31 July 2017

Notes - morning / spiral notebook examples

       Morning. You opened the windows as it is cooler, early Fall weather as was yesterday. Jadah and Spooky are enjoying the sun and open but screened windows. It is a very pleasant day. - Amorella

       1026 hours. We worked a bit in the yard yesterday afternoon. I used to enjoy it more than today, but still it would good to get out in the backyard and to sit on the porch and talk with Tim K. when he took a mowing break. Put the tens machine on earlier today, lower back still grumbling in its own way. Time for my exercises.

       Post. Amorella

      You had leftover pizza for lunch while taking a break and watching MSNBC. You dropped three phototexts in email but haven't received them yet. Carol wants a Graeter's so you'll soon be off. - Amorella

       You had your ice cream and are now sitting in the shade catty-cornered from Whitaker's mausoleum in north central Rose Hill. Carol is on page thirty-nine of The Brethren. - Amorella

       You are now home and your phototexts just came through. Once they are in place we can make comments if you wish. - Amorella

       1619 hours. Right now I'm ready to try a nap. It is warmer today than yesterday and I think more humid also.

       You are disturbed by what you read in spiral book three about your imagination on how it would feel to receive the wrath of G-D, either for yourself or for one of your characters. You did not include it but I would like you to copy it in the more general sense so find and tag it for later. - Amorella 

       You had a light supper and watched the news. Tomorrow you have an appointment with Dr. B. at eight-forty-five. Let's work on two of the phototexts. - Amorella

       2056 hours. The phototexts below (numbers 4 and 5) show an example of encouragement by Rex and Romela. For me this is following my intuition on learning how to use and develop my subconscious and unconscious for practical writing purposes. These two writing personas were attempting to help me writer more humanely as well as better. I was not fully trusting this exercise because I did not trust my subconscious and unconscious to work fully with my consciousness. I had the free will, it was my work not my personas because my name goes on the authorship. That's the reality. It is legally always my work no matter who my internal helpers might be.


       Below Romela is giving me a rather glowing report. Probably comes from the part of me when writing about how my senior students were for their college applications: critical in the middle where need be and ending with positive conclusion. I took these matters with a grain of salt but was pleased she was mostly positive. She was no doubt using my teacher persona. Most of us had a persona for work and another for family and close friends.


       2156 hours. At the bottom of the page is a sketch of what Romela suggested would be a new leader right there on the moon. I applied the figure to one of my marsupial humanoid characters who was a leader within their religion/philosophy/mythology. I forget her name but she is in charge of Onesixanzero. So, I put her figure to work. I forgot about that.

       You are mainly showing background here and evidence supporting your philosophy on angels and philosophy/religion/mythology. All for tonight, boy. Post. - Amorella

       2202 hours. It is difficult working up the phototexts. It takes a while for the material after it's sent to be received on Gmail so I changed to my old AOL account instead.

        All of this from the late eighties on is still an experiment in writing using conscious and unconscious-like writing. It is an independent, fun in learning activity for the young fellow. - Amorella

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