30 August 2009

Estates of Mind. Two

This construction paper model of the mind photo gives a clearer sense of the black and white North room as it is right in front of you. One of my problems is that I have to see something tangible when it comes to metaphysics so Amorella designed this for me. I could have made this on the computer but Amorella says that neatness doesn’t count in her sense of metaphysics. I have this tendency to think of metaphysics as some may think of an abstract or schematic, almost idealistically, with Platonic-like forms and all. 

In the photograph, the orange East room is on the right and the red West room is on the left. The blue South room is directly behind the North room as it should be.

Adjusting to Amorella is not always so easy at it may seem. I don’t always agree with her perspective, as, quite literally, an independent mind, at least I accept her as such. In writing the books she seemed almost angelic in that, as now, I let her do the working of my fingertips on the keys. In the fictions she set herself up as Soki, a being from another universe and a tiny alien consciousness less than the size of a hydrogen atom who, in order to survive must become a parasite within another conscious being brain. She is neither of these things though so it is a part of the humor behind the novels and notes and this blog. As a writer, who would not want to have a writer within? It works for me as long as I allow her some distance within my mind. This is the reason that in yesterday’s posting I asked the question: “What room do you exist in, Amorella.”

Amorella here. I will respond to the question orndorff at the end of this piece. First, I was going to follow the outline from Book Three, with the South, East, then West rooms as you so subtly suggested yesterday; however, I will begin with the East room, then the West and save the South room for last. This is after all a hypothetical model created for an understanding of the mind, and tomorrow I will conclude the mind definition showing the connection of an individual’s mind to herorhis heart and soul.

The East Room of the Model Mind

The east room with its outer wall ovens in orange is the communications room where people have a meeting of minds from time to time. The individual may meet herorhis own mind or have a discussion of higher merit or principle with someone else. It is a place in the mind reserved for dignified and honorable subjects such as friendship talks and/or peace talks of any kind. This would include, for example, any kind of communications to make the environment better for the individual, community, nation and/or world is in the model’s east room.

It is the room in the mind where compromise is made once the differences are aired. It is the room of such concepts as the ‘Golden Rule’ and ‘I Trust You With All Of My Heart’, as well as a ‘Declaration of Independence’ or a ‘New Constitution’ whether it be for an individual, a group, a community, or a nation. The mostly peaceful Russian revolution in the late 1980’s is an example of such a compromise of mind still be worked out by the human spirit in the east room model.

The West Room of the Model Mind

In the west room of the mind the outer red wall is where the old ideas find a way of breaking down so that new ones may raise their ‘aromas’ into the room. This is the room of thesis and antithesis.

This is the room of creating an existential choice by which to abide to higher principles, the place in the mind where decisions of commitment are laid out and built upon. The thinking through of a relationship of friendship into the commitment of marriage is an example. Another would be the thinking through of cultural groups compromising to exist and live equally well on the planet would be another. These are principles found and worked through in the west room of my model mind.

A concrete, better built, and more humane world where there is no bottom line when it comes to the children or the parents who raise them. This is an idea of roses in the red-walled room.
This is also the room of thorns of the great and entangled circular argument, this is also the room in the mind where everything breaks down and moves right back where it was. The breakdown of civilizations such as those of ancient Greece and Rome began in this room. Divorce and Civil War begin in this west room also.

This is the most dangerous room in the mind. Old and new collide. Compromise or terror. It is the room of the beginning and the ending of things in a circular argument. There is a way out but one must move to where the West meets East, so to speak.

The South Room of the Model Mind

In the photo directly behind the individual in the innermost corner of the north room is the south room. Its outer corner is pointing due south as a compass would have it. The outer blue walls represent the “out of the blue” ideas or concepts that hit the mind like a bolt of lightning, a eureka moment or an epiphany, a perception of essential meaning as the Merriam-Webster’s states it. The south room is the metaphysical room of the mind and it contains all the references and concepts of metaphysical and/or spiritual references. Still, it is as the other rooms in the model, in human perspective, a hollow cube of fourteen square feet.

The ceiling is imaginary, and there is no roof over any of the four rooms so the mind’s eye can better focus on what is at hand. In this room heaven and hell both reside and to paraphrase Milton, ‘It is the mind that makes it so.’ Angels and demons are in this room as are faeries and other enchantments.

You name it, if it is a metaphysical or spiritual-like concept or event, here is where it rests or floats. It may be hanging on the wall or sitting in one of the eight corners. The ‘presence’ may even bounce off the walls of the south room. Strangely, the inner walls seem pressed outward and bulge a bit against the east and west rooms. Too much pressure from the metaphysical? Doubtful, but one never knows for sure. Doubt and wonder dance together in this south room.

That appears to be that, Amorella. I can follow the model because I have seen it before. Also, as the model was created in my mind it is perhaps easier for me to accept the concept. South is not the back of the head though, where the brain is, and north isn’t where the frontal lobes are. I usually picture my mind hovering outside my head, back to the left about six inches or so never directly above it. I really don’t know where my mind is though, not for sure, let alone whether it is right side up or upside down or sideways.

Today while on a walk I was thinking about the blood pumper and its sense of limited consciousness. Each beat makes the assumption there will be a next beat, but really, deep down, its existential circumstance and built in automatic life keeping determination to keep beating is rather secondary from the whole human perspective. We assume it will continue beating until it doesn’t. I wonder if each of the theoretical mind rooms has an existential circumstance.

Humans are a whole unit of what they are, the physical and the spiritual, orndorff. Don’t complicate the issue for the Living.

You said that tomorrow’s post will bring together the conditional elements of heart, soul and mind. What then? I can’t see where you are going to go from here. What else is there?

Time and Space, other Universes and the like. I am going to attempt to stretch your mind, orndorff.

I taught my share of science fiction I know that stuff. I read the science articles. It’s interesting, but theory is theory.

Not from a metaphysical or spiritual point of view. After all, I am as a mind without a body. The body gets in the way of imagination.

That reminds me, in which of the four rooms of my hypothetical model mind do you exist, Amorella?

I do not exist, orndorff. I am a product of your imaginative reasoning. You need to get a life.

Embarrassingly funny. I do have a life. Part of it is in my head, that’s all. 

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