31 May 2016

Notes - hall bath / cube-like form

Joe is working. You and Carol are about the go to lunch. You have a new tub to install, Carol decided she didn’t like the other. So, Joe got you a new one; reinstalling, etc., will cost a bit more but since the tile will not arrived until Monday it won’t be too expensive. Carol likes the new tub (to be installed and plumbed this Thursday) much better, and an added bonus it covers the otherwise floor problem. – Amorella

       You had lunch at Smashburgers – Mike is the new manager; LJ got a job someplace else. The sweet potato smash fries, Carol’s goat cheeseburger and your jalapeño grilled chicken burger were excellent as usual. Joe is putting in some green board as well as the new ceiling fan and fixing the ceiling corners for painting next week. You picked out the colors that are basically the same ones that you have. The only difference is you had to choose a ceiling white (also Porter Paint/PPG), which will also be use in the other bath and all the other room ceilings when they are repainted. - Amorella

       1400 hours. I am impressed that when I told Joe we wanted a different tub in the hall bath he had a new one (acceptable to Carol) in the garage by eleven. It is larger and deeper and will meet the current Armstrong flooring. The tile will be delivered to Ohio Tile by Saturday so next Monday tiling for Joe and Tuesday grouting. Painting will happen on Tuesday/Wednesday also. We leave for Florida on that Thursday. Amy and Tim will take care of the cats and yard until we return.

       It has been a good day so far, much better than it started out. Post. - Amorella

       Carol is working on her email. You are wondering if there is anything else to come of your “‘nothing’ brain event” from the other day. – Amorella

       1455 hours. I assume not because I cannot think of anything more about it. Actually, it’s almost gone from my head. This is where I have a problem. Even upon re-reading what I wrote, my subjective observation, I don’t remember. Here is what I remember presently. I was here then I was nothing nowhere. I seemed to be in a cube-like form but I was as nothing as nothing was. Basically, that’s it. Then the dew drop. I liked that concept because it stretches from near Nothing out into the entire universe as water in a crystal-like form. Very cool imagery. Very basic, very simple. That’s it other than it isn’t relevant to anything except my imagination and as a projection point on what reality is via the subjective experience. It is no longer really very interesting. Maybe it’s because I’m tired and need a nap before my exercises.

       Post. - Amorella

       Evening. You did have your nap, and you completed your exercises – a light supper and a couple of TV shows. Tomorrow Jill K. arrives to clean. The Geek Squad repairs the back up camera’s license plate holder tomorrow at eleven. Post. – Amorella

30 May 2016

Notes - thoughts / I knew better / surviving longer

       Mid-morning. You are facing East under the shade of a tree in the Pine Hill Lakes parking lot near the earthen dam. Carol is on her walk. – Amorella

       0918 hours. The morning is not so quiet. People are about and at ten the Memorial Day parade. Good memories of Kim, in her growing; being a part of the parade most every year from grades one through eight. Complaints in the paper this morning that people don’t recognise this holiday is only for veterans who lost their lives in foreign wars, close to 680,000 in the military. This is about the same amount that lost their lives in the Civil War in the 1860’s. I don’t know why we don’t have a world holiday to honor the Dead period.

       How does one respect the individual dead when you speak of the mass? – Amorella

       0929 hours. I don’t know. Complications.

       Keep it simple, boy. – Amorella

       0931 hours. Honoring Life also has its complications. Whose lives? Criteria for honoring? Respecting life. – Abortion, murder etc. More social complications. Freedom, Justice, Peace.

       Where you were in your head yesterday was not a place of Freedom, Justice, Peace. – Amorella

       0936 hours. Our heartsansoulsanminds complicate our life’s decisions.

       Yet, you said that your heartansoulanmind was in Nothing (a solid) and that, in fact, your heartansoulanmind was as a solid metaphysical piece. – Amorella

       0939 hours. Simply put, that’s the way it was. Freedom, Justice, Peace did not enter into the equation. That was the ‘mystical-like’ environment.

       Mystical-like is the wrong wordage. – Amorella

       0942 hours. You are right, the ‘condition’ was not mystical; it just was. A place of ‘being’, not even capitalized.

       Carol is finishing. Later, orndorff. – Amorella

       Mid-afternoon. It is a warm, partly cloudy summery day. You had Graeter’s first then McD’s for a diet Coke and two Egg McMuffins, a stop at Kroger’s for snacks (cookies and chips) then home. Carol is watering the potted flowers outside. You want to add mulch to the southwest side crab apple tree when the heat dies down.

