26 October 2013

Notes - on today and 'no-where'

         Almost time for bed. You spent a good part of the day waiting for your MacAir (built in late 2010) to download new software to upgrade your operating system to OS X, Version 10.9 (13A603) – Maverick. It was a free upgrade, which at first look appears to be quite comprehensive in its efficiency. The problem is that you will have to relearn Page as it also had an upgrade of its own after loading 10.9 first. The whole iWorks program was also loaded for free. – Amorella

         2242 hours. I think this will be a fine upgrade but it will take some getting used to.

         Carol gave blood today and to celebrate you both had a good lunch at Outback, smoked salmon for Carol and a six ounce sirloin for you (you shared a salad and each had a favorite dessert). You also drove to Joseph Toyota to check on a couple facts about the car. It turns out you bought the Technical Package A and not B as you thought. – Amorella

         2247 hours. It was a bit of a shock.  We drove over because I could not get the pre-collision system to work. It turns out the car does not have it. That system was an extra $2,000. I should have known it was too good of a deal. However, Carol and I talked. We really love the car and it has the safety features we really need. I will just have to continue to pay close attention to the cars in front of me. This should not be a problem, at least for a few more years. Excellent reader that I once was, I missed that there were two tech packages; I thought that because it is the ‘Limited’ model it had both – no wireless phone charging either. We did save the $2000 so we have no complaints. We really are quite satisfied with the car as is. I was angry (at myself) for a time but Carol calmed me down. She loves the car and it is her car.

         As far as the operating system is concerned I didn’t know anything about it until late last night. It was supposed to download in 11 hours, but it paused during the night and I had to finish it in the morning. Then it took even more time to boot it up. Hey, it was free; and even if it weren’t it still would have taken the time. I have also been looking to buy a new iPad mini 2 when it comes out in November. If I don’t find a use for the old one I’ll give it to Owen if Kim and Paul think it is okay to do so. Do I get 16 GB storage or 32 GB? That’s the next question. I have been reading about that also as well as discovering more useful aspects of the new iPhone 5s. There is no sense having these technological wonders if I don’t find good practical personal ways to use them. I haven’t scanned Pouch 5 for a while. I don’t remember what it was about and how the “Satisfaction” theme plays a part. (2305)

         Save it for tomorrow, young man. See you in the morning. Post. – Amorella

         Not literarily I hope.

         No, I don’t see you literarily, Richard. That is how you see me except for a sketch or two.- Amorella

         2307 hours. When I was finishing up Grandma 5 I used the words “no-where” out of the blue and immediately thought my old friend Bob Pringle sent them on to me. “No-where” sounds like Bob, not myself, and not you either.

         Let’s see this in context:

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The soul is not what people think, at least not those in here. Many assume it is the foundation of humanity but that is not the case in this bit of fiction. The foundation of humanity is in gravity first and mass second. The soul is not indebted to either gravity or mass. The soul alone is without need of a shell to protect heartanmind. The soul alone is nothing. The soul alone is as a human being with a mind but without a heart to give the mind meaning.
You measure once, you measure twice, and much to your surprise
How fast and long the logic runs for the brain to theorize.

My goddess stands here, your god stand there, on a frontal stone bare
The brain in the body is stuck; but the mind runs free and unaware
In all the while, this story, moon-like themed and bright, sums
The waning and waxing heartanmind [that] burns soulless and no-where runs.

From Grandma 5 (final)
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         I forgot to add ‘that’.

         So you did.

         The lines sound like lines my friend Thomas Robert Pringle would write.

         The heart and mind dance boy, and the soul set up the rhythm. Post. - Amorella

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