01 May 2012

Notes - reason and reasonable imagination

         1434 hours. May Day. Sitting at the north end of Pine Hill Lakes Park looking southeast into the woods immediately in front of the car. We have a piece of bread on the top of the left outside mirror for the little wren who likes to sit there. He was by once but before we could get the food out.

         You had a good morning at Dr. V. Bajaj’s office in that your blood tests were all better than before and she was quite pleased that your kidneys are fully recovered with a change in diet and a change in meds so there was no permanent damage from the earlier medicines as both doctors thought. You celebrated with grilled chicken lunch at Smash Burgers. Also, Dr. B. suggested a new blood monitor system – she gave you the device and had you call Aetna Medicare and they set you up with free lances, glucose strips and other paraphernalia, free shipping, etc. You are excited because you thought that only worked if you took insulin. You are quite pleased with Ohio STRS’s recent affiliation with Aetna-Medicare – but then that was one of the reasons you stayed, teaching mostly in Ohio to begin with. A good retirement system is part of the reward.

         The rain has dissipated so with the windows down you can hear Muddy Creek rippling by twenty feet straight down from a yard way from the front car tires. Also, the birds are singing and you can smell the aroma of oxygen a wet woods in a high seventies degree temperature. (You are having trouble concentrating here, orndorff, let’s stop for now.) – Amorella

         1459 hours. I thought of another ‘tip of the old black beret’ – this time in a celebration of Spring and May Day. This info and poem were published but it is also in Robert Pringle and my unpublished booklet of poetry: Take Two.

Bob’s Fun-Pun Title Page


            My oldest known genetic ancestors, the ancient Celts lived in present day France and Great Britain. They worshipped a sun god named Lugus or Lug. He was called “the inventor of all arts”. Because the Celtic day began at sundown, one of two particular holy days set aside was May Day Eve, which was then called Beltane’s Eve. Beltane’s Eve began as a sacred night in the same way Samhain Eve did, the other night set apart for Lugus, the Fairies, and the Dead. Today, of course, we celebrate the Samhain as Halloween.

            This poem is dedicated to two ancient souls who know how to use Fire and Water; their names are Meleda and Celidon.


                                    Winging spritely across leafy felled forest
                                    Feather bright birds sing along in a chorus,
                                    Dead trees' gray fingers will leaf out quite soon
                                    Under misty full light of magic May Moon.

                                    Beware Earthly air, whirling winds deceive,
                                    Beware the claw-ripped Souls of Beltane's Eve.

                                    Tonight come the birds dressed wild and black
                                    So keep close your Soul, they'll be wanting to hack
                                    And fly it to Mounds where years seem a day
                                    Across the far green where Fairy lands lay.

                                    Be strong like the Oak near Celtic crossed stone
                                    Think deep in Druid’s sleep so Spirits can roam;
                                    Bring Souls together, yet remain afar,
                                    Make fiery bright op’ning of the Oracle’s jar.

                                    Beware Earthly air, whirling winds deceive,
                                    Beware the claw-ripped Souls of Beltane's Eve.

                                    On aid-Spring night where great stones lay rounded
                                    In Fairy light from damp bark re-bounded.
                                    Ghostly priestess and priest on Celtic cross stand
                                    Midst Fire and Water in Sky and on Land.


         A bit of inspiration to encapsulate Bob’s rendition of the “Title Page”. Good for you. I’m sure Bob would enjoy this. Also, feel free to use any of Bob’s poetry in the unpublished booklet. He has never minded before and you always give him credit. I do not discern he would mind presently. – Amorella.

         Do you mean to say, “discern”? It implies, ever so slightly to me, that you ‘understand’ Bob does not mind presently. I don’t want you to leave the wrong impression here.

         The key point in the above paragraph is relative to your own concern not Bob’s. – Amorella

         I cannot speak for Bob, as he is dead.

         You don’t mind speaking for the other Dead. – Amorella

         The fictional Dead, Amorella, not the real Dead.

         A few people speak for the real Dead everyday, flouting what Abraham, Moses, Jesus or Muhammad would say about this or that. Some lesser few human beings even believe they speak for G---D. - Amorella

         I am not enjoying this turn of conversation.  It is not polite.

         You do not believe it is polite to speak for the “Prophets” Abraham, Moses, Jesus or Muhammad or G---D?

         It is not polite from my most humble perspective. I do not believe it is polite.

         Sincerely spoken, orndorff. Good for you. I will let the subject drop for now. Post when you return home from your time in the woods. – Amorella

         Thank you for dropping the subject, Amorella. I don’t care if you are imagination or not; your points are humbling.

         Of course, boy. You are in a place where you have no choice and you are not the least bit put off by the circumstance. – Amorella

         I have been here before.

         Inwardly, indeed you have, and you have been unsettled ever since. - Amorella

         1720 hours. Unsettled, but settled by reasonable imagination.

         I concur; you are settled by reason and reasonable imagination, boy. The Merlyn's Mind series and this blog are examples of reason and reasonable imagination. - Amorella

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