoughts in their heads.

         Post. - Amorella

28 February 2012

Notes - home / a couple of periodic and unorthodox glitches lead to an unworded intuition

         Late mid-morning and you are again at Hillcrest Hospital waiting for Carol who took Kim and Paul each a treat from the bakery after dropping Owen off at day care. Owen had another restless night and again ended up in your bed. He slept with Carol and you slept over in Kim and Paul’s bed as Paul stayed at the hospital. Kim may or may not come home today. You would rather be taking a nap that, if you were home, you would be doing about now. – Amorella

         Mid-afternoon. You and Paul had lunch at Stir Fry in the Legacy Mall off Cedar before returning to Hillcrest. As you and Carol were leaving the hospital Kim called to say she was being checked out within the hour. Carol returned to Kim’s room, 301, to wait the Kim and Paul while you wait in Kim’s car in parking by the Emergency/Trauma Center. Within an hour or so everyone will be heading back to the house.

         Late evening. Everyone is adjusting to the new norm. Everyone is also tired. Perhaps tomorrow, back to book thoughts. Some percolating behind the scenes, boy. – Post, Amorella.

         Sometimes, behind the scenes (as I know them) intuition shows me Amorella is as a shadow to what is beyond her. More than several times events happen ‘within’ the keyboard – an old fashioned ‘glitch’ in World War II terms – a glitch with a shimmer of the old Twilight Zone show.

         You need to learn to express this more correctly. I understand what you are ‘feeling’ as far as thought is concerned but your vocabulary is too limited.

         Glitch – a sudden irregularity; this is your best definition in context. - Amorella

         I’ll end this posting with the You-Tube introduction to the original Twilight Zone. Go to:


         Post, orndorff. You’ll need more than this. - Amorella

27 February 2012

Notes - Newly Arrived - Owen's brother, Brennan /

         After dusk. You have had a busy couple of days. Yesterday morning (26 February) Paul called and said it was time to go to the hospital (Cleveland Clinic’s Hillcrest off Mayfield Road) and by the time you arrived at 1300 hours Owen’s baby brother had been born. Brennan Evan-Seung Paik was arrived into the new world of light at 1043 hours. He is a pound heavier and an inch and three-fourths longer than Owen was when born. So far his demeanor is as Owen’s was, calm and collected.

         Tomorrow if Paul does not have to work he will bring Kim and Brennan home. If he does, then Carol and I will take them home. Owen calls me “Papa” so both Grandma and Papa are proud grandparents for the second time in two years.

         Post, boy. - Amorella

25 February 2012

Notes - 12 vortices and a threaded moon in HeavenOrHellBothOrNeither

         Early afternoon. Carol is on the phone with her sister. You have completed several errands and have the chore of putting the sealer and stone enhancer on the new backsplash tile today. And, as the weather is clearing you and Carol are looking forward to seeing the planetary alignment in tonight’s sky.

         You and Carol and Doug and Nancy both saw Venus, Jupiter and the moon in the cold clear sky tonight.

         What is cool is that they are in Tennessee and we are in Ohio and it didn’t make a bit of difference.

         This reminds me of the connection of Vivien and Merlyn in the greater HeavenOrHellBothOrNeither – the moon. – Amorella

         The constellations the Dead of Twelve Cultures could argue over but the moon is the same as far as the earthlings are concerned. The stars must be somewhat muddled. I had not thought about the moon as a focus.

         The abstract you placed on the 23 February post show a way to include the separate cultural centers –

         You have three streams of velocity. The eddy within each is connected to the eddy within the other two streams. Imagine twelve streams – thus twelve eddies within. The ‘moon’ passes through each of the eddies like a looping thread of a needle sewing the eddy up. – Amorella.

         Looking for another image I found ‘Numerical Modeling of  Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability’. I am interested mainly in the imagery below because it show the ‘eddy’ and has the appearance of something painted by William Blake. This image is directly below:

** **

Mechanical and Thermal Dissipation
(yellow/red is mechanical dissipation, blue is thermal dissipation)

From: /www.cora.nwra.com/dave/KHImovies.html

** **
         The point is that I can imagine each metaphysical ‘cultural’ region of the Dead appearing like this from ‘outside’. Another example, this time again from an aircraft (from Wikipedia):

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Wingtip vortices can also pose a severe hazard to light aircraft, especially during the landing and takeoff phases of flight. The intensity or strength of the vortex is a function of aircraft size, speed, and configuration (flap setting, etc.). The strongest vortices are produced by heavy aircraft, flying slowly, with wing flaps retracted (Heavy, slow, and clean). Large jet aircraft can generate vortices that are larger than an entire light aircraft. These vortices can persist for many minutes, drifting with the wind.

