30 October 2012

Notes - correspondence / speculation / 'revelationary' / Ship tech /

         You received two notes from Doug this morning, an earlier one, before light and a second, condensed. Drop the shorter version here:

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Dick, If the ship were cloaked with enough dark matter to make it a black hole then time near the ship on the outside would be very slow or stop and of course you would not see it. Inside time and light still exist. Reminds me of the Klingon cloaking device.

I have been pondering about us living in a black hole and how this could be without crushing us. If our visible universe were surrounded with a shell of dark matter that was large enough to turn it into a black hole, the gravity inside at the center would be zero on whatever is at the center. Time and light and mass exist. The entire concept of living inside a black hole makes me wonder if our universe is just a bubble with some mass and energy inside a sea of dark matter. If the black hole was not a spherical shell, dark energy might be an artifact of the black hole.

One of the freshman college physics problems is to explain the motion of a ball dropped into a hole drilled through the earth. Because at the center of the earth the gravity in the hole has reduced to zero, the ball will experience periodic motion.

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         A few minutes ago [I and] you wrote back:

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Doug, this is Amorella. Orndorff is lacking words here and will have to absorb your words as an artifact of dark matter absorbs time and becomes a shell, a conditional effect of a black hole lite as words convert into a cohesive thought. 


Thank you very much. I am attempting to come to a base understanding so that I might have an imagination to make this a practical speculation to be useful in the books. My hope is that since I don't know what one can't do I can come up with something than can be used, at least in a fiction. I am so out of my league here. But I love the concepts and speculations that come with science so much; such a wonder the science presents to one's imagination.

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         0954 hours. When I don't know what to say, that is, how to put my words because I cannot seem to absorb the matter coherently enough, you go first. I thank you for this Amorella. I used to be embarrassed by such personal matters but I see you as being helpful when I cannot come up with the words to communicate mainly because, at the time, I do not understand how to communicate effectively what is actually on my mind (sometimes what is on my mind is a near absolute zero). Sometimes what is on my mind is just out of reach, on the other side of a wall full of sorts and whatnot's.

                  Post, and take a break. - Amorella

                  You are at the corner of Cornell and Montgomery Roads at Montgomery Family Medicine waiting on Carol's appointment. Doug sent you a note, a photo and said it looked like a Klingon cloaking devise. What it is (photo below) from Skye:

"Astronomers using a telescope in Chile's Atacama Desert have discovered an unexpected spiral structure in the material around dying red giant R Sculptoris. The spiral -- visible around the bright dot at the center of the image -- is likely caused by a hidden companion star orbiting R Sculptoris."

As you have free wireless here, another note from Doug.

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Dick, When we were in High School the shape of the universe was supposed to be a saddle shape. Now it is a flat plain. This is most curious. Doug

There’s a continuing discussion among astronomers regarding the actual shape of the Universe. Right now, the most widely accepted model supports that of a flat universe.
This has been confirmed through accurate measurements made by WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe), a spacecraft that maps out the differences in temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) across the entire sky. These results, which only has a 2% margin of error, were released in 2008.
Even before the WMAP measurements, a project in 2001 known as Boomerang already showed that the Universe was flat within 15% accuracy.
Before these seemingly conclusive findings were released, discussions revolved around three possible shapes: flat, closed, and open. To ascertain the actual shape, majority of astronomers were in agreement that they only needed to determine a few significant information about the Universe. One of them was its density.
They knew that if the density was found to be approximately equal to an accepted critical density, then the best prediction would be that of a flat universe. If it was lower than the accepted value, then the best prediction would favor an open one. Finally if it was higher than the critical density, the prediction would favor a closed universe.
[Here Doug gave me a source which I followed and this line continued]:
All three models stem from the Big Bang cosmological theory, which strives to explain how the Universe began. This is easily the most acceptable of all cosmological theories, following the detection of the CMBR. It is only through the Big Bang theory that the presence of the CMBR can be explained.
Since the ultimate fate of the universe is also dependent upon its density, there is therefore a direct link between its shape and how it will end. The possible endings, which are also offshoots of the Big Bang, are: the Big Crunch, Big Bounce, Big Freeze, and Big Rip.

Observations have shown that the Universe is expanding at an accelerated rate, with the outermost regions moving farther away at velocities close to the speed of light; i.e., much, much faster than those regions that are near us.

A flat universe would still favor an expansion but not at this rate. This observation has led scientists to predict the presence of a so-called dark energy that pushes the galaxies farther apart.

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         The doctor's appointment only took a few minutes, over to get a prescription for poison ivy, then, home for excellent leftover Papa John's pizza from supper and then on to Kenwood for Carol's yearly eye examination.

         1246 hours. I am getting excited about the prospect of using dark matter and black hole and universe shape theory in a fabricated paint (blackenot) on Ship.

         1407 hours. Sitting in McD's across from the Kenwood Centre waiting on Carol who is nearby, she said it would be about two hours.  Checking email and another note from Doug responding to my question below.

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On 10/30/2012 12:20 PM, orndorff wrote:

Doug, the rest of the article, in part, says: 

A flat universe would still favor an expansion but not at this rate. This observation has led scientists to predict the presence of a so-called dark energy that pushes the galaxies farther apart.

Is this is what you were referring to in your first note, that if we were within a black hole then the dark energy would be pulling us [the universe] apart rather than pushing?

Doug's reply:


You said it right!


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          Now I am pumped. I think this can work, at least in a fiction.

         Dr. Goss is a good friend and is quite helpful for us here. I respect his humanity in this project as I respect yours. - Amorella

         No words forthcoming, Amorella.

         At least you have learned not to apologize for it. Post. - Amorella

        1506 hours. I just watched the President's speech thanking the Red Cross and first responders. I am impressed with his words.

         You cannot expect yourself to speak or use your keyboard when you are quietly overcome with heartansoulanmind any more than anyone else so overcome. In here this is another reason why the Dead stay quiet. In this fiction it is even more overcoming from people who did not even realize their heartsansoulsanminds were present in this combined form, the form on which the shaman dances on which the shaman has always danced. That's how it is in here, boy.

         Even in a fiction such as this, that is the notes to the fiction, I get the feeling that there may be more to our human spirit than there is to black holes and dark matter. I want to say I know better, but the thing is, I don't. There is nothing prideful in this thought; in fact it is 'revelationary' to me to have even considered the concept.

         Post. - Amorella

        You picked up Carol and have returned to Kroger on Tylersville to pick up Carol's prescription. She asked if you wanted anything and you said "treats" and told her to decide. Later tonight we may work on Pouch-5. You already have "blackenot" as part of the series now we are going to explain it. You are surprised first, that the universe may be flat, and second, that the theory of the universe being within a black hole can be used to reinforce this. Now will be the part where Yermey is thinking through the plan for when they take their return flight from Put-in-Bay to Cleveland and how this is going to work. This is what Pouch-5 will be about, "Yermey's Plan". - Amorella

         As usual, this is not what I was considering. Surely though, it is better for the reader to see the plan before it takes place. It will also give the reader something to think about in terms of technology some twenty thousand years ahead of our own times.

         That's a lot of time for technological advancement and we might as well demonstrate how Ship operates. You may want to go back and look over material, particularly the 'names of things' that you used in relationship to Ship as background because we can use that file.

        You are home and Carol is fixing eggs for supper, the local news is on with the national following. Post. - Amorella    

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