31 August 2010

Notes and a short editing & continuing of scene five

         A better night’s sleep, up early, retrieved the papers, breakfast, continued the news on the iPad, dusted upstairs and down, swept floor, and filled up the gas tank as well as upper body exercises. > Before noon and the Gilkey window measurer has completed his work. Take a break. Later, dude. -  Amorella.

         Busy afternoon with errands once Carol returned home. The last one was extended but you finally did find some fresh farm corn for supper. Probably the end for the year for it because of drought.

         Let’s work a bit on scene five.

Scene 5

Ezekiel felt a sensation in the back of his neck he did not have, and felt his head he also did not have move forward and down. L:ight, manifestation of courageous humility, appeared and stood in front and above Ezekiel, the L:ight took on an oddly discovered heaviness until was absorbed into a fully formed more youthful likeness of the once-prophet-to-be.

Later, Aristotle would seize on the concept of L:ight and conjure it into stone of the philosopher, a way to forward time through an object to evolve into its ultimate immortality, even as Mother Earth’s lead can be transmuted into her ultimate immortality gold. Aristotle secretly thought, in the science of our tangible Earth we have the mind and can envision Plato’s immortal Forms.

Ezekiel secretly thought that he was about to meet an Angel but he met an old friend instead.

“Ezekiel, this is Isaac.”

Ezekiel felt a smile form within first. “Isaac, friend of my youth?”

“The same.”

“Your voice comforts me.”

“See yourself with my eyes.”

Ezekiel saw nothing but felt his face shift slight modifications, first, his lips, ears and nose, then eyebrows, cheeks and chin. He said, “I feel tiny pressures, a sculpturing breeze.”

“You are now similar to who your friends and family witnessed.”

Ezekiel meant to asked Isaac, “When do I meet an Angel?” but found the thought immediately unnerved him.

Instead, he saw his comrade. “You are as I wish you to be.” For such I thank G-D, rolled by his mind like a glimpse of sunlight.

         Enough for tonight, orndorff. – Amorella.

         Amorella, this seems a bit too arrogant. Who am I to give Ezekiel an old friend named Isaac? I suddenly find the use of Ezekiel’s name beyond my station. I am not even Jewish. This is very brash of me (who has his name attached to the book). It is one thing to play with a character’s name. I did with Blake Williams in “Pouch Text” selections of the first three books. I even used a part of myself as his character knowing full well I secretly desired to be like William Blake the artist and poet, he fit with my being transcendental-like in my mental nature. But I do not have an identity with Ezekiel other than he is the Old Testament prophet I admire most for his courage and dedication to G---D, even though I personally still have agnostic thoughts.

         Play the chapter out, boy, then reconsider. This is what you have done and will continue to do.

         I want to see the books out. I want to know what the order of the words are in my head. I wish to remain polite in these books. The first three were more honest.

         Tomorrow your chair arrives for the bedroom. The room needs some reorganization. You can more easily use the southeast corner as your office as you once did. We will work more on the scene tomorrow. Post. Amorella.

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