30 September 2014

Notes - thought suppresses imagination / early afternoon / in a fiction /

         Mid-morning. Everyone is readying for breakfast on their own level and in their own way. Diversity is what it is and need not go any further than the breakfast table. It exists in the best and worst of families and even the vast statistical middle. How is it I wonder that you measure the spiritual immeasurable that drives each and every one – the heart and soul and mind – the primary source of what humanity is. – Amorella

         0821 hours. I really didn’t expect you to sign this as it is unlike you to mention these really common themes.

         You are arrogant boy to think of the heart and soul and mind as common. – Amorella

         0823 hours. It is hard to think this is a reality when we measure behaviours. They are measurable. Instincts and unspoken but practiced cultural behaviours drive people to breakfast and to the table. We are all these things not just the spiritual.

         Your definition of spiritual is either too broad or to specific. You need a better word to better create your personal argument. The spiritual center cannot be well described in either poetry or scientific or philosophical terms. – Amorella

         0829 hours. I don’t agree with you Amorella. Culture is a part of who I am.

         You did not arrive with culture boy; you arrived blank slate human with potential built in, not a blank slate. Is potential spiritual? – Amorella

         0833 hours. Potential has more to do with evolution of the species in its broader context here, in this discussion. We are not talking at the same level.

         This is my point boy. Shall we agree that the spiritual is inbred?  Your words choice is not well chosen here. You can see the problem but you chose not to because people do not wish to see beyond culture. The spiritual as I see it is inbred. Use your imagination boy. From a pretend Angel’s perspective inbred has another, deeper meaning. How are humans going to relate to an alien but humane species who may see the spiritual from a different perspective. Opens up a can a worms don’t it boy? – Amorella

         0843 hours. I think maybe I’m not reading you correctly.

         Later, boy. You were just called to breakfast. - Amorella

         0929 hours. Bacon, pancakes and milk/juice, which ended and then with some Mother ‘gotchas’ and roughhousing and giggling on the living room carpet before getting dressed for outside activity.

         Post. - Amorella

       0943 hours. Word choices are difficult in talking with pretend aliens or pretend angels. When either provokes thought it suppresses imagination at the same time, or it appears to do so. 

        You are at the children’s recreation area at Pine Hill Lakes Park. Carol, Kim and the boys are over feeding the ducks before playtime. This gives us time to talk about Dead Six. – Amorella

         1100 hours. I know neither the setting nor the characters.

         The focus is a turn to the Dead’s perspective. – Amorella

         1109 hours. I assume the Dead have their earthly memories because memories of the heart and mind would be unimpeded by the physical processes. I remember research with monkey brains kept alive and how their processes were much faster because the brain did not have the allowance of the rest of the body to be concerned about, i.e. survival of the body is not an imperative.

         Within the books’ context this would hold true for any physical problems one would have. The heart and mind would continue to grow, being taught by familiars, in this case family and/or family friends in a mentoring relationship. – Amorella

         1117 hours. What then would be the Dead’s perspective – it would seem to be more open and accepting.

         The human spirit has to be ready to be open and accepting. Do you see the point here? – Amorella

         I see a flash of Jesus’ words (the Golden Rule) used in another context in a kind of “adapt or die”.

         Your basis is from college days when you had such a thought – a simple social rule: Respect the Concept of G---D and follow the Golden Rule upon meeting friends and strangers. In those days it was: Respect God. Practice the Golden Rule when plausible. You gave some room for self-protection. Which begs the question; how does one who is dead protect herorhis heartansoulanmind? – Amorella

         1309 hours. We had lunch at Panera/Chipotle.

         Kim and the boys left within the last hour and you were working your new FB ‘Like’ page into existence and mentioned it and your webpage to Denise Williams who said she would kick it off with Indian Hill Alumni. This was not your intent but once you started you just wanted to be done with it. – Amorella

         1512 hours. It just seemed the practical thing to do. Now it is done. I can get over the embarrassment of ringing my own bell. What a world to have to do this. I don’t know any other way. It would seem wrong not to use the media at least to open the way for interested readers. At least it is not very much and profit is not a motive.

         That in itself is reasonable. Your neo-classic self popped out boy. Now you can relax. Later, dude. Post. - Amorella

         You are at the far end of Pine Hill Lakes Park facing south into the north woods near the west bank of the eastern Muddy Creek branch. Carol has begun her walk. Now, back to self-protecting one’s heartansoulanmind. In here the individual human spirit isn’t going anywhere soon. The point is where are the individual lines drawn, saying in effect, “the is who I am, do not intrude.” In the real world one might say, “everyone is entitled to some privacy, now bugger off.”

         To demonstrate this we will Merlyn being intruded on by fellow and more ancient shaman Panagiotakis, the grandfather of Mother Glevema. Takis wants Merlyn to help him find Ezekiel. - Amorella

         ** **
Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go; and the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels. When those went, these went; and when those stood, these stood; and when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels. (Ezekiel and the Wheel)

From - book 4 draft, chapter 5, scene 11, chapter 5
         ** **

         Takis wants to know what the counterpart of the “wheel” is in the Dead. The assumption has been that the counterpart is the flesh as in the flesh and the spirit but Takis thinks it may be the self-centered of the spirit. What is the difference he thinks, between the self-centeredness of the spirit and the spirit’s private domain. After all, one’s spirit house is declared private but this can be entered seemingly without impropriety. – Amorella

         1653 hours. This would never be a problem for the Living because one’s privacy can be breeched in any number of ways. So, the point for Takis is that how is the privacy of one breachable by an Angel but unbreachable by another human soul? So, is the “wheel” what makes it not breachable, and if this is so, what allows the breachability by the Angel, philosophically speaking?  I think I need to work on this but I am slowing coming into a story concept. Though, why would any of this come up now?

         You are home. It comes up because this is of interest, concern for your own and/or anyone else’s privacy comes up in the newspapers and magazines continually. Why would this not come up among the Dead. Merlyn doesn’t mind that spirits stop by from time to time; it is allowable but do any of the Dead have full control of their privacy? Somewhere in you notes in the last twenty-five years you have been concerned (in terms of Jesus’ humanity) of how it would be to be plagued by other human spirits wishing to shake his hand or bow to him or some other sort of thing. You are not thinking of the Holy Trinity here, only a man who may not be as G---D’s self. – Amorella

         1732 hours. Yes, this is so. One time I had a flash vision (a quick second or two) of Jesus, a human spirit, walking along a garden-like path with a friend. I liked the quick image because he was not hounded by the hoards so to speak. I remember thinking afterwards, what if one came across such an event? I think I would have nodded and carried on my way not wishing to interrupt because it would be impolite. The whole ‘moment’ was so extraordinary and out of place, but I have a memory of it nevertheless, not as a fact, but as a sense of place and politeness. It still gives me cause to pause and wonder. (1738)

         So, you see you can approach the concept of this segment with a sense of authenticity – at least in a fiction? – Amorella

         1740 hours. I can.

         Post. - Amorella


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