25 February 2012

Notes - 12 vortices and a threaded moon in HeavenOrHellBothOrNeither

         Early afternoon. Carol is on the phone with her sister. You have completed several errands and have the chore of putting the sealer and stone enhancer on the new backsplash tile today. And, as the weather is clearing you and Carol are looking forward to seeing the planetary alignment in tonight’s sky.

         You and Carol and Doug and Nancy both saw Venus, Jupiter and the moon in the cold clear sky tonight.

         What is cool is that they are in Tennessee and we are in Ohio and it didn’t make a bit of difference.

         This reminds me of the connection of Vivien and Merlyn in the greater HeavenOrHellBothOrNeither – the moon. – Amorella

         The constellations the Dead of Twelve Cultures could argue over but the moon is the same as far as the earthlings are concerned. The stars must be somewhat muddled. I had not thought about the moon as a focus.

         The abstract you placed on the 23 February post show a way to include the separate cultural centers –

         You have three streams of velocity. The eddy within each is connected to the eddy within the other two streams. Imagine twelve streams – thus twelve eddies within. The ‘moon’ passes through each of the eddies like a looping thread of a needle sewing the eddy up. – Amorella.

         Looking for another image I found ‘Numerical Modeling of  Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability’. I am interested mainly in the imagery below because it show the ‘eddy’ and has the appearance of something painted by William Blake. This image is directly below:

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Mechanical and Thermal Dissipation
(yellow/red is mechanical dissipation, blue is thermal dissipation)

From: /www.cora.nwra.com/dave/KHImovies.html

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         The point is that I can imagine each metaphysical ‘cultural’ region of the Dead appearing like this from ‘outside’. Another example, this time again from an aircraft (from Wikipedia):

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Wingtip vortices can also pose a severe hazard to light aircraft, especially during the landing and takeoff phases of flight. The intensity or strength of the vortex is a function of aircraft size, speed, and configuration (flap setting, etc.). The strongest vortices are produced by heavy aircraft, flying slowly, with wing flaps retracted (Heavy, slow, and clean). Large jet aircraft can generate vortices that are larger than an entire light aircraft. These vortices can persist for many minutes, drifting with the wind.

From: Wikipedia: wingtip vortices

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         I need to find a way to convey this image using an ‘eddy’ or ‘vortex’ effect. I also need to better understand the physics of this without a math background. Next to impossible to do, I’m sure.

         You are excited by the meta-geographical concept and like the ‘threading’ aspect of the moon as a sharp needle-point though not seen that way by the human Dead. Post. - Amorella

         This all seems to have to do with fluid dynamics:

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In physics, fluid dynamics is a sub-discipline of fluid mechanics that deals with fluid flow—the natural science of fluids  (liquids and gases) in motion. It has several subdisciplines itself, including aerodynamics (the study of air and other gases in motion) and hydrodynamics (the study of liquids in motion). Fluid dynamics has a wide range of applications, including calculating forces and moments on aircraft, determining the mass flow rate of petroleum through pipelines, predicting weather patterns, understanding nebulae in interstellar space and reportedly modeling fission weapon detonation. Some of its principles are even used in traffic engineering, where traffic is treated as a continuous fluid.
Fluid dynamics offers a systematic structure—which underlies these practical disciplines—that embraces empirical and semi-empirical laws derived from flow measurement and used to solve practical problems. The solution to a fluid dynamics problem typically involves calculating various properties of the fluid, such as velocity, pressure, density and temperature, as functions of space and time.

From: Wikipedia
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         I know so little, which makes this fun and imaginary at the same time.

         Your focus is on the meta-geographical dynamics of the Place of the Dead, you don’t need to know much, orndorff. Intuition and hypothesis will do. Post. - Amorella

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