27 January 2017

Notes - bridge building / Chapter 7 nfd / wordless

       Mid-afternoon. You ran an errand and picked up lunch at Subway. Carol has been working on 'home economic projects scattered about the kitchen island. She is still busy with banking statements and the like, things you would pay others to do for you, if you had to do it yourself. - Amorella

       1547 hours. Sad, but true. It is not like the old days (four decades or so) where we had the house debt and at least three decades of two car debt from time to time. No debts since 2004. Wonderful freedom, but with most forms of money exchange there are official accounting papers and/or taxes of one kind or another. I'm ready to work on chapter seven.

       Let's get to it. - Amorella

       1601 hours. Is this the last sentence of the chapter: "Soki here. Everybody needs something, even me."?

       Yes. Soki doesn't say much in this chapter. - Amorella

       1603 hours. That is all he says.

       Doesn't it make you wonder what he needs?

       1604 hours. Not all that much. How can he have needs anyway, he's a Betweener.
       That's the point. What is a Betweener's purpose for being? - Amorella

       1609 hours. Service.

       Service to whom and for what? - Amorella

       1610 hours. Frankly, I have no idea. I know we are leaving G-D out of this. I don't mind having a full bucket but I don't want any spillover. Besides, it seems over complicated in terms of metaphysics. -- Ezekiel saw the wheel way in the middle of the air . . . just popped into mind out of nowhere.

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"Ezekiel Saw The Wheel"

Ezekiel saw the wheel
Way up in the middle of the air
Ezekiel saw the wheel
Way up in the middle of the air

And the little wheel run by faith
And the big wheel run by the grace of God
A wheel in a wheel
Way up in the middle of the air

Selected and edited from -- http://www.azlyrics -dot com/lyrics/louisarmstrong/ezekielsawthewheel.html

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       You have a poem about 'a wheel' gather that up to here. - Amorella

       1637 hours. You mean "Rider of the Wheel"?

       Yes. - Amorella

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              A rider of the great wheel is a free man or woman
              who is always ready to ride at a moment's notice.
              A rider's real gifts are freely given and openly received,
              allowing for an orderly world in the head
              so neither body outside is owed a worldly debt either way.

              These are gifts for lovers and other special friends
              who have been digested and internalized in the heart
              for remembrances lasting longer than the muscle will pump.

              Death's wide doorway always lies only a heartbeat away
              for us druid-like riders and other holy carpenters
              who, like a Master Woodworker, say,
              “In my Father's house are many mansions.”

              A woodworker in this world is a tunneler in the next,
              thinks I, and no walls become the mansions either.
              The many mansions are deep and silent wells
              dug through to the bloodless caverns of the heart.

              Wall-less wells, endless wells, responsible wells --
              quiet dignified places for the living and the dead,
              sheltered noisy places to say everything needed to be said.

              To be truly free, a rider allows the property of his heart,
              his spirit house, to be open and large enough
              to be (at times) possessed and love shared
              by those timeless and those who are living.

              Such a feeling! A rider's soul smiles broadly --
              no more a prisoner of one's own breath,
              no more an actor playing in a part time theatre.
              The soul rejoices in leaving doll-like earthly wants
              while discerning earthly needs, once fulfilled, never leave.

              Satisfied, the rider is free and ready to ride,
              ready to ride into the raw power of the great timeless wheel,
              to ride out onto a bloodless and rolling cosmos;
              a cosmos, heart-touched and intuitively known.
              That one strange knowing and ghostly innate place,
              beyond the want of light, beyond the need of shadows.
              The forever place on the great boundless wheel
              where special friends and many lovers meet
              again and again and again.

Selected from the unpublished Take Two!! {Two Personalities} by Richard Orndorff and Robert Pringle

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       1642 hours. I forget what this poem is about. I'll have to read it. The poem is rather wordy and perhaps didactic, I get that from a skimming. The great timeless wheel -- I was quite the romantic when writing this, I suppose in the 1980's.

