30 December 2012

Notes - Really? / Sleep well

         After noon. You finished your exercises after a delightfully warm bath. The newspapers are caught up from Friday on and you were excited to read the good review on the 2013 Accord in the new Consumer's Report.

         1221 hours. I almost took a nap after the exercises, lay on the bed face up and drifted for a half hour or so. Not really like me this time of day. It is rather pleasant sitting here in the black bedroom lounge chair looking out at the bare north woody area embedded from the banks of Muddy Creek, particularly so with crisp white snow from yesterday on the ground and a bright blue winter sky above. It is a very nice setting in which to cross one's legs with a laptop actually on my lap and a small pillow behind my head. Plus, no traveling for a couple of weeks, at least I don't think so.

         1425 hours. Lunch from the kitchen for a change; ham and cheese, spicy mustard, six bread and butter pickles on a piece of multigrain. Good stuff. Carol is checking her email after quite a length of time reading The Drop, a Harry Bosch novel by Mike Conley. Our driveway has the King's son, Ben's car sitting in it, as he does not know we returned home yesterday. (When we are not here we ask them to use it so it looks more like someone is home; at least to strangers.) So far, we haven't needed it, come suppertime though I am off to pick up our favorite, a large Papa John's special, half veggie and half works. He'll have to move it if he is still here.

         Jadah is resting in her 'travel house' that is sitting under the front window next to the heating duct. The warm air rolls right in for immediate short hair cat's winter comfort. Many colorful varieties of birds are coming around now that the snow is here; your favorites are the cardinals. Still, you have a quiet Sunday afternoon. - Amorella

         Carol just came in and remarked that it has been a nice day to sit around and relax, but she added that if Ben hasn't moved the car by suppertime I'm to call him so I can pick up the pizza. We are obviously on the same wavelength this afternoon.

         Where does that "wavelength" come from boy? You are using it as a form of mind reading or telepathy. - Amorella

         I assume it is old radio jargon meaning radio wave frequency, Amorella. I don't really think of it as either mind reading or telepathy. We are just "in sync" that's all.

         I meant for you to look it up, boy, not tell me what you assume. - Amorella

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wavelength - noun

1 Physics the distance between successive crests of a wave, esp. points in a sound wave or electromagnetic wave. (Symbol: λ )
• this distance as a distinctive feature of radio waves from a transmitter.

2 a person's ideas and way of thinking, esp. as it affects their ability to communicate with others: when we met we hit it off immediately—we're on the same wavelength .
From: Oxford-American software
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         I was using the word properly.

         So, the question is, boy, what is your or her transmitter, as one of you has to be the receiver if you are communicating, right? - Amorella

         I have no idea especially since there was no body language. We were in different rooms. I don't know. Thought synchronization comes to mind. The environment must be the key for thought synchronization. This doesn't answer the question as to what the 'transmitter' is or the 'receiver'. I guess this would fit into the variables of telepathy. I found this online:

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ar X iv :0 70 7. 15 27 v2 [ qu an t-p h] 2 9 J ul 20 09 SBMF 2008

Programming Telepathy: Implementing Quantum Non-locality Games Anya Tafliovich1 ,2 Computer Science University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Eric C. R. Hehner3 Computer Science University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Abstract Quantum pseudo-telepathy is an intriguing phenomenon which results from the application of quantum information theory to communication complexity.

To demonstrate this phenomenon researchers in the field of quantum communication complexity devised a number of quantum non-locality games.

The setting of these games is as follows: the players are separated so that no communication between them is possible and are given a certain computational task.
When the players have access to a quantum resource called entanglement, they can accomplish the task: something that is impossible in a classical setting.

To an observer who is unfamiliar with the laws of quantum mechanics it seems that the players employ some sort of telepathy; that is, they somehow exchange information without sharing a communication channel.

This paper provides a formal framework for specifying, implementing, and analysing quantum non-locality games.

Keywords: Quantum computing, quantum non-locality, pseudo-telepathy games, formal verification, formal methods of software design, logic of programming

This work is in part supported by NSERC 2 Email: anya@cs.toronto.edu 3 Email: hehner@cs.toronto.edu

This paper is electronically published in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science URL: www.elsevier.nl/locate/entcs

[Sentences separated for my clarity.]



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         You have returned to a premise we are already using in the Merlyn books. - Amorella

        I know, but perhaps there is something to it in real life also.

        Really? Post orndorff and take a break. - Amorella

        2046 hours. The pizza was delicious as always. We love our Papa John's. Ben had left an hour or so before supper, that is he pulled the car for street parking. I'm sure he had no clue we were home as we were to arrive about a half hour after he had moved the car. We watched the news and an hour or so of House Hunting International (in Naples, Italy) and Extreme Homes, both on the Home and Garden cable channel. Very relaxing day all in all.

         What about Dead-8? - Amorella

         I can take only so much esoteric lovemaking.

         Reads too fancy fictional for you, huh? - Amorella

         People think of the soul as a solitary feature not two souls bound in a ring the size of Saturn.

         Where is your solitary soul, boy? What is its environmental landscape (so to speak)? - Amorella

         I have no idea where it is. Heartansoulanmind is not always one unit, that's my personal 'intuitive' response. Heart is usually around, that is I respond to or from my heart (at least to myself). My mind sometimes is elsewhere, and I think my soul is sometimes also elsewhere. That's my inner sense of it since you ask. I don't think my soul as actually as attached as mindanheart. In fact, I am thinking about that nibble on the bottom of the washer on the bottom of the string I held by my right forefinger and thumb. It wouldn't surprise me if my soul was doing the tugging. It certainly wasn't my mind or heart. The mind might be a hinged attachment of sorts whereas figuratively speaking the soul can be pulled up and detached from the heartansoulanmind gate. I can't imagine a soul sticking around like a shadow all the time anyway.

         I thought the premise in the books is that the soul holds and protects the heartanmind. - Amorella

         In the books, yes, but in real life I think the soul can come and go at will. When people look for it or to it a shadow of soul appears but in the noonday sun the shadow does not exist. Inwardly noonday comes and goes around here. So, where the soul goes I have no clue. People are 'attached' physically and reasonable people assume they are 'attached' mentally too. I think the soul leaves but I have no idea where it goes or why. I would not be shocked to find this statement is actually true. No one knows, Amorella. That's the crux of it.

         You however are real, real enough to write me the books and to question me and so forth. You need not be more real than that, so to me, you are not, nor do you need to be from my perspective.

         I, like you say of your soul, am indeed unattached, boy. Do you deny this?  - Amorella

         No. (This is a trick.) I believe you are unattached. I see this is a trick. I was going to deny I believe anything and you throw me a loop where I 'automatically' think the statement,  'I believe you are unattached.' I wanted to change this thought immediately to "I feel you are unattached," but that would not be honest.

         I have to return to "I really don't know much of anything, Amorella." I have no choice but to be honest, deeply so, I have even less choice.

         You see the humor here, the less choice you have in such a contextual environment; the more human you appear. - Amorella

         I cannot help but love the dark, dark humor you present me here. (2126)

         Now, think of this dark, dark humor as the shadow of your soul because it is not high noon, boy, not for you at least not now. Post. Sleep well, my young friend. - Amorella

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