From: Wikipedia: wingtip vortices

** **

         I need to find a way to convey this image using an ‘eddy’ or ‘vortex’ effect. I also need to better understand the physics of this without a math background. Next to impossible to do, I’m sure.

         You are excited by the meta-geographical concept and like the ‘threading’ aspect of the moon as a sharp needle-point though not seen that way by the human Dead. Post. - Amorella

         This all seems to have to do with fluid dynamics:

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In physics, fluid dynamics is a sub-discipline of fluid mechanics that deals with fluid flow—the natural science of fluids  (liquids and gases) in motion. It has several subdisciplines itself, including aerodynamics (the study of air and other gases in motion) and hydrodynamics (the study of liquids in motion). Fluid dynamics has a wide range of applications, including calculating forces and moments on aircraft, determining the mass flow rate of petroleum through pipelines, predicting weather patterns, understanding nebulae in interstellar space and reportedly modeling fission weapon detonation. Some of its principles are even used in traffic engineering, where traffic is treated as a continuous fluid.
Fluid dynamics offers a systematic structure—which underlies these practical disciplines—that embraces empirical and semi-empirical laws derived from flow measurement and used to solve practical problems. The solution to a fluid dynamics problem typically involves calculating various properties of the fluid, such as velocity, pressure, density and temperature, as functions of space and time.

From: Wikipedia
** **

         I know so little, which makes this fun and imaginary at the same time.

         Your focus is on the meta-geographical dynamics of the Place of the Dead, you don’t need to know much, orndorff. Intuition and hypothesis will do. Post. - Amorella

24 February 2012

Notes - surviving love

         Today you spent most of the time resting because of your lower back pain and a sprain in your right wrist. You did do your modified aerobics, forty minutes worth, but only half that time using your weights.

         I have the wrist wrapped which helps. Not very productive day but the resting and naps help me feel better. The arthritic pain is almost always worse in the morning but today it lasted until mid-afternoon. I have been reflecting on Heloise and Abelard. Continuing on page 95 we see Heloise’s views of those first physical moments from her second letter to Abelard:

** **

“Everything we did, all those times and those places are stamped on my heart along with your image, so that I live through it again and again with you.” (Heloise, Second Letter)

“. . . The lovers’ pleasures that we enjoyed together were so sweet to me that they can never displease me . . . I ought to deplore what we did but I sigh only for what we have lost.” (Heloise, Second Letter)

We have, in the new letters, the great fortune to have been given unique coverage of the golden age of Abelard and Heloise from the inside. Abelard, writing after the event, of course, tells us in one of his less insensitive asides that the potential for written correspondence was part of the appeal of a relationship with Heloise:

“Knowing the girl’s knowledge and love of letters I thought she would be all the more ready to consent, and that even when we were separated we could enjoy each other’s presence by exchange of written messages in which we could speak more openly than in person, and so need never lack the pleasures of conversation.” (Abelard, Autobiography)

From: Burge, James. Heloise & Abelard (A New Biography), San Francisco: Harpers, 2003. p. 95.

** **

         The above sets a satisfying tone of their early letters with Heloise appearing more innocent in life experiences than Abelard though both were innocent in love. I think Vivien will not be so innocent, she will have consciously plotted Merlyn to seduce her (as Heloise may have, consciously or unconsciously, as well). I have to have a roadmap of their full relationship before can evoke the private memories of both Merlyn and Vivien.

         Why do you need the full control here, orndorff? – Amorella

         I am not sure other than comfort in the situation. I don’t want any surprises to pop up in their relationship.


         I don’t want to be reminded of what the intensities of a power passionate relationship are like. I don’t want to be that close. I don’t want to remember such intensities in my own earlier life. Too much memory of angst, imagination, reality and passion – a volatile mix in the encircling heartansoul (earth-an-moon) with the mind hanging out there sun-like.

         That was not your reality while “in love” orndorff. – Amorella

         I don’t think I want to know your response here, Amorella. Young love is what most go through. I was plenty immature. I was idealistic (privately) most of the time, but in reality I was not at my best.

         The above is an example of your imagination. Your mind wasn’t sun-like, orndorff, that was your heart as far as your analogy goes. The earth-an-moon were your mindansoul. Listen to your memories of youthful love with the change in the analogy and you will better see your youthful angst. – Amorella

         Oh, my – what a thought. Even in self-imagination, what a thought.

