25 October 2013

Notes - Grandma's Story 5

         Another busy day without much time to do any writing. Let’s go to Grandma Five. – Amorella

         2254 hours. Amazing. Only a few minutes ago I had no story connection. Now I do. Here it is.

         Not what you expected last night, but here it is. There is more to your life here than you think, boy. Add and post. – Amorella
Grandma’s Story 4 ©2013, rho, (final) GMG, volume one

I have a little story that began several thousand years ago. The setting is an island off Southeast Asia. A woman, Sawasdee Ka and a man, Sawasdee Khrap were arguing which of the gods each wanted to place on their front house stone. The woman’s goddess is kind and generous to a fault, and she thought that it would be appropriate to show the guest, whoever she or he was, that the guest is always welcome to their home.
The man replied that he thought his defender-of-the-home goddess was best to display because this would show the guest that although she or he is welcome, home security for family and friends is more important than hospitality. Ka and Khrap fought about this situation off and on during the next year. For the sake of family peace both homeowners agreed that it is better to have no god or goddess on their front house stones.
One might think the god and goddess would be offended because neither stood by the door, but for reasons unknown this was not the case. The absence of a god or goddess did not promote peace in the household. It wasn’t long before the ebbs and tides of personal anger and insult broke into a no-holds-barred physical battle between Ka and Khrap.
To end all the squabbling and noise Ka stabbed Khrap with his favorite defensive weapon, a long knife as Khrap struck her with a sharpened ax for chopping wood. Both died shortly after however this was not the end of the engagement. Ka and Khrap are still fighting in the Place of the Dead, HeavenOrHellBothOrNeither. Neither of these two spiritual human remnants realizes the other is physically dead. The battle continues to be a deeply contagious metaphysical question rooted and pride and anger. Homeland security for polite guests and friends is no longer the problem.
I, Grandma, see a humor here, but those in battle don’t see it that way. Not much humor surrounds the battlefield in either the physical or metaphysical human state. Grandma's face turned into a full Halloween moon. The tricks the human mind is capable of pulling on one's self are greater than the tricks conceivable to play on others. HeavenOrHellBothOrNeither contains humanity. Pride, anger . . . as psychological examples of the once Seven Deadly are worthless here. The Dead are, however, allowed to wear such tokens around their ghostly necks as the Living would wear jewelry. Each is spirit with choice until she or he has none left. These dead like Ka and Khrap find no one but themselves. Their heartsansoulsanminds hang upside down in their common sanctuary. Each piece of humanity feeds on the other until indifference is the norm then,  so to speak, after a while, nothing spiritual exists. Nothing. These souls are eventually cleansed and float freely awaiting new heartsanminds. A heart and mind are capable of being wasted as many, both Living and Dead, can plainly see. A soul may be empty or full, but it is a soul still.
Grandma waned then brightened her smile to a Halloween full again. All who labor in life know there are tricks to the trade no matter what the trade is. Souls understand their trade as human laborers do. This is how Grandma sees it. Only the heart and mind begin, the soul is.
The soul is not what people think, at least not those in here. Many assume it is the foundation of humanity but that is not the case in this bit of fiction. The foundation of humanity is in gravity first and mass second. The soul is not indebted to either gravity or mass. The soul alone is without need of a shell to protect heartanmind. The soul alone is nothing. The soul alone is as a human being with a mind but without a heart to give the mind meaning.

You measure once, you measure twice, and much to your surprise
How fast and long the logic runs for the brain to theorize.

My goddess stands here, your god stand there, on a frontal stone bare
The brain in the body is stuck; but the mind runs free and unaware
In all the while, this story, moon-like themed and bright, sums
The waning and waxing heartanmind that burns soulless and no-where runs.


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