24 January 2017

Notes - I disagree / quality time

       Yesterday was a milestone in Carol's birthdays as she was born in 1947. You went to Longhorn's for a late lunch then ran errands. The new phone system rang in morning with a birthday wish from Andy F. and the system worked well. Later, Owen and Brennan called their Grandma to wish her Happy Birthday. - Amorella

       You had lunch at Panera today then ran a couple errands. Tonight after watching CBS and NBC News Carol worked on egg salad for tomorrow and you watched the  third episode of this season's "Grimm"; last night you watched the first two before bed. The phone still needs some tweaking but it is working. The national political news is bothering your concentration but you feel you can gain control over it in terms of writing on chapter six. - Amorella

       2028 hours. I need to calm myself and not dwell on recent national politics. I think the way to do this is to focus on the chapters.

       Carol has you helping to straighten up since Jill is coming in the morning. She also has a scheduled doctor's appointment in the morning, as well as an eye exam on Thursday. You are searching for a new garbage disposal and tomorrow after her appointment you'll work on that.

       2041 hours. I spend too much mental dwelling on the Orwell's --

                                          p. 16 - 1984

Every day, or seemingly so, I see allusion to it in the national news.

       Orndorff, you taught Animal Farm, 1984 and Brave New World as a unit for most of three decades and a unit on propaganda . . . these things when not taught directly were alluded to in almost all the classes you taught. It would be unnatural to your character not to be upset by what you perceive to be a direct lean towards right wing nationalism and various forms of creeping totalitarianism. If there is to be a struggle you wish to follow your heartansoulanmind. Many others would be in the same or opposite boats. You are curious about how all this can be rectified after physical death. In here, it is not rectified. Post. - Amorella

       2101 hours. This is how things are in the world and it appears in this book it is the same in the next.

       What makes a difference to 'heartansoulanmind', to the human spirit within or without -- it is the same is it not? - Amorella

       2104 hours. I disagree, Amorella. Our heartsansoulsanminds grow while we live and it is only reasonable that they continue maturing beyond the physical.

       Post. - Amorella

     Carol is going to read so you decided to power up the MacBook and work on chapter six. - Amorella

       2228 hours. I'm ready.

       Let's go to it. - Amorella

       2311 hours. I don't know where the time went. Soki is interesting on quality and quantity in 113 words so far.

       Post. - Amorella

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