         You think you are making me up. You think I am not right. This is the way it is, orndorff. Do you think you are/were alone in your youthful angst? Most young people don’t know who they are. Even older people don’t know who they are. This is the human condition, boy. Love is not usually what it seems. - Amorella

         Sounds like some fog-like dark humor creeping in.

         It is your psychological way of surviving, boy. Post. - Amorella

23 February 2012

Notes - two separate authors provide me help for Merlyn&Vivien / reality?

         Before you and Carol had lunch at Penn Station the Gilkey Windows tech came out and finished up covering the new piece below the bottom of the sliding glass door and also the replacement wood below that. You are quite pleased with how uniform the area now looks. Also, earlier you were searching through your book, Heloise & Abelard by James Burge and found this about the “first move”:

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         . . . Abelard summarizes the whole first move – whoever made it and whoever planned it – with the simple phrase “Quid plura?” (Need I say more?). The next thing he gives us, however, is a description of their sessions together that is both charming and credible:

         “. . . and so with our lessons as a pretext we abandoned ourselves entirely to love. Her studies allowed us to withdraw in private, as love desired, with our books open before us, more words of love than reading passed between us, and more kissing than teaching. My hands strayed more often over the curves of her body than the pages; love drew our eyes to look on each other more than reading kept them on our texts.” (Abelard, Autobiography)
From: Burge, James. Heloise & Abelard (A New Biography), San Francisco: Harpers, 2003. p. 94.

** **

         I have never been in such a teacher-student situation as this in my life but I very well understand how such a scene could have taken place in today’s world as well as in the Medieval world. I do not know the Druidic rules on relationships between teacher and student but I assume there were some private ones between Merlyn and Vivien early on. Otherwise where is the developing tension in their early relationship? 

         In research I found the following work online and I see it as a modern interpretation of ancient Druidism.

** **

By Jason Kirkey ©  ( Copied with Jason Kirkey's permission. rho)

However, what I think is more fascinating, and perhaps even more appropriate is what each of us believes from the depths of our hearts, when we are truly in the stream of the Celtic spirit. For if our minds and hearts are open, and we enter this stream, inspired from the past, but working in the present, then can we not say that this is the only authentic druidism that exists? What can possibly be more authentic than the present moment?
And so it is with this in mind that I suggest a different path of druidism, based on the present, and centered in the heart and soul of each of us who walks the way. This can take many forms no doubt, varying with each person. From my own explorations into this path of working, I have discovered for me what it means to be a druid, which includes some points which may or may not be common across the board, when we truly begin to center our passion in the present moment. I do not claim that my way is ancient, that it is anything beyond my own invention based on my own experiences of the Celtic and druidic mind and spirit. I call it the Way of the Dán. I share this for one simple reason. I think one of the main purposes that people seek out nature based spiritualities such as druidism, is so that they can find healing of their Wounded Souls which is caused by the alienation, disenfranchisement of the self, and loss of the sacred in modern society. However, many, including myself for a period of time, found that once we tried to fit ourselves into the boxes presented in many versions of druidism, we encountered the Wound once more. The Wound was caused by putting ourselves in boxes, and so it cannot be cured by doing the same.
Dán is an Irish word which has many meanings. All at once it means art, poetry, destiny, fate, and faculty. The words which are most interesting to link are art or poetry and destiny or fate. I see the idea of Dán as being a sort of Irish Tao, it is the natural flow of the universe, the poetry of our lives. When we enter this flow we are in harmony with the universe, and we are constantly being shaped by it, though through that process we become a co-shaper with this universal energy, which is sometimes called Dana.
One of the things I found missing in druidism was mysticism. There is spirituality, philosophy and sometimes even religion in it, but not often mysticism. Mysticism is the struggle of the individual to attain understanding of the nature of reality, and to transform consciousness into harmony with that vision. This can only be done through the self. It should also be noted that this mysticism could be interpreted as what is often called "Celtic shamanism". 
. . . I see that path consisting of many aspects, many of which can be found in the mystical traditions of all cultures, including Celtic. The first step usually consists of an initiatory or rebirth experience, where the person spiritually dies and is reborn anew. In The Tao Te Ching is says that, "to die but not perish is to be eternally present". In these experiences there is a crisis with the self, and it is burned away. We are then reborn from our ashes with a vision for our new existence. We are faced with a choice though. We can either surrender to this force, to the dán, or die (literally or metaphorically, depending on the severity of the initiation crisis). It is here that we most often realize that non-dual nature of reality, when all apparent dualities vanish and we are left with nothing but oneness and our harmonization with it. Having bridged within ourselves the gaps between dualities, the apparent gap between Spirit and Earth, we become a threshold, a doorway for others to cross through.
From: www.druidry.org/obod/druid-path/dan.html