       1528 hours. Off and on, I continue to think on the ‘conditional experience’ yesterday. It was not a hypnotic induced experience. I just appeared in the three-dimensional field, the block of Nothing-at-All. I don’t remember being ‘centered’ in the block either. I was just there within it. It felt three-dimensional because I felt three-dimensional but I was not. It was as a remnant of being three-dimensional.

       You and Carol have been in pleasant conversation for about an hour now. You did go out and trim around the back of the house. Tim usually gets this every other week but trims the front every time. Grass growth is slowing down which you and Tim are both happy to see.

       1712 hours. I find my brain events interesting and have been writing them down most of my life. They stretch a sense of what reality is as far as I am concerned because the experiences are subjectively real enough to pull a perspective that I would not have had otherwise. This event yesterday is no different from the others in that sense. Basically, what I am thinking is that I might use the descriptions in a scene where human souls exist before they accept heartsanminds.

       Pre-lived souls? – Amorella

       1719 hours. I cannot image a post-lived soul being in such a circumstance.

       You are, as it were, a living soul presently. How would you find yourself again as a pre-soul? – Amorella

       1721 hours. My soul was pulled into a flashback of ‘before’. I don’t know how I could use that but that is my first explanation for use in a fiction.

       What about putting down the fiction business and consider your ‘events’ as you see them as plausible nonfiction? – Amorella

       1723 hours. I cannot accept such events as anything more than fiction. I toy between the metaphysical and the physical, the science. The metaphysical has nothing to do with belief in the sense of religion. To say any of the events were real would be arrogant because I know better.

       Don’t erase. Too good, orndorff. Live with it and post. – Amorella

       1829 hours. I knew better than to think that but I did. Didn’t realize it until I read it. Sad but true. 

       Time for bed after watching two old “X-Files” in a row. Carol is upstairs reading and listening to the television. – Amorella

       2220 hours. You don’t know that. Usually, this is what Carol would be doing, but I don’t know and neither do you.

       This sounds like the young man I know. – Amorella

       2222 hours. It is always best to assume that I am mostly fiction. That’s what I do, because I have no idea really what the most basic truths are that we can know about ourselves. Honesty doesn’t necessarily show we are crazy; it shows that we are inconsistent. I assume this inconsistency allows us to survive longer as individuals and as a species.

       Post. - Amorella

29 May 2016

Notes - a meditation / morning / evening

      Mid-morning. Cloudy sky. Mild temperature. You are facing East in the lot nearest the earth dam while Carol is on her walk. Being minimalist is comprehensive enough. Don’t you think, boy? – Amorella

      0917 hours. Yes.

      Nouns do not exist. – Amorella

      0931 hours. This is an understanding.

      Being is. – Amorella


      After noon. You have completed your exercises and the clouds are lifting. After Carol’s walk you put the windows down and the sunroof back and drove on the quiet morning road over across the Little Miami River just below the village of Kings Mill. Without the usual traffic you could drive more slowly, about thirty miles per hour down and up the hills of the Little Miami River Valley. Some canoeists were already heading down the river towards Loveland. Overall, a very pleasant old time Sunday drive. Post. – Amorella

       1237 hours. The ride reminds me of college days when Carol and I would take such back road drives up along the Scioto and Olentangy Rivers in Franklin and Delaware Counties. We had no air conditioning in those days (houses or cars) – always nice in the early morning or late afternoon before dusk. 

       2200 hours. I do not know how to articulate my observation on the morning meditation.

       It is difficult to describe a sensation, metaphysical or otherwise, without nouns, boy. People like to use a natural image such as a lake or stream on a mountain or the seashore or in a forest. A deep sleep does not do either though you have thought that it might, as it is the closest to death that people can go naturally every day. What comes to your mind is that nothing-at-all may appear to be sense as being comfortably encased in a solid. This sounds counterintuitive to you but that is the sense of it – an invisible solid, that when someone would appear to be looking in they wouldn’t see you or a solid – only empty without time or space as a reference. That is what is in your head at the moment. – Amorella

       2211 hours. Thank you, that is better than, pardon the pun, nothing. There is no sense of freedom or justice or peace – it is as being-all-together, a unit of heartansoulanmind – heartansoulanmind as a being-in-a-comfortable-solid-without-mass-time-energy.

