25 January 2017

Notes - Bose-Einstein / Chapter 6 nfd / light photo

       Mid-morning. You dropped Carol off at her doctor's appointment at the Mason Community Center and are waiting in the car. Let's go over chapter six with stats and such. - Amorella

       1013 hours. I'm ready.

       1019 hours. The stats for six are: 66 reading ease;  7.4 grade level and 819 words. I'm still not sure about the reasonableness of Soki's comments. I know nothing about the Bose-Einstein's so called fifth state of matter.

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Bose–Einstein condensate

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter of a dilute gas  of bosons  cooled to temperatures  very close to absolute zero  (that is, very near 0 K or −273.15 °C). Under such conditions, a large fraction of bosons occupy the lowest quantum state,  at which point macroscopic quantum phenomena become apparent. It is formed by cooling a gas of extremely low density, about one-hundred-thousandth the density of normal air, to ultra-low temperatures. Due to the unique properties of the condensate, Lene Ha showed that light can either be stopped or slowed down significantly to the velocity of 17 meters per second, resulting in an extremely high refractive index.
This state was first predicted, generally, in 1924–25 by Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein. 


The first "pure" Bose–Einstein condensate was created by  Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, and co-workers at JILA on 5 June 1995. They cooled a dilute vapor of approximately two thousand rubidium-87 atoms to below 170 nK using a combination of laser cooling (a technique that won its inventors Steven Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, and William D. Phillips the 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics) and magnetic evaporative cooling. About four months later, an independent effort led by Wolfgang Ketterie at MIT condensed sodium-23. Ketterle's condensate had a hundred times more atoms, allowing important results such as the observation of quantum mechanical interference between two different condensates. Cornell, Wieman and Ketterle won the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics for their achievements.
A group led by Randall Hulet at Rice University announced a condensate lithium atoms only one month following the JILA work. Lithium has attractive interactions, causing the condensate to be unstable and collapse for all but a few atoms. Hulet's team subsequently showed the condensate could be stabilized by confinement quantum pressure for up to about 1000 atoms. Various isotopes have since been condensed.

Velocity-distribution data graph

In the image accompanying this article, the velocity-distribution data indicates the formation of a Bose–Einstein condensate out of a gas of rubidium atoms. The false colors indicate the number of atoms at each velocity, with red being the fewest and white being the most. The areas appearing white and light blue are at the lowest velocities. The peak is not infinitely narrow because of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle: spatially confined atoms have a minimum width velocity distribution. This width is given by the curvature of the magnetic potential in the given direction. More tightly confined directions have bigger widths in the ballistic velocity distribution. This anisotropy of the peak on the right is a purely quantum-mechanical effect and does not exist in the thermal distribution on the left. This graph served as the cover design for the 1999 textbook Thermal Physics by Ralph Baierlein.


Bose–Einstein condensation also applies to quasiparticles  in solids. Magnons, Excitons, and Polaritons have integer spin which means they are bosons that can form condensates.
Magnons, electron spin waves, can be controlled by a magnetic field. Densities from the limit of a dilute gas to a strongly interacting Bose liquid are possible. Magnetic ordering is the analog of superfluidity. In 1999 condensation was demonstrated in antiferromagnetic TICuCl3, at temperatures as large as 14 K. The high transition temperature (relative to atomic gases) is due to the magnons small mass (near an electron) and greater achievable density. In 2006, condensation in a ferromagnetic Yttrium-iron-garnet thin film was seen even at room temperature with optical pumping.
Excitons, electron-hole pairs, were predicted to condense at low temperature and high density by Boer et al. in 1961. Bilayer system experiments first demonstrated condensation in 2003, by Hall voltage disappearance. Fast optical exciton creation was used to form condensates in sub-Kelvin Cu2O in 2005 on.
Polariton condensation was firstly detected for exciton-polaritons  in a quantum well microcavity kept at 5 K.

Attractive interactions

Experiments led by Randall Hulet at Rice University from 1995 through 2000 showed that lithium condensates with attractive interactions could stably exist up to a critical atom number. Quench cooling the gas, they observed the condensate to grow, then subsequently collapse as the attraction overwhelmed the zero-point energy of the confining potential, in a burst reminiscent of a supernova, with an explosion preceded by an implosion.

