25 February 2015

Notes - prophet / myth of Elderfelder the Dancer / Cern Muddenbeudol / hope

         Late morning and you just completed your forty minutes of exercises on this partially sunny Wednesday, or Woden’s day as you like to remember it. – Amorella

         1122 hours. You make me out to be a pagan, Amorella.

         And your thought turns to Moby Dick and Queequeg as well as Ishmael and Captain Ahab. – Amorella

         1125 hours. Elijah too. I don’t remember Elijah so much – in the book yes, but in the Bible no. I remember taking a course in The Major and Minor Prophets at Otterbein. I think I was the only non-Methodist minister-to-be in the class. It was interesting though, and I thought of the prophets as historical figures, one time real individuals. Here is what Wikipedia says.

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Elijah was a prophet and wonder-worker in the northern kingdom of Israel during the reign of Ahab (9th century BC), according to the biblical Books of Kings. According to the Books of Kings, Elijah defended the worship of Yahweh over that of the Canaanite god Baal (which he considered as idol worship); he raised the dead, brought fire down from the sky, and was taken up "by a whirlwind." In the Book of Malachi, Elijah's return is prophesied "before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord," making him a harbinger of the Messiah and the eschaton in various faiths that revere the Hebrew Bible. References to Elijah appear in the Talmud, Mishnah, the New Testament and the Qur’an.

In Judaism Elijah's name is invoked at the weekly Havdalah ritual that marks the end of Shabbat, and Elijah is invoked in other Jewish customs, among them the Passover seder and the Brit malah (ritual circumcision). He appears in numerous stories and references in the Haggadah and rabbinic literature, including the Babylonian Talmud.

In Christianity the New Testament describes how both Jesus and John the Baptist are compared with Elijah and on some occasions thought by some to be manifestations of Elijah, and Elijah appears with Moses during the Transfiguration of Jesus. Elijah is also a figure in various Christian folk traditions, often identified with earlier pagan thunder or sky gods.

In the Qur’an and certain Islamic traditions, Elijah is described as a great and righteous man of God and one who powerfully preached against the worship of Ba’al.

Selected and edited from Wikipedia

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         1150 hours. I like the coincidence that Elijah was identified in various Christian folk traditions with pagan thunder or sky gods – which bring up, ‘Woden’s day’. . . .

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THE GOD ODIN, WODEN, OR WOTAN. IN the Scandinavian mythology the chief god was Odin, the Woden, Wotan, or Wuotan of the Germans. He is represented with many of the attributes of the Greek god Zeus, and is supposed by some to be identical with him.

From - Internet Sacred Text Archive
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I think it is funny. Thor’s day is another; Moon’s day; Tiw’s day; Frigga’s day and Saturn’s day. Sun’s day has a Christian twist of course. We have these days named and few pay any attention.  People don’t pay as much attention to words as they should – history and culture are built into all of them. We are an interesting species to think and say such words.

        You’re starting to lecture here boy. Let’s put a stop to it. Post. - Amorella.

        1205 hours. Rightly so, Amorella.

         1227 hours. With the above on today’s table I am wondering if the two shamans are going to talk about their prophets?

         You had little to no mail today and you were hoping, at the last minute that the Consumer’s Report would be in the letterbox. – Amorella

         1228 hours. I was because on one of my daily car sources it is mentioned that Tesla again comes in as the best car in the April issue; so I was hoping. Letterbox sounds so much more pleasant than mailbox, though, alas, it is mostly mail and is nearly ever letters. Aunt Patsy is the only one who writes letters anymore. She is a treasure for that. We need to stop and see her.  

         You were just reading over your notes on Stonehouse and had forgot the important news ThreePlanets is about to make – a crawlbabe-to-the-pouch has no brain as such. It is a nodule about the size of a pupil of the eye attached to the top of the spinal cord. It crawled to the pouch and is still alive. No one knows what to make of it other than it is the end of days. No one ever survived long enough but Elderfelder. She may be our next prophet – all this at the time StoneHouse has been re-discovered after some thirty thousand years buried. What else could happen think the people even though they do not believe in omens and such. PouchMaster has word of this from the Supervisor. The Dead will be stirred by this before the Living; and, at such an un-opportune time when the unknown Earthlings have arrived via Ship. - Amorella

         1256 hours. I cannot believe I did not remember this. Whoa. Wow. Of course there was more but the crawlbabe’s parents are (I can’t remember so I look it up) – Sloenshine the Reasonable and Milantrex the Miser. My notes or from an excerpt from my Merlyn’s Mind trilogy.

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Excerpt from earlier Merlyn’s Mind trilogy on the Marsupial Humanoid Myth of Elderfelder the Dancer

One more event happened some days later, but few know about it. The event is a new birth. A little girl was born to Sloenshine the Reasonable and Milantrex the Miser. Sloenshine gave birth to a crawlbabe who has no brain as such. A clump of matter on top and to the right side of her spinal column is of little use but it seems to be enough to keep her body functioning. The medical technicians have no idea what to do with the babe but to keep her alive because both Philosophy and Science demand it.
Beyond this near brainless baby, of course, are the wishes of the birth mother. She realizes what the baby may symbolize the reincarnation of an ancient legend and she wants to be in charge, behind the scenes, of the return mission to earth command post on Satellite University being set up by Director Kembel.