       You add a bit yourself. Good. This is as the morning meditation was for you in heartansoulanmind alone. Post. - Amorella

28 May 2016

Notes - simplification / dewdrop

      You awoke with a headache on the left side; unusual for you to have a headache. It still throbs, though not so much an hour and a half later. The car tire held its air overnight, so you are pleased with this. Carol is still reading the morning paper after reading the local, which you have not read. – Amorella

      0904 hours. There is never much in the local paper. I don’t know but a couple people in Mason Schools today. I don’t know any of the students; too many people in the district these days. I assume there are about ten thousand – though that seems a bit high – 10,865 k-12 students according to their website. Amazing.

      Mid-afternoon on a Saturday. You are waiting for Carol at Kroger’s outside Half Price Books (for the free WiFi) on Mason-Montgomery Road. You had Potbelly sandwiches in the shade at Pine Hill Lakes Park first. – Amorella

      1539 hours. I am still thinking about how it would be if next to Nothing-at-All there were distortions of gravity waves. I try to imagine a visible even though light would not have been created yet.

      From my, the Amorella’s perspective, light need never exist. What do you think?

      1543 hours. I think it would be easier for you to remain consistent. I return to ‘Form’. Over the years I have used the image you drew of yourself but that form is after entering the dimensions in which we, the Living, exist. What comes to mind is I have thought of you as a ghostly sort of form, but . . . anyway, it is difficult to imagine you without a form when obviously, from my perspective, you have a function.

      Humans cannot imagine what they are not (that is, all of physics). Even spiritual aspects (heart and soul) are imagined lightly. So, let’s begin with heart images. See what’s online. – Amorella

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[WB]. Heart 1

[WB]. Heart 2

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      These are two online heart images your sense of William Blake picks up on. Now, look for soul images. – Amorella

      1725 hours. I cannot find any suitable image – the closest would be a female nude photographed in black and white or a classical Greek sculpture of a nude female form. I can only imagine a soul anticipating a physical form embodied with heart and mind. I prefer my soul in a female in form. If I were female I would prefer my soul male in form. I prefer you, Amorella, female. However, what form would you prefer? (I imagine a leaf of grass.)

      A very small drop of natural (unpolluted) water; a dewdrop will do. – Amorella

      1745 hours. This is a surprise. I would not have thought of something so simple yet so extremely important to life as we know it.

      You asked. Something to think about, huh? – Amorella

      1749 hours. I agree. I have learned something, if not about you, Amorella, then about myself.

      Either way, you better realize what it is to be a human being. Post. – Amorella

       Simplification is a key. - rho

      2112 hours. What to be; a dewdrop of natural water. I am taken in by the purity of the concept. Tonight on either ABC or NBC News a reference was made to the discovery of Clathrate Ices in Comet 67P.

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From Wikipedia:

Clathrate hydrates, or gas clathrates, gas hydrates, clathrates, hydrates, etc., are crystalline water-based solids physically resembling ice, in which small non-polar molecules (typically gases) or polar molecules with large hydrophobic moieties are trapped inside "cages" of hydrogen bonded, frozen water molecules. In other words, clathrate hydrates are clathrate compounds in which the host molecule is water and the guest molecule is typically a gas or liquid. Without the support of the trapped molecules, the lattice structure of hydrate clathrates would collapse into conventional ice crystal structure or liquid water.

Selected and edited from Wikipedia

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Space & Planetary

SwRI-led Team Identifies Clathrate Ices in Comet 67P

Published: April 9, 2016.
Released by Southwest Research Institute  

San Antonio -- April 8, 2016 -- For decades, scientists have agreed that comets are mostly water ice, but what kind of ice -- amorphous or crystalline -- is still up for debate. Looking at data obtained by ESA's Rosetta spacecraft in the atmosphere, or coma, around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, scientists at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) are seeing evidence of a crystalline form of ice called clathrates.

"The structure and phase of the ice is important because it tells us a lot about how and where the comet may have formed," says Dr. Adrienn Luspay-Kuti, a research scientist in SwRI's Space Science and Engineering Division. She is the lead author of a paper titled "The presence of clathrates in comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko" published in the April 8 issue of the journal Science Advances. "If the building blocks of 67P were predominantly crystalline ices and clathrates, then 67P likely agglomerated from chunks of ice closer to the Sun. The protosolar nebula closer to the Sun experienced higher temperatures and more turbulence where crystalline ices could form as the nebula cooled. More pristine amorphous ices likely dominated the colder outskirts of the rotating disk of dust and gas that surrounds the core of a developing solar system."