       That's not important for our use here, orndorff. I'll go back and underline what is useful in this context of 'the wheel'. - Amorella

       1652 hours. So, the Rider of the Wheel is who the Betweener (Soki) answers to.

       He was the Supervisor in "The Dead" segments. - Amorella

       1657 hours. Okay, this is interesting. I forgot about the Supervisor of the Dead. Why would Soki answer to him?

       Because the Supervisor's service is now to the Dead, both human and marsupial humanoid.

       1701 hours. Who is the 'Supervisor' as it were, for the Living in Soki's Choice?

       Soki says, "The logical choice, in a fuller context, is you." - Amorella

       1704 hours. I guess, in this fictional context, it has to be me. (This is almost too simple and obvious to print as I am the only living person involved.)

       Add Chapter Seven NFD and post. - Amorella

** **

Soki's Choice 7 nfd, ©2017, orndorff
         "I am glad you understand about not selling the plane, Blakie," comments Pyl.
         "We would be investing the money at this time in our lives,” suggests Blake. “No need and not a good time for investing anyway. Dad would like that we are not selling. It was a rush anyway. Out of the blue someone wants to buy our plane. Odd in itself, and in the middle of January too; in Cleveland, no less."
         "I think it is strange too," asserts Justin. "Hart didn't know what dissimilar meant in context. She appeared to be analyzing the word. Francis and she both have the same last name."
         "Right," declares Pyl sarcastically. “They both have the same last name. You have such a mature male observation. No rings. They don’t appear to be married either."
         Blake cautiously watches, seeing Justin change his face from curious to a silently piquing aggravation. "Don't get riled, Jus," utters Blake, not realizing his mental filter drifting away, "I've had to put up with her feminist tongue a lot longer than you have." To which he loosens himself, laughing aloud, adding, "Penis envy, no doubt."
         Observing his broadened grin Pyl retorts with satisfaction, "I hardly envy yours, brother dear."
         With a tempered grin Justin quips, "Shot down, Blakie."
         We need to sell this plane, thinks Blake. It is time to sell the bloody plane and buy a new one with all the bells and whistles built in. Pyl will never buy into it on family principle alone.
         Yermey sits comfortably in the chair-with-meditation-mode-max. He hears Friendly and Hartolite enter like the gentle rustling of leaves ahead on his solitary path. Though his body lies motionless Yermey shifts his notions to the left and his mind circulates left into a relocated thought. Here we are. . ..
         We have taken the courage to come to Earth on our own, independent of our elected Council of Parents-in-Charge and our many ThreePlanets kin and cousins. Our primary objective is to instill into these humanized primates that we are real, that ThreePlanets exists in our shared space of this galactic-pouch, and that we here-without-polite-invitation.
         Yermey continues. Our Parents-in-Charge are more fearful of these similar higher primates than they are in their much-weathered patience to acknowledge and greet. Earthlings appear to lack the foresight and courage to learn, to accept that though our civilization is twenty thousand years advanced we may be missing an aspect of our humanity this much younger civilization still has.
         Our being here is to show a just equality among both of our species even though we have a great technical advantage through our sciences and mathematics. Our separate species philosophies are so similar to be almost identical. Our separate species sense-of-equality is in our recognition of heartansoulanmind. This is what we must show through our kindness and patience. This is why we are here; this is what we are about.  This is . . .
         Friendly interrupts, "What’s in your head, Yermey?"
         "What is it, Yermey?” adds Hartolite. “Shouldn’t we be concerned about the plane?"
         Yermey fully opens his eyes and sits upright. "Ship says the Cessna is clean on all points but one."
         "Which is what?" asks Friendly. “Ship says the plane is clean.”
         "There is a time slip of one minute. Ship does not correlate with the Cessna by one minute.”
         "A minute means nothing without an observable relationship. Earthlings have no access to Ship’s correlations," responds Hartolite.
         "The minute is relative to something," suggests Friendly.
         "It is relative to us," says Yermey with more heart in his voice than reason. We come here unannounced and without invitation. When we make ourselves known. These three people will know who we are and assume that our intentions are deceptive, because we are being deceptive."
         In the pending short marsupial humanoid silence Ship stirs into cognition. 'I, Ship, understand Yermey's words. They are meant for me too. The information processes through my various channels unimpeded and I fully understand the present point.
         I, Ship, let the alien Cessna plane touch me. My maneuvering allowed only the slightest of accidental touches. I may need to be re-validated at ThreePlanets; however, I cannot leave without an extreme unordered emergency to run Home to ThreePlanets. Friendly and Hartolite stick by Yermey's words. His vital stats show he feels I erred-in-a-purpose, but I have no purpose other than to escort-in-safety-first. The Cessna came onto me. I attempted to jar Cessna's instrumentation magnetically but failed. The Cessna engine should have stopped short but it did not. Thus, I touched a wingtip.
         Thinking quietly, Ship wonders on the meaning of ‘accident’ and whether or not it had an undisclosed purpose. We are programmed the galaxy is a closed system for purposes of navigational safety, but the galaxy is not closed. Perhaps the universe itself is more open than is culturally accepted, even if the universe is a fractal or something less in earth terms, an Alice mirror. Our Home culture knows better; some say there are thousands of universes but there is no conclusive proof. I am not built to rely on ancient myths musing on metaphysical lightning and thunder no matter how many alien species tell a simple Creation Story in one paragraph or another. I don't need a story to build a bridge, I need better more productive engineering.

