29 April 2012

Notes - sincere thoughts / dark, dark humor & Boo!

         Early afternoon. You just completed your forty minutes of modified aerobics and are sitting in the black bedroom chair. You cleaned the MacAir screen after cleaning the iPad and your new glasses (hoping they are the last ones you have to buy). The date hit you first, the twenty-ninth, then the month, April, then ‘a quick tip of the old black beret tribute to Geoffrey Chaucer:

Here bygynneth the Book 
of the tales of Caunterbury

                                 Whan that aprill with his shoures soote
                                 The droghte of march hath perced to the roote,           
                                 And bathed every veyne in swich licour
                                 Of which vertu engendred is the flour;
                                 Whan zephirus eek with his sweete breeth
                                 Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
                                 Tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
                                 Hath in the ram his halve cours yronne,
                                 And smale foweles maken melodye,
                                 That slepen al the nyght with open ye
                                 (so priketh hem nature in hir corages);
                                 Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages, . . .

         Then, with ‘pilgrimages’ I thought of my friend Bob Pringle who used to teach Chaucer, as did I – so this is a quick tribute to Bob too.

         Sincere thoughts are reality too, boy; don’t let anyone tell you different. Post. - Amorella

         Late afternoon. After Carol was finished talking to Gayle, her sister in California, you checked the mail and there was a note from Patti, Bob’s wife, saying you ought to get together soon. A coincidence, you think, but a good one. You decided on Kenwood and Potbelly’s for lunch and a Graeters strawberry chocolate chip kid’s dip for dessert. Now you are feeding the birds at Pine Hill Lakes Park’s northern end (entrance on the curve at King’s Mill Road). The afternoon has turned much sunnier—a pleasant day. – Amorella

         I have rarely considered any thought to be a reality. So, does a ‘sincere thought’ (in this context) come from the heartansoulanmind?


         What if the thought is ‘sincere’ but the premise for/of the thought is immoral or false?

         Now, there’s the rub, my man. – Amorella

         Wow. This could be a real complication if ‘sincerity’ is really who you are.

         A person is more than a single sincere thought, boy; that is the real complication, Dead or Alive, in my book. – Amorella

         By ‘my’ book are you referring to the Merlyn series?

         And blog too. Yes. Indirectly. “My” means more literally, “in context with myself”. Personally, you prefer a second person pronoun for yourself. I, on the other hand, prefer ‘Amorella’ rather than the first person ‘I’.

         In your perspective are morals absolute?

         I, Amorella, am not absolute. Why would anyone expect absolute to exist in this or any other universe or conjured metaphysical system?

         People do. Grammar has absolute rules, at least English grammar does.

         Are they followed?

         Not by everyone.

         Then they are not absolute. To say so, is to make a false statement, to stick by it is false pride. – Amorella

         I’m taking a small leap here – does that mean laws that are absolute are immoral?

         They are false. They are developed from a false premise and tempered by false pride and false arrogance.

         Is the word ‘false’ an absolute?

         Do you, in your Platonic thinking, consider ‘truth’ to be an absolute?

         I do not know. Our culture assumes ‘truth’ exists and it ‘will make us free’. This is what I have heard my whole life. I would like to think there is a truth to it.

         Good wording. ‘To say there is a truth to the statement’ is different from saying the statement is the truth. – Amorella

         What about Lord Acton’s famous statement: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

         “Power tends to corrupt,” has a ‘human’ truth to it. Any observant of the human species will recognise that ‘absolute [human] power does not exist; therefore the second half of the statement is false. – Amorella

         You want to ask about the traditional Biblical “Ten Commandment” but are fearful (out of religious respect) to do so. Being polite is part of who you are, young man. If you were to ask the question it would not be sincere. Let someone else ask herorhimself the same question. Let an Angel, factious or not, stand at herorhis face when asking. Let this person look herorhimself in the mirror to see who is the more rebellious. – Amorella

         Upon arriving home you saw Tim mowing so you and Carol mowed the yard, she ended up mowing half because you fell while putting the lawn trimmer away, landing on the garage floor with your right hip first. As you have been falling about once a week lately it is time to put a marker on this. %

         A small amount of left over green pepper, meat and rice and half a peanut butter and raisin sandwich for supper. Carol is watching a DVRed “The Firm” while you are sitting in the living room eating the sandwich. It has been another day (for which you are grateful) where you and Carol have accomplished at least some house/yard work.

         This is also the first day since taking my blood pressure regularly that the systolic and diastolic were both in the normal range at least for one reading.

         You continued this line of thinking with: ‘I will continue to lose weight and all my various readings will be classified as normal then I’ll either get hit by a Mack truck or struck by lightning.’

         My dark humor continues, Amorella, but I didn’t feel the need to share it with my kind readers.

         It’s sharable, boy, and that brings up a point that also ran through your mind a few seconds ago, ‘If I get struck by lightning friends would be shocked but others who read the blog and books might think, ‘The old fellow deserved it because he has been dancing with the devil.’

         True, I thought it. Still more dark humor. It reminds me when Gary P. and I used to chat (i.e. it was rumored falsely at Mason High and with humor that I had been a member of the CIA – I even had a friend get me a CIA hat once and I wore it on costume day once or twice, playing the fiction for what it was worth). The point is that with this in mind Gary said, ‘What would happen if you got shot?’ And, you shot back, ‘Wouldn’t that be a cool way to go? Nobody would know why I was shot, and it would be a Mason mystery for a while. Theories would rise. Stir people up; give them something to think about. It wouldn’t be all that bad.’ 

        You both laughed but it was a sincere thought, “Give the people something to think about for a while.” - Amorella

         My sense of humor fits in here too, orndorff. The books and blog might do the same thing one day, no need for someone to waste a bullet. Post. – Amorella

         I doubt that, Amorella. But it is a fun thought. I always like delightful little mysteries and jokes – so much so that I don’t mind being the butt of one now and then. One of the best jokes I thought of was to have the sun shut off or shut way down for about three seconds or so, long enough to be registered on the scientific apparatus around the world, then have the sun come back on all regular and like and not shut off like that again for another ten thousand years or so, then do it again – another three seconds. Shoot, how many papers would that sell? Think of the speculation . . . end of the world as we know it and all that . . . literately I guess it would be the end of the world as we know it, but so what; that was it, one little freak natural solar snafu and that’s it. Now, I’m sure I would be as shook up as anyone else, but somewhere deep inside I would have a laugh and wait for the human consequences to arise, and hope they were positive consequences of course.

         Dark, dark humor, boy, but again, a sincere thought and hope that something good would come from it. - Amorella

       It is just a joke, Amorella. In re-reading this full daily posting, this concluding 'humorous'  concept has an ominous ring to it as my dark humor still runs in overdrive. 

         This last statement is full of humor, orndorff, at least from my perspective. It is also sincerely stated which adds a delicious tone to the humor.  Boo!  - Have a good night, old man. - Amorella

        2112 hours. Trash is out and the grass is blown off the driveway and walk. Dark thoughts continue though. Politeness declares me to keep my mind private on this. My last word for the day has slipped my mind twice now but if it comes back I’ll write it down. It has something to do with the best of intentions.

         That’s all you need, boy. Why don’t you put your mind to some good use and continue restoring your files, especially from your blog. Post. - Amorella

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