Further work on attractive condensates was performed in 2000 by the JILA team, of Cornell, Wieman and coworkers. Their instrumentation now had better control so they used naturally attracting atoms of rubidium-85 (having negative atom–atom scattering length). Through Feshbach resonance involving a sweep of the magnetic field causing spin flip collisions, they lowered the characteristic, discrete energies at which rubidium bonds, making their Rb-85 atoms repulsive and creating a stable condensate. The reversible flip from attraction to repulsion stems from quantum interference among wave-like condensate atoms.

When the JILA team raised the magnetic field strength further, the condensate suddenly reverted to attraction, imploded and shrank beyond detection, then exploded, expelling about two-thirds of its 10,000 atoms. About half of the atoms in the condensate seemed to have disappeared from the experiment altogether, not seen in the cold remnant or expanding gas cloud. Carl Wieman explained that under current atomic theory this characteristic of Bose–Einstein condensate could not be explained because the energy state of an atom near absolute zero should not be enough to cause an implosion; however, subsequent mean field theories have been proposed to explain it. Most likely they formed molecules of two rubidium atoms, energy gained by this bond imparts velocity sufficient to leave the trap without being detected.

Current research

Compared to more commonly encountered states of matter, Bose–Einstein condensates are extremely fragile. The slightest interaction with the external environment can be enough to warm them past the condensation threshold, eliminating their interesting properties and forming a normal gas.

Nevertheless, they have proven useful in exploring a wide range of questions in fundamental physics, and the years since the initial discoveries by the JILA and MIT groups have seen an increase in experimental and theoretical activity. Examples include experiments that have demonstrated interference between condensates due to wave-particle duality, the study of superfluidity and quantized vortices, the creation of bright matter wave solitons from Bose condensates confined to one dimension, and the slowing of light pulses to very low speeds using electromagnetically induced transparency. Vortices in Bose–Einstein condensates are also currently the subject of analogue gravity research, studying the possibility of modeling black holes and their related phenomena in such environments in the laboratory.

Experimenters have also realized "optical lattices",  where the interference pattern from overlapping lasers provides a periodic potential. These have been used to explore the transition between a superfluid and a Mott insulator, and may be useful in studying Bose–Einstein condensation in fewer than three dimensions, for example the Tonks-Girardeau gas.

Bose–Einstein condensates composed of a wide range of isotopes have been produced.

Cooling fermions to extremely low temperatures has created degenerate gases, subject to the Pauli exclusion To exhibit Bose– principle. Einstein condensation, the fermions must "pair up" to form bosonic compound particles (e.g. molecules or Cooper pairs). The first molecular condensates were created in November 2003 by the groups of Rudolf Grimm at the University of Innsbruck, Deborah S. Jin at the University of Colorado at Boulder and Wolfgang Ketterie at MIT. Jin quickly went on to create the first fermionic condensate composed of Cooper pairs.

In 1999, Danish physicist Lene Hau led a team from Harvard University which slowed a beam of light to about 17 meters per second, using a superfluid. Hau and her associates have since made a group of condensate atoms recoil from a light pulse such that they recorded the light's phase and amplitude, recovered by a second nearby condensate, in what they term "slow-light-mediated atomic matter-wave amplification" using Bose–Einstein condensates: details are discussed in Nature.

Researchers in the new field of atomtronics use the properties of Bose–Einstein condensates when manipulating groups of identical cold atoms using lasers Further, BECs have been proposed by Emmanuel David Tannenbaum for anti-stealth technology.

In popular culture

The 2016 movie Spectral depicts the protagonists fighting "ghosts" that are supposedly made of 3D-Printed Bose–Einstein condensate material tethered to the nervous systems of human hosts connected to computers.
Selected and heavily edited from Wikipedia
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Soki's Choice 6 nfd  ©2017, orndorff

         After an efficient walk around the plane and inspection of the controls Friendly, as nom de plume, Fran, glances over the instrument and screen rich Cessna Silver Eagle control panel and pushanpulled the start toggle fumbled then pushed the toggle to the up position. Embarrassed that Pyl is watching she smiles commenting, "It's been awhile." Glancing at her watch and the clock on the console she thinks, we'll be in Cleveland before dark.