         Soki here. Everybody needs something, even me.


** **

       Earlier you had McD's for a light supper, watched NBC News, "The Blacklist" and PBS's "Victoria" episode two. You also ordered a new garbage disposal from Amazon that is to be installed in the morning next Wednesday. Now, you are settled into you bedroom chair after playing with Jadah and Carol is watching a lively political discussion on MSNBC and Jadah is curled up on Carol's lap. You are wondering in the fiction how you, representing the Living will interact with the Rider of the Wheel. - Amorella

       2259 hours. The thought flew in and out but it still echoes in my head. I need to know more about this Rider and how this timeless Wheel fits metaphysically with Souls without human/marsupial heartsanminds and Betweeners and Souls with heartsanminds. What is the big wheel and what is the little wheel (as an analogy) and what is each wheel run by? And, are there more than two wheels or do we stick with the song? Help me out here, Amorella, please. - rho

       The big wheel is where the Rider is, the little wheel is where the Dead are. - Amorella

       2308 hours. Where are the Living relative to the big wheel and the little wheel?

       Nowhere. - Amorella

       2309 hours. This is an unexpected response, Amorella.

       I am in your heartansoulanmind, boy; you are not the in the Amorella. You have, by your own admission, stated you do not know what I am going to say next. You cannot know. So, why is my response unexpected, when actually, the surprise is normal? - Amorella

       2314 hours. You are staying true to your character, I cannot argue with that. It is a bit disconcerting at times, such as now. You show me what is and what isn't in my human spirit. I accept this as a gift, but it is not without personal consequences.

       Everybody pays the Boatman, you, your characters, the Soki, and myself, the Amorella. Keep that in mind too.

       2320 hours. Where is the Boatman in this metaphysical schematic of wheels?

       That's easy, the Boatman is as the air the wheels are in the middle of. - Amorella

       2324 hours. This brings an unexpected smile, Amorella. I like your comment and your good metaphysical sense.

       Good. The Boatman is in the material air also, boy. It makes realistic sense in terms of the Living too, even in a fiction. Post. - Amorella

       2329 hours. Sometimes, Amorella you slip too much information; be it in a dark joke or not. 

        In context with the Wheel, in here, think of 'Humor' as a form of Grace. - Amorella

       2335 hours. You leave me wordless yet one more time. - rho

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