23 July 2012

Notes - work: to rewind for duplication and delete /

         Late mid-afternoon. You and Carol have had a busy ‘catch up’ day with chores and errands. Presently you are at the Mr. Clean Car Wash on Mason-Montgomery Road having the ‘works’ on your 2003 Accord, readying for Florida on Thursday afternoon. You have car window sunscreens to buy as the old ones are wearing out. Carol is still working on the two weeks or so of mail.

         The car still looks pretty good for all the miles on it. Tomorrow looks like a less stressful day in terms of getting things done. I’m tired; this is mostly because of the heat I suppose. I’m glad Tim took care of the yard (watering and mowing) for us. Scott is coming Thursday to work on the chimney and then we get an estimate for deck board repair and installing four or five new (replacement) outside lights. I am not doing well on the book.

         2142 hours. Time for bed. We watched last night’s Masterpiece Theatre’s “Inspector Lewis” and I watched TNT’s last night’s new “Fallen Skies”. We had a supper of Laughing Cow cheese and crackers, cashews/nuts and Kellogg’s Raisin Bran cereal.

         You can think of nothing else to say because of self-disappointment concerning book four. You want to just sit down and write this next chapter and be done with it. The problem is that you don’t know where it is going because you haven’t completed the work on the lessons in the books’ metaphysics.

         Uses of the soul. Here is what I have, well this is what I can find to bring me up to speed.


I already have the visuals of a cathedral, a one-room schoolhouse and a castle as images of heartansoulanmind. I was thinking of ‘color’ as a personal perception of reality not reality itself; it fit as a quale.
            This is something for the back of your mind to work on during the return trip to Cleveland. More metaphysics to go, boy. – Amorella
            You need to think of the soul as a place. The one-room schoolhouse works in an analogy by a description of the place. What does the soul look like, that would cause you to think one-room schoolhouse? That is, how would its USE fit within a metaphysical place (framework: immortal and protective of heartanmind) for learning? Post. – Amorella
            A one-room soul that is shaped to its use.
            1. a spiritual ‘place’ without material substance
            2. holds an attendant (symbiotic?)
            3. protective ‘place’ for the heartanmind

            A. need a Wall, a shell, something analogous to that.
The soul exists as a condensed spiritual dropping formed from a vapor of a natural decorum, a foreshadowing of light, a halo if you will, of Presence. As dignity forms into substance it communicates ‘humanity’ in the form of the spiritual thought: dignity and freedom exist even within adversity as the attendant exists in the soul to receive the flowering heart and mind, protecting physical individuals with higher consciousness from spiritual death after the physical body has perished.

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         The first word that comes to mind is the soul exists in a “puddle” that holds a ‘shower’ of souls. But then, what container holds the puddle? We might say water is held in a depression of earth. Is continuing this line of analogy plausible in context?

         Stay with uses in a grammatical system rather than things, such as how does the soul rest (as a thought might rest in a paragraph). We have to keep AC in mind; higher consciousness with a different value and survival system or mechanism. Grammar is a prerequisite to higher consciousness in these books. Post. - Amorella

            The metaphysician attempts to clarify the fundamental notions by which beings of higher consciousness understand the nature of existence and the properties, space, time, cause, effect and ontology, the investigation of basic categories of being and how they relate to each other and how this fits in the study of all phenomena in the universe of the heartansoulanmind.

Universal science or first philosophy treats of "being qua being"—that is, what is basic to all science before one adds the particular details of any one science. Essentially "being qua being" may be translated as "being insofar as being goes" or as "being in terms of being." This includes topics such as causality, substance, species and elements, as well as the notions of relation, interaction, and finitude.

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         That is my thought, orndorff, not yours. A slice of the novels are about DNA, the double helix and bloodlines; and the books demonstrate a connection between the Living and the Dead, that the line is genetic, I am suggesting that in order for a spiritual line (the soul) to enter whatever the genetic species with a heartansoulanmind – well, what do you think? Is the soul built in the DNA like the Attendant is built into the soul or does it enter before birth, immediately after birth (legal), or sometime later, perhaps at it’s own digression? – Amorella

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possible analogy with virtual reality gear wear:
Slater keeps bodies intact while transforming their sense of location. The participant needs to wear virtual reality gear: a motion-capture suit and goggles connected to a real-time, 3-D video of a location – a conference, to pick a dull but practical example. People at the conference would see an avatar of the participant or a humanoid robot that embodies the person who has body-swapped in. The next step is adding a sense of touch to the simulation, so a person’s beaming to a remote location could feel himself hugging or shaking hands with a colleague far away.

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What about dimensional levels within the metaphysics, that is, if you consider the living consciously living in the basic four, height, width, depth (space) and the forward flowing appearance of time? – Amorella

         Levels of the soul and the heart and the mind?

         I prefer regions of the soul, first, and you already appear stuck with vertical and horizontal orientations. – Amorella

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         Accident is not premeditated and if one believes in destiny, it may be, but it is not premeditated from a human perspective. How many times historically a person or a tribe or other social community considered ‘destiny’ to be a part of an individual’s or a group’s social identity? When have those events/happenings worked out with the best laid schemes of mice an men?  Edit and post as I see fit, orndorff. - Amorella

You are wondering how the sense of free will and destiny fit into the gear work of the soul? – Can the soul freely choose its counterpart heartanmind? – Amorella

         I have another question, for what reason would the soul wish to interfere (ever so slightly) with the heartanmind’s sense of free will?

         You lean to accidentally free will. – Amorella

         I do see a complication – what if this falling heartanmind is only half picked up by a particular soul? That the heart has one soul protector after physical death and another soul has the mind? [How would/could this affect/effect the conclusion of the in our modern time rebellion of the Dead?]

         Such an accident would be possible following your logic. Post. – Amorella

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extra but relevant
An outline, you think of how to work your way through the rest of Lesson Seven:

 1, As Mitochondrial DNA  - attendant always in the soul; 2, Sense of Touch  - hand in the air moving toward it from the couch; 3, as an egg of spirit – a dropping – as a drop in time; 4, Souls condensed from vapor as water; 5, Space –is dense or less dense – relative to substance - ‘gravity’ of souls; 6, Substance is what is worth for dignity and freedom to exist even within adversity – the seven virtues for example – Plato’s Forms

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Use first; form second
Use of soul
Use of attendant            
Use of conscious life and conscious life after death


         It seems I have gone further than this but I can’t find anything, at least not at present. I see I had already posted at least some of this.

         Post what you have tonight for insurance then work it out tomorrow. If you find the duplication you feel in are here, delete them. - Amorella

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