** **

         From the above let’s assume this is where the tension began – both decided they wished to be in harmony with the universe but they came to the joint decision they wanted to transform their consciousness into the natural harmony together than individually, that as both were “innate masters of the art” they would be more powerful linked together. - Amorella

“One of the things I found missing in druidism was mysticism. There is spirituality, philosophy and sometimes even religion in it, but not often mysticism. Mysticism is the struggle of the individual to attain understanding of the nature of reality, and to transform consciousness into harmony with that vision. This can only be done through the self.” (Jason Kirkey ©)

         In Merlyn’s case his present circumstance is not due to himself but to his ‘election’ by the Dead (and by the Supervisor) to return to the Living (and still be with the timeless Dead). – Amorella

         I like this, Amorella. It gives me leave to continue along this path and their initial relationship while living as well as present relationship while dead.

         Good. Post. – Amorella

         Nearly bedtime. You have another image that you think may help with metaphysical geography. By all means, include it. - Amorella

         The image is an abstract but it reminds me of the velocity of a bullet shot through the air. The turbulence causes ‘holes of no-thing’ to appear – the absence of physical matter and mass – a dimensional ‘pool’. One pool ‘flowing’ no-thing into another pool ‘flowing’ no-thing. An artificial movement of ‘Being’. What makes ‘it’ artificial? Our limited sensory input.  Our sense of reality distorts the real reality. We are the distortion, not the rest of reality. This is the reason our species, at times, feels that nature is not all there, that a mystery exists. We are it. A hypothesis. Perhaps it would work as such whether we are Living or Dead. It is a rather limited fun thought with which to end the day in any case.

22 February 2012

Notes - a romance of centuries /

          Late afternoon. Cathy and Tod drove down to see your kitchen remodeling and the four of you ate a late lunch at the Brazenhead Pub at the corners of Route 42 and Tylersville Road. Everyone had burgers, chips and coleslaw but yourself who had a full order of fish and chips. The morning was spent cleaning as you may be leaving any day for Cleveland. While checking through your basement library you came across the romance of Heloise and Abelard and wonder if you can use the intensity with either Arthur and Guinevere or Merlyn and Vivien. While perusing online you found a summary on Heloise and Abelard in a stage version of the early Medieval Romance.
** **

Heloise and Abelard

“‘Heloise and Abelard’ is one of history’s most passionate and romantic true love stories. The nine hundred year old love affair of the 12th century philosopher and theologian and his student Heloise continues to inspire and move us. Their passionate relationship scandalized the community in which they lived. The details of their physical and spiritual intimacy is also a cautionary tale for our time.

There are still societies whose policies result in rigid attitudes of intellectual, theological and sexual repression. This great love story, and the courage and passion of its protagonists, has much to teach us about our own understanding of religious tolerance, sexual equality and intellectual freedom.

Here is an admonitory tale screaming to us from across the centuries to reason, and to question, question, question!

In twelfth century Paris, the intellectually gifted young Heloise, the niece of Notre Dame’s Canon Fulbert, strives for knowledge, truth and the answer to the question of human existence. It soon becomes apparent that only one teacher in Paris can provide the education that she seeks. Though twenty years her senior, Abelard quickly becomes intrigued by Heloise’s uncommon wit and intelligence, for Heloise is on par intellectually with Abelard.
They soon find themselves so entwined that neither can resist the spiritual and physical desires of their bodies, yet they both know that the laws of the time forbid such a relationship. But their physical love and the strength of their passion proved to be a power impossible to resist.

When Heloise becomes pregnant, they realize it is not safe for her to remain in Paris. They flee for Brittany, Abelard’s place of birth. In a scheme to protect the dignity of his fallen niece, and return Heloise to his home, Canon Fulbert arranges a secret marriage between Heloise and Abelard. But shortly after the two lovers are wed, they discover Fulbert’s true plot is to ruin Abelard and keep Heloise for himself. For her safety, Heloise escapes to the convent at Argenteuil, but it is too late for Abelard and he is brutally attacked in Paris.

As a result of his humiliating punishment, Abelard no longer considers himself capable of continuing as a teacher at Notre Dame, and he and Heloise understand what they must do. Canon Bedell pleads with Abelard to not force such a fate upon Heloise, but both Heloise and Abelard agree that they must take Holy Orders as Monk and Nun. In a heartbreaking moment, Heloise must give up her child, knowing that she will never see him again.

