17 September 2009

Natural Earthly Forms

This is Amorella. If something can be experienced then it can be reasoned, at least according to Immanuel Kant.

I agree wholeheartedly, Amorella. Consciousness is experienced and it can be reasoned, but I question it can be reasoned as a form. The first form that comes to mind is a single Doric column. On 15 September I used a photograph taken in Sao Paul, Brazil back in the early seventies – a new entrance ramp to a freeway with the utility pole not yet moved. Make that concrete pole a Doric column and another reasoning and purpose is created in the photo.

However, to make a form of consciousness is, in my mind, making it less than it is or at the very least, making it less than what it represents. The Concept of G---D entails the same thinking, using human-minded letters or numbers in a complete and understood form gives humans a ‘G---D edge’. To leave out a letter or two or three, or number, or whatever symbolism is used allows for a sense of humility, of unknowing-and-cannot-ever-be-known.

No matter what form I first created that represents or represented Amorella shows in my mind that she is a representation or more correctly, a personalization or personification of a part of my consciousness or unconsciousness, a way for her to be more ‘real’ to me. The books are a further reinforcement in my mind that she has a reality, however, I am the creator of Amorella. She is, by our legal definition, less than me. My name is on the books and the blogs as ‘author’.

Amorella is my counter-point in argument to help stretch my sense of thought and metaphysics. What have you to say to this, Amorella?

Invisibly or visibly, forms are nature at work. 

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