30 May 2013

Notes - more on Dead 18 / draft two: The Dead 18 / correctable errors /

         Mid-morning. You just finished your walk, this time on the east side of the bigger lake. Carol is still walking and picking up trash along the way; not a lot of trash, mostly small errors in judgment or accident lying on the grass. - Amorella

         0926 hours. I took another picture of two to add to Dead 18. I don't feel it is as complete as could be at this stage; a slight refurbishing is all. Carol, one of my former students from Whitehall-Yearling linked in yesterday. Good to see her connection. Former students bring a trickle of deep joy to the surface, each a natural note of a thirty-seven year old song unsung that is the essential meaning in mind.  

         Lady by the lake, that's another phrase needed in Dead 18. The humor is in the juxtaposition of the title with the event, no one appears dead in the content that's for sure. Very funny. My kind of romance.

         Fewer readers this way around, but it is the way you like it; strange, don't you think, to be a writer who does not wish to be read. - Amorella

         A good parallel juxtapostioning, Amorella. It may appear as odd, but my natural element is working the words like some people arrange flowers, except it is my own private garden; well, mostly private in plain sight. That's funny too. Humor abides as gravity in the soul.

         Ah, and tug it does on Vivian and Merlyn. They are attached at the tail end of the soul. What do you think of that? - Amorella

         A squirrelly tail told by a dreamer working his heartansoulanmind? What first, Amorella, in these books and blog?

         Alas, you are as Merlyn, working the mind first, then heartansoul or soulanheart, round and round she goes where she stops nobody knows, says the wall to the floorboards. - Amorella

Path up to exit for Vivian
(Vivian's Perspective)

Path Vivian Exits
(Merlyn's Perspective)


         Your drift is catching, boy. See what you can do with it today. It looks like on Dead 18 there is more to say. Post.- Amorella

         1205 hours. This second draft is better.

         Add and post. - Amorella
The Dead 18, ©2013,rho,2nd draft

            Vivacious and uncommonly fourteen, I am young in years but half a divine moonth along in years rather than days, deliberated a brooding lipped Vivian. I am as a babe though unslaughterable and ready for the capturing this grandfatherly-aged Merlyn, this great Bard and Druid of our Caledonia. Her thin soft white linen robe draped suggestively tight or loose where welcome for a visual shadowy enrichment the dark triangle outlined below and subtle fresh fruit-sized bosoms, taut nippled to further enhance Merlyn's questing imagination. Glancing down her breasts tingled of the goosiest of small bumps, each as a firm faery stem ready to flower.

            Happily glad, trooping seelings, the blessed faeries, conjure me a-musing . . . wondrously and sprite-like they, a piloerection of tiny hairs about to shoot a feminine succulents for capturing love's quick aroma in my elderly Master Druid's most deserving nostrils.

            I, a druidess spectacular, swell in mind, shape-shifting my supple young heart to sway to the natural craving of our two druidic souls to reunite from Beyond and to intertwine in the ancient and naked ways. As a tune in intuitive grace we shall be one and invisible but for the subtlest sighs of a gentle breeze at play among the highest leaves of the Oak.

            Bay tree laurels, like reason, are not for this momentary crowning. Pray today, no victors here but for Merlyn's nearby plowing of my wholesome wet earth. A virginal seeding most uncommon in this generation is not so much a soulful clutching as the outreach of hot passion from my soulanheart.

            It is this enraptured youthful wish of mistaking mind for heart that leads young Vivian into the gravest error, an accident of unforeseen and unpredictable circumstance. Faeries, Vivian should have known, have greater trooping smiles in a spiritedness bordering on lasciviousness compounded by obsession rather than love-in-reason which in this earthly reality all living consciously are bound.

            She stands, a young lady by the lake, ready to walk up and out the forest path exit ready to greet the man she has known for lifetimes but never once on earth.

            Merlyn, likewise, stands a pace or two from the forest path entrance like a physics experiment ready for quantum entanglement, Merlyn's soul instilled in heartansoulanmind has no need of memory. Merlyn feels his recent dreams are manifestations of Divine Justice whether he thinks it so or not.

            In an earlier time, in life, I was sitting on a recently fallen log minding my own business wondering how I would think as the second common element, air. Everyone knows how it is to be made of earth and neither fire or water would be so fully comfortable for the burning up or running off. Air; there is nothing so intimate, long lasting and invisible. What I could be and do? He smiled contented, knowing intuitively that to be naked and running the woods invisibly clothed in Air the most free and natural of Aristotle's four. The breathe of God will be my Heaven. That was my wish in those days when I measured thirty-six years.