Through their famous correspondence of twenty years, their love continues to flourish, in spite of their separation. After many years pass, in a chance meeting, Heloise and Abelard are briefly reunited at a ceremony in Paris. Though they have been physically apart all these years, at last in the sight of the other, the former lovers realize that the love they share is the reason for human existence. As the glorious ceremony begins, they triumphantly promise to remain “Forever One”.

They never met again, yet through their famous letters, their love endures.

Six hundred years later, it was Josephine Bonaparte, so moved by their story, that she ordered that the remains of Abelard and Heloise be entombed together at Pére Lachaise cemetery in Paris. To this day, lovers from all over the world visit the tomb where the remains of Heloise and Abelard rest eternally together.”


** **

         You are attempting to comment on the summary and the story but find you do not have the words to do so. As such it will be a challenge to incorporate the intensity of their love in either Arthur or Merlyn.

         I think both men have a common element in dealing with love for the two individual women. Arthur forgives Guinevere for her affair with Lancelot but spiritually (and out of guilt) she wants to remain true to the Church even though dead. And, to be true in a spiritual marriage (to Christ) even though she was not true in her real marriage. Perhaps her sin here is pride. Arthur’s sin is anger (still) with Lancelot, as his best friend did not remain true any more than his wife did.

         Merlyn’s connection (in this fourth book) with Vivien goes back to his being Vivien’s tutor. He, like Abelard, is twenty years older than Vivien. Vivien, like Heloise, is very bright and Merlyn realizes early on that he not only is in love with her but that potentially she carries more Druidic magic than himself. In this story he is not outwit by Vivien and sealed into stone in a cave. She is sealed in his heart of hearts that is not made of the stone he believes it is. And, further justice, he is also sealed in her heart of hearts but she wishes to deny he could conjure up the magic to put it there. Again, both men are dealing (at least now, as dead) with spiritual love as the physical love, it seems to me, to be more of a wish fulfilling paired effort of imagination than anything else.

         So it seems, orndorff. Most people know, however, that imagination can carry physical sex a long way in the short run. Besides, the heart knows its own reality, as is witnessed in the romance of Heloise and Abelard. Drop in the painting of the two, (imagine Vivien and Merlyn in the scene) then post. – Amorella

           I still cannot up with words to express my feelings about this love story of the centuries. 

           You have the best of reasons for this, boy -- circumstance. - Amorella

21 February 2012

Notes - Merlyn's images of 'Reality' unaccompanied by a human sense of reality

        After twenty-one hundred hours. You finished your thirty minutes of aerobic-like exercises with barbells, modified for your arthritic lower back. You had a good day and a good trip from Cleveland home.

         I need to finish the scene with Merlyn and Vivien. I had theme but have lost it. Something –

         You wanted to put in the sense of a dream where Merlyn has a ‘flash’ of Reality from where he unconsciously ‘sees’ it. – Amorella

         Yes. I have to find the images, the formula. The point is that it is as a dream where one has a sense of the “All” of the Universe and Beyond but upon waking it is forgotten. A witness of a “Truth” that cannot be articulated into words.


Merlyn has his eyes closed in a dream’s dream
 and a bubble floats in from the right above
 as a floater in the eye might
and it sets itself off center; stiller
than the memory of stars . . .

The red-lined bubble/floater materializes into
an engine appearing stalled -
unaccompanied by time and space
(click the image above to see the machine at work)

(the Chess Board as it really exists
unaccompanied by human thought)

which reverts into the Machine
naked of time and space

that then fades into the red-lined bubble,
the floater in the dreamer’s eye -

the dreamed-in-a-dream bubble
drifts off to the left until only the memory
of stars remain in the mind of Merlyn.


Merlyn thinksanfeels

“I have an vague understanding of
unaccompanied by humanity.
I envisioned – but I do not know what I saw.”


         This captures a sense of Merlyn’s thinkanfeelanfeelanthink. You have something to work with that is rawly authentic in your mindanbrain; but not in mind alone. The point is that he has to discover a way to communicate this ‘vision’ (if you will) to Arthur and then to Vivien. In this communication the reader (you) will see how his friend influences his ‘reality’ and how his muse influences Merlyn’s sense of reality.

         I don’t think I can pull this off, Amorella, mostly because I have never thought this scene before. I am intrigued by the notion that ‘reality’ is distorted by each individual’s sense of it and further distorted by each individual’s deep friend relationships also. It makes me wonder if the books’ premise is correct, that the Dead need confirmation by other Dead that existence continues.

         Indeed, something to consider, boy. Post. - Amorella