         "We all do silly things, Fran," comments Pyl with a smile then enthusiastically comments, “I love this plane and I remember this Cessna was Dad's favorite." She winks, "Isn't that right, Blakey?"

         He feigns a grumble, "Yeah, and with Dad, Pyl was always the favorite."

         Justin looks to Fran’s sister Hart, who was sitting next to him saying, "Pyl and Blake come from parents who were a bit dissimilar."

         "Pardon," replies Hartolite.

         Justin restates, "Dissimilar, you know, diverse."

          Hartolite ponders the specific definition with . . . 'families that are ‘dissimilar' and ‘diverse’ . . . does Justin mean ‘heterogeneous?'

         With the flaps down Friendly/Fran revs the engine and confirms the rpm status, verifies the alternator and voltage. They pick up speed and with a lift of the nose, and the flaps set for a slow climb southwest Friendly taps the brakes to stop the wheel spin and retracts the wheels. Nearing the Ohio shoreline in the climb Friendly yokes left. The Silver Eagle continues a steady ascent first with Catawba Island and then with the Marblehead lighthouse below the right wing and Kelley's Island and greater Lake Erie lie below the left wing. The plane climbs due east until leveling off at nine thousand feet with a speed of 140 mph. Friendly feels her body immediately relax. "We're good for Burke," she comments. "Beautiful day, beautiful scenery, one beauty of a plane."

         Pyl smiles in response contentedly projecting the plane and the pilot as one-in-the-same.

         The flight proceeds. Pyl falls into a catnap. Awakening to the drone of the engine she discovers Justin and Blake had fallen asleep too. Pyl let be. She leans toward Fran, smiles and quietly says, "I can tell you are in love with this plane. I am in love with it too." In a ruse, Pyl closes her eyes.

         Moments later, Pyl recollects on her thoughts – this tension began yesterday with the bird cracking the left wingtip light. Blake initially said it felt like the bird lightly tapped the wingtip light. I asked if it was a bird. Justin said it sounded like a piece of gravel hit the wingtip. When we inspected the wing at the hanger Blake said the gray remnants were bird guts but there wasn't any blood mixed in it. The gray matter reminds me of soot.

         Pyl sits deliberating. Fran Parker is clearly in charge. The only flight mistake she made was the attempt to push the toggle switch in and then pull. She attempted to push the toggle in and then pull it out almost unconsciously, like she had done it a thousand times before, like I would turn a car key down to start the engine but turn it up to turn it on, not the right way.

         Pyl adjusts herself in the seat attempting to relax. Eyes closed until she hears the thump of the wheels being lowered. She notes her watch seeing the time is 4:48. She observes the time on the interment panel, 4:49. That's odd, she thinks, we were synchronized when we left Put-in-Bay. Pyl pulls the cell phone from her purse; it also showed 4:48. She asks, "What time do you have Justin?"

         He responds, "We checked our watches at breakfast. Just what you have, 4:48."

         Pyl responds, "The plane says it is 4:49."

         Blake says, "I have 4:48 too. Now it's 4:49."

         "The plane says it's now 4:50," notes Pyl.

         "I have 4:50 too," replies Fran.

         Hart glances at her watch which shows 4:50 but she says, "I have 4:49."

         Polite chatter rules during the smooth landing and exiting. Blake and Pyl quickly inspect and secure the plane.  While strolling into the Burke Terminal, Ply speaks, fully resolved to Blake alone, "I do not want you to sell our father's plane."

         A minute error is committed by Hart/Hartolite, comments the Soki. She is momentarily confused but empathetically sides with Pyl's cell phone. Time is considered a quality on ThreePlanets not a quantity. Ship assesses time as an efficiency-in-context mechanism, although Ship's soul sees time as a quality of being-in-consciousness. Soki hums electric-like and nearly converts into the lowest quantum state of matter, the so-called Bose-Einstein condensate, a fifth state of matter. A simplified analogy would be as water converting to ice but quantum material is not spirit immaterial. Consciousness contains the measurable growth of the spirit. The soul is an immaterial state in which consciousness can grow through the medium of heartanmind which is also a quality not a quantity.

