29 April 2015

Notes - Classification / hairless is naked / no strings /

         Mid-morning. You have resolved to stick with classifying yourself as a Unitarian. Digging down deep, you have come to the conclusion that while Living: you are a transcendental existentialist. – Amorella

         0906 hours. I could debate this until Kingdom come (if it does). It is obvious that alive I have to be an existentialist first because ‘I exist’. This is an example of how I can see why my parents did not consider me very bright. Sometimes I feel I am somewhat like the character Forrest Gump. I have confusion between literal and figurative thinking; I mix them up unknowingly. I am sure there are plenty of examples of this in these years on this blog, so T first and E second.

         Jadah’s stretched on her back with her white belly in a large sunbeam by the bed. Cats can be so sincerely relaxed – not a care in the world at the moment. We have another blue sunny sky in southwest Ohio this morning.

         It should be a good day to caulk the deck to the house and also to spray paint the four other deck chairs and table still in the basement. Tomorrow it is supposed to rain.

         This is your plan for the day. Post. - Amorella

         Kim called and is coming down Saturday with the boys and going home on Monday. She already has train ride tickets for Sunday afternoon. Paul has to work.

         You have the deck section washed, cleaned and drying after going to Ace Hardware for supplies and spray paint for the four chairs. Presently you are waiting for Carol at Natorp’s for flowers for the two pots by the front porch, then a stop at the doctor’s to pick up forms for Carol and after that, you are going to lunch at Marx Bagels before going home and getting some more work done. – Amorella

         1240 hours. It is warming up and as long as the wind isn’t too bad I can paint those chairs this afternoon. We are really feeling good about the deck. Lots of people at Natorp’s today, the first day of the week for them as they are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.

         1251 hours. I was looking over the faeries/angels doc and realize I need to have some sort of foundation for Dead 10. Is Merlyn going to tell a story about how it was Before, from what has been inferred. We do have the story of the Beginning somewhere in here or in the first book.

         Orndorff you aren’t going to be able to work while you are thinking about Ex Machina and the naked robots, or livebots as you like to call them. – Amorella

         1259 hours. This is so bad. I see these women walking by and picture them naked through no fault of my own. There was something about seeing the naked livebot in the film that I picked up as an Eve innocent. I was surprised it was the trimmed pubic hair that got to me. The livebot was covered decently enough with pubic hair. To me, hairless looks naked. Pubic hair might as well have been a brown bikini bottom half. A few naked ladies popped into mind as I sat in the car. I really didn’t pay much attention after the initial flash of imagination. It is like walking down the beach and stumbling into a nude beach section. Initial shock then, what the hell and you move on through. They are just human beings and I think they are more innocent than they let on.  

         Mid-afternoon. You finished painting the top half of the four chairs. The plan is to wait a couple more hours, turn them over and paint the other half, then touch them up after the rains put on the chair feet caps and set at least two of the four on the deck. – Amorella

         1558 hours. I will have to clean up the chalking a bit. I can set a nice bead, then out of the blue I err or hit a snag and botch up part. Now, back to the story line in Dead Ten.

         Later, my young friend. Post. - Amorella

         1725 hours. The paint is still a bit tacky so I painted what I could, mostly the backs and underneath where I could with the chair on a tilt. I will have some touching up to do. If it doesn’t rain until tomorrow they should be completely dry by morning.

         Carol has breakfast with a few retired Blue Ash teacher friends tomorrow. She always looks forward to these gatherings.

         1733 hours. The long Dead say, thinks Merlyn, there was a setting before time that held Faeries or Angels. No one knows which or where for that matter. Angels or Faeries or Both shedding flakes of spiritual matter. It had no place to go so it fell into nowhere The flakes eventually gathered into dust bunny-like clumps that further defined into spiritual-like leathery crystal, which distilled further into sock-like sacks with no strings attached.

         You feel asleep napping on the living room floor. – Amorella

         1948 hours. Wow. I slept more than an hour. Carol is watching one of her shows. I remember telling her I didn’t want any supper and just lay down on the floor with a pillow for a minute or two. That was just after the paragraph from nowhere began. Dust bunnies no less. I was going to write something . . . but fell into Merlyn thinking. Sock-like sacks with no strings attached. Well, it’s something rather than nothing.

         You can always erase it. – Amorella

         1956 hours. Right now, I’m still waking up. I was really tired. Carol’s going to want to watch a show or two from last night, probably “NCIS”. I’m still not hungry.

         Post. - Amorella

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