11 April 2018

Notes - T. and W. /

10 April 2018

       Last night you received an offer to buy. Susie dropped by this morning to enter negotiations and took back your offer to sell. Someone was showing the house from one-thirty  until two-thirty. You had lunch at Panera/Chipotle and now you are waiting for Carol at Kroger's at Tylersville and Cox. Tomorrow you are up to Kim and Paul's and are meeting Jim A, your M/I supervisor for a pre-drywall inspection then returning tomorrow night. You are looking forward to seeing the house and your cats, whom you miss, and Kim of course. - Amorella

       1451 hours. I hope we can come to an agreement on the house price. We and Susie are in agreement as to what we will settle for and what we won't. I just want this done so we can literally move on. Much of our 'stuff' is packed and ready to go or close to it. The house is a 'shell' of our typical home setting, mostly bare bones furniture.

11 April 2018

      Today you along with Carol, Kim, Paul and Pam, your realtor in Delaware County and the M/I supervisor went over the electrical inspection of the house. You were surprised to find the painted siding had been installed and the inside of the house is more cleaned up. The next major work after inspections by the county will be adding insulation to walls, etc. then dry wall construction will begin. You, Carol, Kim and Paul had lunch at Polaris before you and Carol headed home. We you arrive at Kim and Paul's you spent an hour with your cats while Kim and Paul were looking for a new iPhone. This has been a very good day overall. Post. - Amorella

       2324 hours. This has been a very satisfying day. Things have been done. Thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Mr Orndorf, I am finally walking through a door you opened up for me in high school. I am visiting Peru and Machi Pichu
    Thank you so much for opening my mind to so many things