66 reading ease       7.4 grade level          819 words

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      Post. - Amorella

       You drove to Barnes and Noble at West Chester, looked for world maps; they only had one in the travel section and it was torn. Afterwards, you both decided on First Watch for lunch on the west side of I-75, then to Rose Hill Cemetery for reading until Jill has completed her cleaning. (It is pleasant walking into a cleaned house.) Carol is more than half way through Kim's gift,  The Whistler a hardbound by John Grisham. She finds the read quite enjoyable. You have the next three chapters on the desktop and are ready to begin chapter seven. - Amorella

       1355 hours. I am.

       When you returned home Jill had a message saying a part fell off the Kenmore sweeper and you and Carol spent some time working on putting it on. This did not happen so tomorrow you take it to a Sears repair shop on Colerain. You sent Doug chapter six and he read over it saying,

 "Dick, Looks good to me. Keep up the writing. Doug"

       1635 hours. I feel better about the material with Doug's okay.

       As you read the material several times you seem, inwardly get a general sense of what the science is about. You need to have more confidence in yourself on these things, on the reasoning probability of use in a story. - Amorella
       1639 hours. The Bose-Einstein material is interesting on its own.

       You both had egg salad sandwiches for supper and watched NBC News, then "NCIS". Carol is ironing and is coming to bed earlier because her appointment mid-morning. You have been playing with Jadah since you came up. All for today, boy. Post. - Amorella

       2218 hours. Here's the article Doug sent me on a 'light boom'. Very cool.

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Scientists Capture a "Sonic Boom" of Light
A new, ultra-fast camera recorded the phenomenon for the first time
By Jason Daley 
Most people are familiar with sonic booms, even if they don’t know exactly how they work. NASA explains that air reacts like a fluid to objects that are moving faster than the speed of sound. This speedy object rapidly forces surrounding air molecules together, causing a wave-like change in air pressure that spreads out in a cone called a Mach cone, like the wake of a boat. As the shock wave passes over an observer on the ground, the change in air pressure produces the sonic boom.
Previous research suggested that light could also produce a similar cone-shaped wakes, called a "photonic Mach cone," reports Charles Q. Choi at LiveScience.  But they had no way to test the idea. Now, researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have developed an ultrafast camera that can actually catch the light boom in action.
Choi reports that optical engineer Jinyang Liang and his colleagues fired a green laser through a tunnel filled with smoke from dry ice. The interior of the tunnel was surrounded by plates made of silicone rubber and aluminum oxide powder. The idea was that, since light travels at different rates through different materials, the plates would slow down the laser light, which leave a cone-shaped wake of light.
Though clever, this setup wasn't the star of the study—it was the “streak” camera that the researchers developed to capture the event. Choi reports that the photography technique, called lossless-encoding compressed ultrafast photography (LLE-CUP), can capture 100 billion frames per second in a single exposure, allowing the researchers to capture ultrafast events. The camera worked, capturing images of the light cone created by the laser for the first time. The results appear in the journal Science Advances. 
“Our camera is different from a common camera where you just take a snapshot and record one image: our camera works by first capturing all the images of a dynamic event into one snapshot. And then we reconstruct them, one by one,” Liang tells Leah Crane at New Scientist. 
This new technology could open the door to some revolutionary new science. “Our camera is fast enough to watch neurons fire and image live traffic in the brain,” Liang tells Choi. “We hope we can use our system to study neural networks to understand how the brain works.”
In fact, LLE-CUP may be too powerful to watch neurons. “I think our camera is probably too fast,” Liang tells Kastalia Medrano at Inverse. “So if we want to do that, we can modify it to slow it down. But now we have the image modality that’s miles ahead, so if we want to reduce speed we can do that.”
The technology, Liang tells Crane, can be used with existing cameras, microscopes and telescopes. Not only can it look at the functioning of things like neurons and cancer cells, Crane reports, it could also be used to examine changes in light in objects like supernova.
Selected and edited from -- http://wwwDOTsmithsonianmagDOTcom/smart-   news/scientists-capture-sonic-boom-light-  180961887/#UGbfGbAXGIIhxTBx.01
Photo from above Smithsonian article taken from FB page
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       2214 hours. The photo boosts my imagination for envisioning an example a Bose-Einstein-like concept of a near immaterial though material object -- a greenish, ghost-like form, but importantly in my head, it has form.
       Post. - Amorella

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