01 January 2015

Notes - the day / Amorella's metaphysics / Dead 8 scrapped / a faery story

         You reset your desktop this morning back to your photograph of the Greek architecture in Pompeii. – Amorella

         1018 hours. Classical order comes first in writing. I have no choice. Without order I cannot write about the mystical.

         Late morning. You completed your forty minutes of exercises and are dressed ready to meet the day. Carol is looking the at new bird book Donna L., the next door neighbor got her for Xmas for bringing her paper up to the door everyday and for other neighborly chores she has trouble doing on her own. Your name was on the card also but you assume it is only as a courtesy as you do not do nearly as much as Carol does. Carol a bird similar to a white crowned sparrow at the feeder this morning, but its territory is mostly in the western United States, possible though for them to be this far east, at least according to the bird book. – Amorella

         1219 hours. Carol called Kim and you both wished Kim, Paul and the boys a Happy New Year. Kim just finished a Five K Run at Westerville and they are heading to Potbelly’s at Polaris for lunch (Owen’s suggestion) and are having pork and sauerkraut for supper.

         Mid-afternoon. You had ham for lunch, Carol had soup. You both ate yesterday’s desserts, raspberry cheesecake and carrot cake – no sharing allowed. Before lunch you spent time cleaning out a glass shelved cabinet with drawers in the living room. Among the finds were old photographs from the sixties, seventies and eighties. One of the other surprises was your 1951 Bible you were given upon joining the church. Another was an ornate brass box about two inches deep and about eight by four inches. You think it was Dad Hammond’s box for tie clips and cuff links. Most likely it is Vietnamese or Thailandese – the embellishing ornamentation appears Buddhistic.  - Amorella

         1526 hours. I read a couple more chapters in “A Short History”. One chapter has the focus on Yellowstone National Park as a super volcano and the following chapter is on how the Earth supports the life that it does. It seems to me the only way we could have survived in the first place is through evolution. We and every other earth life form genetically made us to survive here. Earth is not that hospitable. Come to think of it, I don’t know what kind of medium would support Angel, souls and the self-consciousnesses of (heartsansoulsanminds) of the Dead. Though, strangely, in the books and blog I see some sort of evolution or work placement of metaphysical beings such as Angels, souls and Betweeners.

         Think of Betweeners as a group consciousness of universal hierarchies (levels of area or regional consciousness). For instance, a consistency within the Merlyn books is that Grandma personifies and represents the consciousness of the Earth. Stratified consciousness is what it is all about in these books metaphysics. What holds this consciousness in a metaphysical realm? Think of it as you already do, as Nothingness with a capital. – Amorella

         1549 hours. I need to create a notebook I can refer to as Merlyn’s Metaphysics or Amorella’s Metaphysics. I need to keep an order I can follow. I need to see the rules that are in place for consistency within the framework of these novels.

         Fine. Remember rules are not laws; they can be reasonably bent. How else would I, the Amorella, be here? These are my rules for the Merlyn books of fiction by Orndorff and for storytelling purposes only to promote greater understanding as to what it is to be what you are where you are. Post. – Amorella

         1557 hours. I will title this “Amorella’s Metaphysics in these Merlyn Books”.

         Amorella's Metaphysics will do. - Post. - Amorella

         You had your pork and sauerkraut for supper and watched NBC News and a DVRed “Modern Family”. Carol is watching one of her DVRed shows presently. Let’s go to Dead Eight. – Amorella

         2023 hours. I have tried. I erased most of what I had. I transferred some of my notes to the document for descriptive help but whatever I was doing went away. The whole approach may be wrong here. I have no words because I am nowhere. Perhaps as Merlyn is already in a dream the soul comes to him to explain how things are. Perhaps he has a vision. Can the Dead have a vision? I think I need to scrap Dead 8 and begin again.

         Scrap it; drop it in the Keep folder. Set up a new document and title it ‘Nothing”. Post. – Amorella

         2034 hours. I think I need a Faery Story.

         I agree. - Amorella

        You took a few minutes to intuitively set up your desktop. To the left, first, you put the smaller sky toned image of the “Eye of Providence” icon from the dollar bill. Next you put the larger image of the “Eye of Providence” in browned stone from the Jewish cemetery. Then you set the word document between the two with all touching the top of the desktop. Below to the right and left and below is the remaining image of the Greek architecture from Pompeii. – Amorella

         2051 hours. The desktop proportions are distorted. I think I would be more comfortable with a larger document and the smaller image of the blue ‘Eye of Providence” on both sides.

         Give it a try. – Amorella

         2057 hours. It is too balanced with one eye too many. I am surprised.

         Reset your desktop to the Jewish cemetery eye. – Amorella

         Why do you hesitate? – Amorella

         2100 hours. I think it may be blasphemous, sacrilegious.

         You are arrogant. – Amorella

         You set up two images that I approved for use in this context and say it is one too many, then you hesitate because showing one would be blasphemous? – Amorella

         2105 hours. This is not so easy, Amorella. As an agnostic I remain respectful to the idea and concept of G---D, and I am secretly hopeful such exists. Deep down I feel I should use no images whatsoever.

         Letters, the alphabet is full of images. – Amorella

         2108 hours. I do not like this place. It is full of images. We humans are full of images. Nothing with a capital sounds better and more comforting, strangely as this reads. I assume this is coming from very deep cultural feeling induced by Protestantism and particularly Presbyterianism. It is no wonder I lean toward the mystical climate in the mind. How in the world did I get onto this discussion? I am taking down those  ‘Eye of Providence’ images. I just don’t want to deal with them. This then is the faery story is it not? And, I am in the middle of it in the middle of my mind.

         Boy, what does this show? No Eyes of Providence are fully present on your desktop.

         2118 hours. My mind is full of tricks. I am apprehensive to put the “Eye of Providence” on the full of my desktop because of the imagination that ensues within. Reason weighs me down so that my mind will not float about. Without reason I am lost. Without reason I will have lost my humanity, at least a major part of it.

         Now you are better aware of who you are. Let it go and drop in the cemetery stone image on your desktop. See what your reason does with it, not your imagination. – Amorella

         2128 hours. It is a piece of carved well-aged stone with a carving that makes my eyes feel like they are pulsating as I observe the whole of the rock on the desktop. The triangular part appears quite three-dimensional – to my eyes it is popped out (forward) on the screen about a quarter of an inch. This makes it appear real but I know that it is not. It may be the brightness of the screen and the carved ray-like lines that affect my eye in a hypnotic-like way and cause the apparent pulsation. I do not see this as the document I am writing on covers the triangle. One can clearly see it is stone with moss and other such matter growing on it. The colors as they are, are very powerful also because nothing is really symmetrical here. It makes the stone to appear living, organic – I suppose this is because of its organic dressings atop and around the art a human being once created in stone. (2137)

         Good. Post. - Amorella

        2142 hours. I ended this faery story with my observation and reason. This is a lesson I should not soon forget. 


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