26 January 2017

Notes - free in spirit / east side north / retired

       Mid-morning. You are sitting in McDonalds on Montgomery Road across from the Kenwood Town Centre waiting for Carol who is about half a mile south on Montgomery Road getting her eyes checked by Dr. - (who is in a new building). Lots of people, many business or retired, eating, talking and/or working with Fox News blaring on the monitors. You turned off the Wi Fi to save battery power, a part of your character -- an unnecessary act but you did it anyway. - Amorella

       1013 hours. True. Typical. Thanks for reminding me though. I don't think about these sorts of things but it is something people do, act when it is not necessary. The question is why? I don't know.

       The act was consciously thought through. Shutting off the Wi Fi served a purpose -- a reminder, an act of intent, conservation of battery power because it is the thing to do. This is similar to your buying the hybrid. It was the thing to do, i.e. ethics. This is an example of the spiritual 'rules' to be scattered in Soki's Choice. This underlies the conservation of words or their expansion, i.e. ethics. Word choice -- standards and ethics; reading ease and grade level are ethical standards unconsciously set up. These were not a part of the Merlyn's Mind series. Thought is your way to define the wordless contrast between the immaterial and material worlds. What else? - Amorella

       1027 hours. I don't see this consciously. I would never consider thinking/writing your previous paragraph.

       Of course not, but you asked why you acted when it was unnecessary. This blog is unnecessary, boy. - Amorella

       1030 hours. You are right, of course. Such is my bent on humor and irony. It is necessary that I type, that I use the keyboard because it allows me the personal satisfaction to observe my mind is still functioning, mostly proper, but the blog is unneeded in terms of living in my retired life.

       You do not take into account who you are (in your heartansoulanmind). If someone were to ask who you are then your intuition would be to speak from your spirit, but culturally, you might respond, "I was a teacher of English for 37 years. Today, I am retired. I write novels and a blog to pass the time, to keep my mind active as I age. Life is still interesting."

       1040 hours. That's exactly right, Amorella. Your quotation is what I would say if I had the time to think it out before I spoke. The other, the spirit, is private. I share it quietly because there is nothing else I can do with my spirit but share it or keep it private. I am freer, or rather, I feel freer spiritually sharing it than I would keeping it to myself. 

       Yes. You are clear and to the point. Post. - Amorella

       1203 hours. We are home. Carol cannot see well because of those drops put in her eyes but after I picked her up (she called about 1043) we drove south on Montgomery Road to where Silverton connects with Kennedy Heights we used to live in second floor, north side apartment on the northwest corner of Orchard Lane, a dead end street. (We used to ride our bikes up to the then smaller Kenwood Shopping Center.) Then we drove down to Pleasant Ridge beyond Montgomery Road and Kennedy -- old home territory from 1972 to 1975. There have been lots of changes since those days. Actually, the areas look better overall than they once did -- big old three story houses on the side streets, like those found in Hyde Park or Wyoming -- particularly in Pleasant Ridge -- old Cincinnati suburbs.

       The whole east side, that is, Montgomery Road and up through Mason-Montgomery Road up through Mason is Cincinnati home territory. You still like and more important, enjoy the Cincinnati area and weather -- one of the quiet reasons neither of you are ready to move and return to the Westerville area. Later, dude. Post. - Amorella

       After lunch at Piada Street Italian you drove to the Sears repair store on Colerain only to find that all the Sears repair stores have closed. You stopped at Sears Tri County only to find only a few garbage disposals. Moving on to Mason-Montgomery Road you stopped at Lowe's and found a disposal, ultra-quiet with a seven year warranty (you think: probably longer than I'll be alive, and anyway, we will have moved by then, at least one of us would). So, you are going to measure the size for below your sink. Then a stop at Graeter's to make up for all the long driving and shopping for nothing. Carol wants a turkey burger to split for supper. Presently you are waiting for her outside Kroger's. - Amorella

       1616 hours. Retired life is still not bad. No complaints. It is getting cold out here. Winter is coming. Forty degrees, with rain and snow in the forecast; the Apple watch is pretty cool, glance down to see the weather automatically and answer phone calls without digging the iPhone out of a front pants' pocket while sitting in the car or anywhere in your house.

       You are home. Post. - Amorella

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