30 January 2017

Notes - the heart ultimately / continuation / Boatman

       Late morning. You have a dusting of snow and a clear winter morning -- blue sky and yellow sun. Carol brought in the trash and recycle cans and you are waiting for Kroger's to refill your prescription after forgetting to order a new month's supply last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You were supposed to take the Bydureon Saturday night and didn't think of it until then and yesterday you completely forgot. It won't be ready until after two. You can take the drug as long as you have at least three days before the next dose according to the Bydureon website. - Amorella

       1108 hours. I called the prescription in as soon as I noticed Saturday night but the pharmacy was closed. At least I don't have to wait until next Saturday. Jadah has been sitting on my right arm as I type. She is toasty warm and slightly purring. What good companions our cats are.

       You have chapter nine ready to edit. This time we begin with Soki explaining a bit more how things work in his part of the metaphysical world and the loose connection between a seemingly fated event and an accidental one. - Amorella

       1117 hours. I didn't know there was a loose connection between the two. First, you are implying an event can be fated but then what is the difference between a fated event and a necessity-by-a-Higher Power-one?

       From a Betweener's perspective there is no difference. From my, the Amorella's perspective, neither fate or necessity exist because the concept is unrealizable. There is a difference between what-appears-to-be-a-fated-event and an accidental event according to the Soki and the Rider of the Wheel. Think: "The best laid plans of mice and men" among the Living.

       1124 hours. I am continually surprised in less than a noticeable moment. I am assuming here that the human cannot discern an act of fate and an accident.

       A human cannot (in this fiction) because the Rider and Betweener do not have the wherewithal to comprehend the concept.

       1136 hours. Where does the concept come from then: heart or soul or mind?

       The heart ultimately. Time for a break, boy. Post. - Amorella

       1158 hours. Okay, I let this go. Hopefully I'll understand it better in the chapter. The mind gets bogged down when I focus on question after question without much thought between. From what I am understanding about the metaphysical world is that there is less thinking. This is understandable when there is no life/death or survival struggle involved.

       You are being more reasonable. From Soki's point of view too much thinking and like theatre/improvisation is needless. From the Amorella's perspective such thinking and theatre is a necessity for survival. - Amorella

       1207 hours. Innocence then, in here, is a trait of these fictional spiritual beings, but it is not the innocence as we usually see it, that is, the innocence of sin.  

       You are beginning to view these fictional spiritual beings (Soki, Rider, souls) as beings first. Good. Post. - Amorella

       1213 hours. This might be misconstrued but in a human sense it is an environmental condition.

       This allows a continuation of analogy, so important to the understanding of Soki's Choice. Post. - Amorella

       Carol came into the living room to talk about The Whistler. She really enjoyed the novel. Here's a synopsis. - Amorella

** **
From John Grisham, America’s #1 bestselling author, comes the most electrifying novel of the year, a high-stakes thrill ride through the darkest corners of the Sunshine State.
We expect our judges to be honest and wise. Their integrity and impartiality are the bedrock of the entire judicial system. We trust them to ensure fair trials, to protect the rights of all litigants, to punish those who do wrong, and to oversee the orderly and efficient flow of justice.
     But what happens when a judge bends the law or takes a bribe? It’s rare, but it happens.
     Lacy Stoltz is an investigator for the Florida Board on Judicial Conduct. She is a lawyer, not a cop, and it is her job to respond to complaints dealing with judicial misconduct. After nine years with the Board, she knows that most problems are caused by incompetence, not corruption. 
     But a corruption case eventually crosses her desk. A previously disbarred lawyer is back in business with a new identity. He now goes by the name Greg Myers, and he claims to know of a Florida judge who has stolen more money than all other crooked judges combined. And not just crooked judges in Florida. All judges, from all states, and throughout U.S. history.
     What’s the source of the ill-gotten gains? It seems the judge was secretly involved with the construction of a large casino on Native American land. The Coast Mafia financed the casino and is now helping itself to a sizable skim of each month’s cash. The judge is getting a cut and looking the other way. It’s a sweet deal: Everyone is making money.
     But now Greg wants to put a stop to it. His only client is a person who knows the truth and wants to blow the whistle and collect millions under Florida law. Greg files a complaint with the Board on Judicial Conduct, and the case is assigned to Lacy Stoltz, who immediately suspects that this one could be dangerous.
     Dangerous is one thing. Deadly is something else.

Selected from Amazon

** **

Carol took more time explaining than I understood, but this shows an example of what wife likes in fiction. We both read, one of the things we have always had in common. We are going out to lunch and have a few errands to run.

       Post. - Amorella

       Nighttime. Carol is up preparing for bed. Tomorrow she and her friend Ann drive to meet another friend for breakfast at First Watch. Earlier you and Carol watched NBC News, "NCIS.LA" and episode three of PBS's "Victoria". Carol made a quick goulash for supper; quite tasty.

       2207 hours. We did have lunch at Smashburgers and I  got the Honda washed at Mike's Carwash. The rest of the week has better weather coming according to the forecasters. We'll see. -- I skimmed over today's earlier postings and am having trouble making a lot of sense out of it. I'm probably tired and need some sleep. Sometimes when I re-read I wonder who wrote the words. Even the context seems foreign. Eventually though, I come around and move on ahead because a string of logic follows through, I just need to find the string and focus. I do wonder how it might be in real life to die and find consciousness continues. So much of being human demands a focus on unconsciously survival first -- in our modern times, usually it is not even considered, we don't have the time or inclination unless we find ourselves in immediate danger. It is there though, the Boatman is always somewhere inside. I cannot imagine why one -- the Rider or a Betweener -- would fear the Boatman? What payment could be demanded of a Conscious Being not alive? (2220)

       Payment is not the point, boy. The point is "one of consciousness is answerable for one's actions one way or another." - Amorella

       2226 hours. Thanks, Amorella. This point of view is understandable. One is always answerable to one's better self.

       That's one way. Post. - Amorella




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