27 June 2014

Notes - leaf structure / lively discussion set for Pouch 2.2

         Jadah woke you up and you went through the chores – take the paper to the neighbor next door, fresh water and food (canned and dry) for the cats, clean their cat litter, sweep the kitchen floor, breakfast, clean up, make the bed and give Jadah a belly rub (currently Spooky is downstairs in a south window and Jadah is sitting in her box next to the east window. Carol called as they were on the way to Logan and on down to the Hocking County hills and other natural wonders. – Amorella

         0940 hours. Jadah is sitting in full sun with eyes shut and a hint of purring. I am taking a short nap then I’ll be ready to meet the day.

         Mid-afternoon. Two car magazines arrived today and the first one you picked up to read over a lunch of half a peanut butter and raisin sandwich on wheat and a cup of wheat cereal with skim milk was this August issue of Motor Trend. The article that brings pure delight down deep is titled, “Real MPG” which begins on page ninety-four. The definition standards are set out for measuring the mileage in one hundred cars. This is followed by ten sets of statistics in graph format. The eight are: 1, City Mileage; 2, Highway Mileage; 3, Fuel Consumption by Car Brand; 4, Propulsion Type [Electric, Hybrid, Gas, Diesel]; 5, Road Mix [Highway/City]; 6, Effect of AC; 7, Engine Size; 8, Aggression Effect [Behavior]; 9, Congestion Effect; and 10, Driving Circumstances. These are compared in the graphs with the EPA MPG Ratings. To you this article is scientifically valid if the statistics are printed correctly. – Amorella

         1515 hours. I love the article in that it sets out to show some validity in miles per gallon statistics and it doing so, one can see that measuring a car’s miles per gallon is rather complicated rather than following a simple formula. Lots of variables have to be considered and even then the car’s miles per gallon are always an estimate (some closer than others).

         Why then, I wonder, why we feel we can accurately measure the amount of knowledge a human being absorbs and adapts for use throughout her or his public and/or private education from the ages 5 through 18. If one sets ten variables for miles per gallon what are the variables to be set in the life and growth of a human life for fourteen years? What about the setting of life and growth before the age of 5 – from day 1 through the fifth birthday?

         This was not where you were expecting to go, is it boy? – Amorella

         1531 hours. No. The focus was on measuring automobile miles per gallon. I moved this to measuring human beings educational growth. And in the process I think about the variables of heart, soul, and mind. How do we Homo sapiens measure these? If we want a report card, then we should be more accurate. Our report cards are not so accurate at all. Next I suppose, we should measure individual human worth. I have little doubt that as the centuries move on, people will work on this. What will be the ‘standard’ – freedom and dignity? What would be the standard definitions of freedom and dignity to begin with? Hmm. Life is complicated enough, life lived in full consciousness is even more so. Now, from this, I jump to our marsupial humanoids who have lived 20,000 more years of social, cultural and scientific advancement.

         You are curious about these fictional marsupial humanoids and want to have taken into account a growth human beings have not had. From your perspective human beings still live in ‘city states’ as did the Greeks – large groups and smaller groups. We cover this. Small groups are private family settings; large groups are run by models of efficiency that allow for branches of freedom and dignity from a trunk of health and safety, legal and social rules of norm, theoretical and practical education, social and scientific technology and ever creative adaptive procedures to allow for further branching in the fields of freedom and dignity of the human individual and the group. The model is based on roots, a tree trunk, branches and leaves. Freedom and dignity is in the leaf structure. How’s that? – Amorella

         Health and safety; legal and social; education; technology; and creative adaptation are the five aspects of the trunk. The branching would be production and labor and the leaf would be the semi-structural family unit. (1606)

         This is the basic structure that these Merlyn books will follow. The idea is that the ‘tree’ as it will, can grow as well as trimmed. It is as a living dynamic, a plant living in an existential circumstance. That’s how the marsupial humanoids understand and use this – as a living plant, not a hypothetical model of how a government should be run. – Amorella

         1612 hours. How I got to this place is interesting. I am happy it is written down as it ‘happened’ its way out of my head.

         Post. - Amorella

         You had baked beans and wieners for supper and an apple presently. You watched ABC and NBC News and figured out how to re-establish yourself on the Internet via the TV but now you forget how to turn the sound off as well as the TV other than from the set. It is a ‘remotes’ problem – too many of them. - Amorella

         2219 hours. I stayed away from the TV today until news time. I watched a couple of new programs we had copied but have not seen. I don’t think Carol will like either one. I know I don’t. I tried watching a free film on an Internet channel but there were commercials and the wireless transmission is too slow. I thought it would be; now I know it to be a fact. This will make life simpler – no Netflix or other such Internet film resources on the TV. I’ll read more about running the remotes. I have four with the cable remote. I’m ready for bed.

         Carol will be heading home in the morning. Post. – Amorella

         2227 hours. I really want to finish up this chapter two so I can get back to completing the first book.

         Let’s work on it. – Amorella

         2235 hours. That was quick. It has been cut down to some 570 words but most of it is from Soki – this will have to be really modified.

         We can use the material from today’s blog – the focus can be on a discussion between Hartolite and Friendly focusing on Blake in a discussion on how they govern. First, Blake listens and the reader sees his thoughts as the women speak. How will that be? – Amorella

         It is something to consider. The topic sounds pretty dry though. It would be better as a lively discussion.

         That can be done instead. You’re the human. Tomorrow then. Post. - Amorella    

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