            Waiting for the white dressed druidess by the lake Merlyn brushed the back of his head as if an ant had fallen from a tree leaf and was taking flight. My virginity contains naturally cultivated creative powers and one day I will know what it is to be invisible. On that day I shall become the sovereign's Arch Druid's master.

            In the interval Merlyn glanced through himself to see the billiard table clean and empty of balls and he wondered if it is fair and just that reasonable cause and effect appeared to be eluding him. How can it be that when I think on my first meeting with Vivian there are no balls on the slate? This is how it is in heartansoulanmind?

            I am thirty-six and a virgin and this would-be-druidess is fourteen and not. We are about to meet for the first time. I see her stealthily walking through the woods two arms outstretched from the lake's touch. She knows I see her for more than she is, a true druidess in the making. He glanced down and saw two goose feathers, one pointed towards her and the other pointed towards him.

            This is a sign. How can it be we share the same pinion feathers when they point quill point opposite and are goose feathers untouched? Is this event to be calligraphic as our two minds meet? Minds to hearts and hearts to souls -- this is the practice for full sharing. Open-minded I am and I am ready for almost anything but losing my self-discipline to the material world.

775 words

         Mid-afternoon. You are at Kroger's on Tylersville waiting on Carol to pick up a prescription for her poison ivy after a quick visit with Dr. Merlin in north Montgomery earlier. A late lunch at Potbelly's and you are heading home after. You are beginning to think about Brothers 18 and wonder on the notebook you noted had Bob left you setting out on the top of your desk in the basement.

         1449 hours. When we came back from Cleveland on Tuesday I was in the basement turning the water heater up and the water line to the ice cube maker on. I saw it on top of Kim's old desk, actually my mother's old desk from the 1940's. 'Maybe there's something useful for Brothers 18' I flashed at the time.

         A 'flash' is different than a 'thought' even an intuitive thought. When you 'flash' something, it appears to come from nowhere whereas intuition comes from or seems to come from somewhere within the front of the brain. . . . The last lines of Brothers 17 are:

** **
            "I'm sure Connie and Cyndi know. They made the choice as to who was marrying whom not us. You do know that don't you Richie?"
            "I guess. I don't really like to think on it. The girls used their free will; to each, marriage was an existential act, but for us marriage was a kind of indifference." Caught in the embarrassment, both laughed nervously.
            "It is like they were the identical twins, not us," quipped Rob unexpectedly.
            "Very bizarre." Both laughed. Richie shook his head, "Never thought of it like that. Hey, we both loved both girls equally. I don't think it really made any difference."
            "And still do."           
            "Very odd. Sometimes life almost doesn't seem real does it? I mean here we are, seventy years old sitting on a park bench watching the birds."
            "It's real enough, bro. Wait until we get home." Both laughed knowingly.

From conclusion of Brothers 17
** **

         1459 hours. The focus was on most everyone surviving the Cuban Missile Crisis. The boys are without the girls. So this segment will have both or mostly the girls talking about the boys I assume. What is this segment about and how does it fit in with Merlyn and Vivian?

         Later in the afternoon and you are sitting in Rose Hill under the maple tree at the same cemetery crossroads as yesterday. You just discovered the original Brothers Eighteen has 1347 words. So, first, let's go through what's here then if we can add something from Bob that fits here we'll do it. - Amorella

         1622 hours. This sounds good. I am curious as to what this is about anyway. Just glancing I do not have much of a clue.

         1643 hours. I just discovered a mistake. Grandma 17 was actually Grandma 18 in the original so I will have to do Grandma 17 correctly then drop in the already redone Grandma 18. Also, I notice the two are playing chess but began in Brothers 17 so do I include the chess game up to where it is and modify both 17 and 18 Brothers so it makes sense? Somehow I skipped up. The Brothers 16 was set in Vegas so I dropped the segment entirely. It looks like this chess game continues right up through Brothers 19 and beyond. I think we should skip it entirely.

         I agree. Carol is about ready to head home. Later, dude. - Amorella

         1825 hours. One thing I know for sure, when mistakes are made the chances are I'm the one making them.

         These are correctable errors, boy, nothing more or less. Post. - Amorella

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