21 January 2017

Notes - music / protests

      Late morning. A Cincinnati Fioptics technician was here to reset the modem and the cable box upstairs. After he left Carol left on an errand and you did your exercises and put up the bookcase in the northeast corner since the cable problem was taken care of. The bedroom is now more normalized and looking much better than before, especially since your southeast corner man cave is gone. - Amorella

       1118 hours. This corner looked pretty bad but at the time I had nothing else to compare it with. What is really needed I still have in my closet on those four black plastic shelves in Kim's old room.

       You are back in your chair listening to Pandora's "Sixties Folksongs" while Carol reloads the bookcase. - Amorella

       1143 hours. "Let It Be" is not exactly folk but it is mellow Beatles which is fine with me. Relaxing . . . "House of the Rising Sun" is up next. Good stuff. My favorite music at this time in life -- Muddy Water blues, Woody Guthrie, early Rock, fifties and sixties jazz -- sets my mind at ease; yes, it does . . . "Don't Think Twice, It's Alright" . . . "California Dreamin'", Mamas and Papas; "500 Miles", Peter, Paul and Mary; "El Condor Pasa", Simon and Garfunkel. We heard this melody raw in 1971 with Peruvians natives in costumes dancing on a flat field in a large circle while playing their native flutes and drums outside Puno on Lake Titicaca near the border of Bolivia and Peru. It was a local festival (no other travelers but us) and we had our taxi driver stop. We got the taxi (a black Mercedes) at La Paz and after the festival he dropped us off at the station where we took the train on to Cusco where we stayed a few days taking in the local people and foods as well as the sites and nearby by train Machu Picchu. Enough on the songs and memories. (1219)

       Dusk. You are listening to MSNBC with its focus on today's women's marches in NYC, Washington D.C., Chicago and around the world -- reproductive rights and women's rights and protests of the ultra-nationalism right wing movement as spoken by President Trump. What do you think, boy? - Amorella

       You have been working on putting in phone numbers on your new land phone for about two hours. Post - Amorella

       2149 hours. I didn't think to tell you what I thought about the protests.

       You were protesting in the streets in the 1960's and in letters to the government during Nixon's time in office, and in downtown Cleveland a few years ago. I know what you think. It was a rhetorical question. - Amorella

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