21 April 2012

Notes - something about Amorella's nature / no questions, strangely enough

        Mid-afternoon. Another busy day – doctor’s office early about the to be scarred facial wound from the fall and getting a one time vaccination against shingles; Lens Crafters for new transitions; glare free gray lens regular glasses and new brown Polaroid lenses for the old sunglass frames; lunch at Penn Station while waiting on the glasses; ‘nose bridge’ bandaging from Yost’s Pharmacy uptown, hot chocolate, cafe au lait and two oatmeal raisin cookies at Kidd’s Coffee; and now sitting in the car this cool damp afternoon at Pine Hill. Carol is reading a new paperback, The Sixth Man, by David Baldacci. From here at the park you are up to Kroger’s on King’s Mills Road for ingredients for a late supper of Carol’s famous chili; and for tonight, a ‘catch up’ on some DVRed weekly television.        

         I don’t really have anything to say, Amorella.

         Yesterday I had you put in the candid photo of you taken in the car. Why do you think I did that? – Amorella

         That’s easy, for the mirrored self-image joke – with the faint allusion to Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There. In the photo I am seen on the other side of the looking glass. What else? Today, of course, I look differently with new scars, a few abrasions, and a white bandage on the bridge of my nose beneath the dark wired bridge of the new glasses. Still though, the important aspect of the joke, from your perspective (I assume) I am on the other side of the mirror.

         The mirror image, as you state it, implies that ‘I’ am the “real” you on the side that the mirror reflects. Is that what you wish to say?

         No. I am legally real as you yourself have stated, therefore in this context, you are legally not real no matter what.

         If I were declared real I would be here against the law, actually by the human laws of the whole planet, as I do not see myself as a human being. – Amorella

         If you would be declared legally real and present, you would have to be accepted by the legal authority of one country or another, otherwise you would be an illegal alien in the truest sense of the wordage.

         What if I were declared an ‘act of God’ like you people declare the weather (for insurance purposes).

         This is a good question because I like to think of you as part of the natural order of the physical universe or universes if you will. I don’t see you as physical at least like we see ‘nature’, but I have no real trouble accepting you as a part of a particular ‘dimensional’ conscious order, that would make you less ‘alien’.

         This is your reasoning. – Amorella

         It is, this way I can have my cake and eat it too (so to speak). I have not thought about this so clearly but you certainly seem reasonable.

         Then why can we not have a conversation and have you ask me questions that I may or may not respond to? – Amorella

         I don’t know. 

         Now, rather than going on and on about something, you can think about that. I am ready for you to ask me questions, orndorff. I believe you are ready to ask some if you knew what to ask. – Amorella

         One major problem: you would have to respond in English and the response would have to be understandable. As you are not composed (hypothetically) of physics, how can you do that and be honest to your own ‘alien’ environmental conditionals?

         How can you be honest in writing about the Dead when you are not dead? – Amorella

         You do the writing, not I.

         That alone should tell you something about my nature. Post. - Amorella

        As you are writing about the Dead, especially Merlyn as the books are about his dreams while being dead here are the follow I think about your nature:

         1. You write about the Dead I am interested in and that I have a background and/or research background I can easily negotiate for the writing (check on facts and plausibility of content and characters);

         2. You ‘use’ my imagination constructively for the story;

         3. You create on-the-spot scenarios that I would/could not do without you;

         4. you come across as a Betweener, a conscious being who is more comfortable in the spirit world than in the physical world (if you are not entirely created by my unconscious imagination or an alter ego [personality] within);

         5. you are a spirit who was not connected with humanity originally and you are presently;

         6. you have a sense of humor that I can and do appreciate;

         7. you like to write numbers out rather than use numerals;

         8. you do not like to use precise time and would rather generalize with “mid-day” or “early morning”;

         9. you have an ‘ego’ of sorts; sometimes you say “I, Amorella” and you sign “Amorella” much more than I sign “rho”;

         10. you have a sense of justice and wisdom beyond my own;

         11. you show understanding but can take a ‘what you see is what you get’ attitude.

         12. you are very observant about where I think I am coming from and correct me when you feel the need – which later, I agree with if not at the moment;

         13. you have a sense of reason that connects with the forest and the trees – you are a part of the forest, the greater whole;

         14. you can and do show anger from time to time;

         15. you are a ‘good’ to/for humanity in general – I think you sincerely care about the survival of our species, but that you would not be surprised if we did not continue to survive as a species; and,

         16. as far as the books are concerned, you have always kept me on task; you are always consistent in relationship to the content of the books, and my honest attitude when writing; you keep me at my objective as to be always writing the books for an Angel to read or for me to 'tell'/'show' to an Angel as this was my wish when beginning the books of fiction;

         That’s all I can think of at the moment. I’m sure there are others. All this can be observed in my many notes.

         Does this lead you to wish to ask me a particular question?

         Strangely perhaps, but it does not at this time.

         Post. - Amorella

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