Amorphous water ice efficiently traps large amounts of volatile compounds, which are released simultaneously upon warming. Water clathrates are crystalline structures containing gas molecules. The volatiles locked inside the water actually create the stable clathrate structure. These structures release gases at characteristic temperatures, dependent on the gas-phase volatile locked inside the clathrate. Luspay-Kuti led an international team of cometary experts that interpreted Rosetta spacecraft data, and found that the observed outgassing pattern indicates the nucleus of 67P contains clathrates.

"Without direct sampling of the nucleus interior, evaluating the composition of the coma provides the best clues about the ice structure and, as a result, the possible origin of cometary nuclei," said Luspay-Kuti. "Thought to closely reflect the composition of the building blocks of our solar system, comets carry important information about the prevalent conditions in the solar nebula before and after planet formation. These small icy bodies help us understand the big picture."

The multi-institute team of cometary scientists analyzed mass spectrometer data from the southern region of 67P from September to October 2014, before equinox. 67P is a Jupiter family comet thought to originate from the Kuiper Belt. Scientists are comparing these new data with data from the flyby of Hartley 2 -- considered cometary kin in family and origin to 67P -- and finding correlations. If these comets formed closer to the Sun than originally thought, these data could help refine solar system formation models.

Selected and edited from -- http://www.sciencenewslineDOTcom/news/2016040918200019.html

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       2225 hours. This is becoming an evening of quiet reflection – imagination and contemplation on the understated simplicity of Amorella being as a thoughtful dewdrop.

       Let the thought be as it is, boy. Watch the thought settle in the quiet. No need for imagination and contemplation. Let the ‘dewdrop imagery’ be. Post. – Amorella

       2241 hours. Tennyson comes to mind.

Flower in the Crannied Wall

Flower in the crannied wall,
I pluck you out of the crannies,
I hold you here, root and all, in my hand,
Little flower—but if I could understand
What you are, root and all, all in all,
I should know what God and man is.

27 May 2016

Notes - more on gravity

       Mid-morning. Jadah just jumped off your chest and climbed up on her fluff rug covered box to bask in a sunbeam – a form of cat heaven. Carol is in the office on her iMac. Spooky is unseen and unheard at the moment. You have forty-minute exercises this morning and that is it for the week. You have been on target with these since Christmas. Thus begins your day. – Amorella

       0953 hours. Jadah is such a cutie. Carol was reading the entertaining article on Trump in the latest Harpers at breakfast. It is always a joy to hear her laugh out loud while reading something. Paul Wood is the author’s name if I remember right – a former BBC correspondent in the Middle East. Carol reads articles from my magazines once in a while, which I like. Eventually I send the mags to Kim and Paul.

       Late afternoon. You are facing west towards the center of Rose Hill Cemetery. Carol is taking a shorten walk as she has the wrong shoes. Lots of flags for the war veterans. – Amorella

       1708 hours. We were running an errand (cat litter needed) and I noticed the right front tire was low. We bought the litter and once home I filled the tire and took it up to Barnes Garage in Mason. Hilliard Barnes owned the garage in 1977 and a nephew of his Dale worked for him. We used their services until we got Hondas. He would work on VW’s and Fords. They are very friendly and honest dealing people. A few years ago Hilliard died, six months after retiring. Sad. Dale has the business now and when we have tire problems or something not too complicated we still take the cars up to him. His young assistant took the tire off and checked it out; he couldn’t find any problems. Dale drove in as we finished and saw me give the boy a tip. I told Dale I insisted because I didn’t want the boy getting into trouble. Hilliard and Dale would never accept a tip for changing a tire or anything to that effect; usually it was/is ‘no charge’ or minimal. Here comes Carol.

       Not quite dusk. You are home from a quick supper at McD’s – two Egg McMuffins and Carol had a medium Coke, you had a Wendy’s vanilla Frosty. Home and Carol is watering petunias before taking a shower. So far, the air is holding in the tire.

       1947 hours. I’m leaving it in the driveway in case it is flat by morning. A couple of days ago you mentioned ‘nothing’ and ‘gravity’.

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From 25 May posting

. . . I am pondering: ‘a tiny hole in a floorboard causing a nail to enter and close it’. Why would the hole exist before the nail?

       Nothing exists then gravity, that’s the analogy. - Amorella

       1621 hours. This doesn’t make sense. How can gravity come from nothing?

       Distortion. – Amorella

       1652 hours. Nothingness has distortions near its edge?  First, a definition:

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Nothing is a pronoun denoting the absence of anything. Nothing is a pronoun associated with nothingness.

