30 June 2015

Notes - surgery success

         Narrowing in on noon local time. You and Linda are sitting at a small table in the surgery waiting room on the first floor of Bethesda North. Carol is presently in surgery. She went into Pre-Op an hour and a half earlier. Originally she would be going into surgery in about fifteen minutes from now. Linda is reading one of Carol’s books, The Woods, by H. Cobin. You are wondering how Carol is doing as it is too late to back out of the knee replacement. – Amorella

         1155 hours. I hope she is okay and that she will recover quickly. The doctor will come and see us during Recovery. Carol was resigned to this but I know she doesn’t like going through this in any manner. Here’s the beeper.

         Time for bed. It has been a busy but successful day. Carol is doing well considering, and you hope this continues. Tomorrow you and Kim are arriving at the hospital about the same time to say hello and stay as family at least until lunch, after which Kim must return to pick up the boys from school. – Amorella

         2205 hours. Bethesda North is a wonderful hospital and it has a great staff including Carol’s surgeon, Dr. Thomas. He was happy to report all went well and I could tell he was pleased with the results so far. The technology and equipment in the room for the knee replacement patient is very much the best of the twenty-first century. Science is amazing and science applied for the best care for a patient before, during and after surgery is just amazing. So far Carol’s pain level is a 4 out of 10 and they hope to keep it that way or lower. Carol is impressed and so am I. Linda cannot believe the changes for the better than have been made since her husband Bill had his knee replacements, one eight and the other six years ago.

         Post. - Amorella

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