The crawlbabe has yet to be named, but her predecessor is found in a story around since the beginning of recorded time. The crawlbabe’s predecessor, Elderfelder, was the marsupials first Prophet, their Buddha or Abraham as it were.
         The ancient story speaks of Elderfelder, the dancing messiah of the marsupials. The marsupials chose to capitalize her name but not her occupation. She became the symbol of the first living witness to Godofamily. In those days no alphabet existed as such, but sounds were distinct and carried meaning, especially when sung. In case of fact, the sounds are (as marsupials who understand English believe) very similar to the sounds of Beowulf chanted in the Old English vernacular.
This was another one of those strange coincidences between higher conscious life on Earth and HomePlanets. Another was a modern Celtic-like lilt of their primitive accents. Tradition says Elderfelder was born without any of the ordinary five senses. She was eventually abandoned by her frantic mother who could not care for her alone.
Elderfelder survived with the help of the small, kind squirrel-like rodents who would bring her berries and nuts. A series of other animals also helped Elderfelder gained enough strength to eventually raise herself up and stand tall. She learned to dance all by herself. Some say the animals taught her by a secret language only known to them. Then one of the elderly, a wise old woman who discovered the naked babe running in the woods, said, ‘No, it was not the animals. She was taught to dance by the SingleParent, the Invisible One who raised her and helped her to survive because she was on her own without any parents or helpers whatsoever.’
People liked that story better because they were already in touch with the animals themselves, but no one, as far as anyone knew, had thought of a way to bring SingleParent to a level they could all understand. Some didn’t like the idea that a marsupial man thought up this idea because, well, women were first, everyone knew that, including the men. Later, this had a ripple effect and eventually this unknown woman was given credit for the beginning of equal rights for both women and men, but it took thousands of years for this to take place.
Elderfelder was found in the river forest by some villagers who thanked the animals by leaving them food in a particular spot. This was where Elderfelder directed the StoneHouse to be built. No one had built a house of stone before as far as anyone knew. Later StoneHouse also took on the name SpiritHouse because Elderfelder had directed its building. In a vision once, she claimed that this was the very spot the last Angel left their world after it was built by the Creator of All Things and Beyond. An Angel was a Workwoman first, said Elderfelder, because a woman has to come before a man. That was the beginning. That was ancient history.
         Now you need to know here. History to the marsupials meant early stories. Some were based on truths; some were made up to tell truths that could not be told any other way at the time. So, you didn’t have to believe history, you just had to listen to it. Again, this was before the written word had been invented.  Elderfelder was the first miracle. She was the First with a capital letter beginning her name. She was the First in a lot of ways. In fact even today the letter, similar to the letter E, begins the alphabet used by the marsupials. She was one dancing lady, and she didn’t have a brain in her head to work with. No one ever forgot the story of Elderfelder.
Civilization was built around her and the building of StoneHouse. When it was complete, it was the last place she danced. She died dancing. The marsupials were overwhelmed. She was buried under the floor; that is according to the oral tradition that was later scribed.

           No one has check because StoneHouse was lost long ago. So long ago, that most people who really did love the story, did not really believe it was true. Maybe she had half a brain they said, but no one has ever been born without a brain who lived. ‘No one until now of all times,’ whispered the few who knew. ‘And born to two of the most unlikely and inconsiderate people that most of the Thirty-Six knew first hand.’ Why? The father, known mostly behind his back as ‘the Miser’ was the first son of the previous Director, and Sloenshine was the first daughter of the Director before that. The ‘Reasonable’ attachment was pure sarcastic wit. To this day she has never understood its meaning.

From rho’s Merlyn’s Mind Trilogy and/or notes
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           Late afternoon. You are wondering if you should include this. You should. This is the general concept you already have before you whittle it down for Pouch Eight. You had lunch at Penn Station then took a scenic drive down along the Little Miami River (a scenic bit of rural West Virginia less than five miles away). Post. - Amorella 

          1648 hours. Amazing. How could I forget this was coming up?

          1715 hours. I am wondering on the setting of Dead 8. It would appear natural for the two shamans to meet along a Bank of the Styx. But then what if the river is vertical, a vertical ribbon with the marsupial humanoid Dead on one side and the human Dead on the other side of this high wall of dark flowing water.

         The Place of the Dead is what it is now. No boundaries separate the human spirits from the marsupial humanoid spirits. – Amorella

         1794 hours. I would appear more dramatic if there were a fork in the road or the river; something to make the meeting place unique.

         Why not meet at the entrance of the Mother Glevema House? – Amorella

         1731 hours. Okay, I guess. It is not neutral territory though.

         It is a place without territory, boy. Glevema was the first human spirit to meet the marsupial humanoid spirits, she entered their territory and was accepted in a neighborly way. Now it is her turn to reciprocate with Merlyn and PouchMaster as her guest. – Amorella

         1740 hours. Does this mean Glevema ‘knows’ what is happening on ThreePlanets, i.e. new brainless crawl babe?

         She has been told by ThreePlanet’s original genetic  Mother-with-the-Pouch or MotherPouch. Let’s use sloppy German happenstance here: [Cern Muddenbeudol] Our MotherPouch. What do you think? – Amorella

         1756 hours. People won’t understand this Amorella.

         For later when Earthlings hear the word for the first time. Pyl will pick up the sounds immediately as sloppy German. – Amorella

         1758 hours. If you say so. If you remember, use it later. We can always take it out.

         Post. - Amorella

         You had a snack supper and watched NBC News, “NCIS” and “Rizzoli and Iles”. You also narrowed the excerpt above to four hundred and sixty-six words with further deleting and rewriting tomorrow. PouchMaster will tell the story to Merlyn and Merlyn will ask what the new information brings to the table of both species of the Dead because their intent and focus is helping the Living of both species where they can. The point is that the Dead firmly believe it is possible to help bring about a better life for the Living because they won the Second Rebellion. “With Life there is different kind of Hope”. – Amorella

         2211 hours. I feel I am mistranslating, feeding in my own thoughts over Amorella’s.

        You are because you are pumped for positive thinking. Do not discard though. Time will have its place in these updated books. Tomorrow, you both have dental appointments in the morning. All for tonight. Post. - Amorella

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