29 August 2009

An Estate of Mind

Hello, this is Amorella. This doctored photograph shows a construction paper model of the mind. While you are looking from above the mind you are viewing is as a two-dimensional construction from your mind’s eye. The mind has four rooms, each a block square and each equal in size. In the process there is a fifth square, the combination of the four smaller ones. Each of the four rooms touches a central middle point.

Imagine, for perspective, that each of the four rooms are fourteen by fourteen feet in size, and with a fourteen-foot tall ceiling. The squared floor is what it is, a floor. With this size room it is easier to imagine one’s self, three-dimensionally, walking into one of these rooms. As you are standing in this seemingly empty room you may see presences of mind, for example, hanging from the wall, or floating, or resting in one or several ceiling or floor corners of the room.

Presences of mind are not always conscious and that is the trick. One might be in your head presently, and you may not realize it until you walk into that particular room. The presence may be a spider’s web or you may slip on it as if it were a banana peel. A presence of mind might be a new and immediate love that jumps out at you and wrestles you down in this than a moment’s notice. Or, it may be a fear that faces you so directly your hair stands on end and your skin shrinks back, pale as the ghost you think you have just witnessed. The human mind can do these things.

The center, vented wall core to which all the interior mind walls touch is the most important. In my analogy the transference of aroma-like presences into thoughts is created by the continual unconscious baking of unique aromas in the four outer facings walls of the mind. These aromas flow throughout the four rooms of this model mind by osmosis, or unconscious assimilation, down through the central wall vent, and out the center of the floor of this metaphysical (or abstract) oriented mind and down into the physical brain which is bio-chemical in nature.

The physical brain as connected to the physical body may pick up a concept or idea from one or more of the five senses. An aroma from the mind may enter unconsciously and flavor whatever is detected by one or more of the five senses.

In the model I have located an outer wall corner to point north (towards the top of the photo) as a compass needle for easier orientation. The outer corner of each room points to one of the four cardinal directions.

The northern pointed room is the oldest part of the human mind in this model.  The highlights of this room relate to the physical world and universe human beings exist in. The small round blue button represents the ‘individual’ whose mind this is. Sheorhe is sitting on the floor of the mind in the interior corner of the north room and is appearing to look towards the north corner. Herorhis imaginary shoulders are resting against the two interior screen-vented walls that connect to the central exchange vented vertical post that delivers the mind to the brain and vise-versa.

Only in the North Room of this model do the physical body and brain connect. The other three rooms of the mind appear to hover slightly above the floor of the what-you-see-is-what-you-get North Room. While looking north from the innermost floor corner one sees a black outer wall on the left that follows to the outermost north corner while the continuing right outer wall is white. This north room represents the black and white world people deal with every day.

The basic social and economic techniques of the individual and group survival exist in this room. Moderately thoughtful people may attempt to hover towards the center of the north room of the mind when possible, thus avoiding the heat and direct aromas from the black and white outer oven walls. For example, the concept: “It is the nature of people to survive better in a community rather than individually alone whether they like it or not,” is one of the aromas that may drift through the north room. Another common concept may be, “I have to do what I have to do to survive in this world.”

Tomorrow I will detail each of the remaining three rooms of the mind. Do you have any questions orndorff?

Amorella, people do not live in a black and white world.

You are correct. I meant to say “the real world”. The north room represents the real world of the mind. Remember, my world is basically black and white. Many people think in black and white though. It is easier to respond to a question with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ than ‘I will have to take the time to consider my response.’ It depends, of course, on the existential condition the individual immediately has to respond to. Many times the immediate response is trained or conditioned as when riding a bicycle or driving a car or cooking a meal. Everyday life becomes a habit and when it does the person more easily slips into the black and white world I am accustomed to.

You are being sarcastic.


Tomorrow then, you will cover the south, east, and the west rooms of this abstract mind model.

We will cover them, orndorff.

What room do you exist in, Amorella?

What room do you think I exist in, orndorff?

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