In nontechnical uses, nothing denotes things lacking importance, interest, value, relevance, or significance. Nothingness is the state of being nothing, the state of nonexistence of anything, or the property of having nothing. . . .

       You are not keeping to the point of the exercise boy. - Amorella

       2158 hours. Okay then – the only thing that a vacuum can hold is consciousness, and if a vacuum contains not-a-thing but rather consciousness (because it is non-material as is the heart and soul) then consciousness [i.e. mind-like] may indeed be timeless. This is what I have constructed from this material presently. 

Selected and edited from the 25 May 16 posting

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       2000 hours. Now I know where I was but I don’t think I resolved the problem between Timelessness and Time. You say, “Nothing exists then gravity, that’s the analogy. Here are two definitions: 

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1 Physics the force that attracts a body toward the center of the earth, or toward any other physical body having mass. For most purposes Newton's laws of gravity apply, with minor modifications to take the general theory of relativity into account.

• the degree of intensity of this, measured by acceleration.

Selected and edited from Oxford/American software

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Gravity (or gravitation) is a natural phenomenon by which all things attract one another including stars, planets, galaxies and even light and sub-atomic particles. Gravity is responsible for the formation of the universe (e.g. creating spheres of hydrogen, igniting them under pressure to form stars and grouping them in to galaxies). Gravity is a cause of time dilation (time lapses more slowly in strong gravitation). Without gravity, the universe would be without thermal energy and composed only of equally spaced particles. On Earth, gravity gives weight to physical objects and causes the tides. Gravity has an infinite range, and it cannot be absorbed, transformed, or shielded against.

Gravity is most accurately described by the general theory of relativity (proposed by Albert Einstein in 1915) which describes gravity, not as a force, but as a consequence of the curvature of spacetime caused by the uneven distribution of mass/energy. For most applications, gravity is well approximated by Newton’s law of universal gravitation, which postulates that the gravitational force of two bodies of mass is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental interactions of nature. The gravitational force is approximately 10−38 times the strength of the strong force (i.e. gravity is 38 orders of magnitude weaker), 10−36 times the strength of the electromagnetic force, and 10−29 times the strength of the weak force. As a consequence, gravity has a negligible influence on the behavior of sub-atomic particles, and plays no role in determining the internal properties of everyday matter.

On the other hand, gravity is the dominant force at the macroscopic scale, that is the cause of the formation, shape, and trajectory (orbit) of astronomical bodies, including those of asteroids, comets, planets, stars and galaxies. It is responsible for causing the Earth and the other planets to orbit the Sun; for causing the Moon to orbit the Earth; for the formation of tides; for natural convection, by which fluid flow occurs under the influence of a density gradient and gravity; for heating the interiors of forming stars and planets to very high temperatures; for solar system, galaxy, stellar formation and evolution; and for various other phenomena observed on Earth and throughout the universe.

In pursuit of a theory of everything, the merging of general relativity and quantum mechanics (or quantum field theory) into a more general theory of quantum gravity has become an area of research.

Selected and edited from Wikipedia Offline

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Carol wants to watch the news. Later, dude. Post. Amorella

26 May 2016

Notes - nap time /

       Mid-morning. Greg, the plumber, has not yet arrived. Larry said it would be after eight-thirty. You were up early for a relaxing soak bath. Something new – you have itchy patches just below and above the elbows. You thought it was poison ivy but that doesn’t seem to be the case. You put skin cream from the dermatologist on it and it helps better than poison ivy medicine. It is a mostly sunny morning. Carol is playing with Jadah upstairs. Spooky is relaxing in her favorite chair in the living room with you. – Amorella

       Greg arrived half an hour ago, has the tub in place and has now left for extra materials. Carol found her planner (she has saved all of her yearly planners). – Amorella

       0937 hours. I need to touch up the paint on the outdoor table before we take it up to the deck. This should be a good time to work before it is too hot.

       You cut back more honeysuckle bushes by the lower flower garden (you have to move the cuttings) and cleaned off the table. When it dries you can paint the affected sections. When these things are done you will have accomplished another one of seemingly endless house/yard chores. – Amorella

       1028 hours. I still have seven bags of mulch to distribute before we head to Florida on the ninth.

       A late afternoon note from Larry says no work tomorrow; Joe will be here at about eight-thirty on Tuesday. After Greg left (with the plumbing working and new faucets attached and ready for tiling and externals for the tub), you had lunch from Road Street Italian and a Graeter’s for dessert. You are ready for a nap. Post. – Amorella