25 September 2014

Notes - weird / alien indeed / fun / diced walls ?

         Mid-morning. Three months to Christmas popped into consciousness. – Amorella

         0835 hours.  Strange that 25 would trigger Christmas when it could just as easily been 25 cents, a quarter of a dollar. It looks like another perfectly good and pleasant Autumn day in southwest Ohio. We all have our opinions on September and December. I actually prefer September weather-wise; though grandchildren make Christmas fun again. Less coughing last night and better sleeping on that account.

         You had a short nap and did some household chores along with calling Scott S. Construction about reconstruction of the northwest corner of the house from the damage caused by a woodpecker, mostly while you were on vacation. – Amorella

         1249 hours. We haven’t had Scott working for us for a couple of years or so. Carol now wants him to replace deck boards so perhaps we are going to work on the house again.

         Carol is on the phone with her sister and you have been playing with paragraphs for Pouch Six. You are not sure quite how to begin. First we focus on the main character. This operation is top secret and only machinery Onesixanzero knows anything about it other than Drenakite the Cleric priestess. Let’s let Onesixanzero lead as Director Kembel walks into the machinery and sits much like Lincoln in the statue in Washington. – Amorella

         1304 hours. This seems weird but it is something to begin with.

         Post. - Amorella

         You had lunch at Marx Bagels in Blue Ash for a shared delicious tuna deluxe on a honey and wheat bagel and two chocolate chip cookie each; then after watching the cars go by for a half hour you took Cooper over to Montgomery Road to stop at Montgomery Square for Carol; as far as you know you will be heading home after. – Amorella

         1435 hours. We enjoy our routines. I predict we stop for a Graeter’s or go to the park for reading in the shade. I did not do my exercises – feeling unwell after a coughing fit in the morning, better this afternoon.

         A stop at Graeter’s and Kroger’s on the way home. Bakery bread, your favorites. Then Carol wants to walk so you’ll be off again. – Amorella

         1521 hours. The machinery room would appear to have no distinguishing marks. In some ways, in my mind, I am reminded of a stone crypt, a room, ten by twelve with a higher than usual ceiling, maybe fifteen feet. The top has a dark sponge-like appearance, maybe even moldy, small dark green earthworm like, circular mold.  The floor is stone as are the walls – I would have thought the computer would be built in the walls like insulation, like in Ship. On the outside it is gray like granite, no windows and the roof is peaked from four corners – like the four directions. Maybe there is a holograph of some sort that shows from the ceiling to ground level.

         You are home. It is interesting to observe you conjure up a setting from life experience. The size came from the Alto Plano region of Bolivia some distance from the Peruvian border. A selection of size in the vision is from Tiwanaku. You took your own but the one from Wikipedia will do here.

Gate of the Sun at Tiwanaku

         The stone of the tower is from Machu Picchu ruins.        

Machu Pichu Wall

         1626 hours. I don’t know if you are correct, but when thinking of an alien place both settings fill the bill as far as authenticity are concerned – alien-like settings to me.

         The ‘mold’ you describe are leaf veins curled as in an Inca design. For our purposes they are sensing veins for the machine that studies marsupial behaviors and is now correlating human behaviors within it. This is a secret machine work created by Yermey and Kembel and Drenakite before Friendly and Hartolite are aware Yermey is going along. You will have a lot to say on this so Pouch Six and Seven will be used to set the stage for the reader. – Amorella

         1638 hours. The beginning flavor of Brave New World immediately comes to mind here except rather than Alpha and Beta babies I see various sets of machinery in blocks placed together like Inca stone blocks. The play between rough edges allows various senses to appear, smell, height and depth, taste, sound, touch, sound and sight – that is, correlations of these things modified by the body of Drenakite. These Clerics are supposed to be hairless.

         She is hairless. A model can be the statue of a Greek goddess, but we will cover her with a living ivy-like plant that thrives from air; an air plant or epiphyte. Only this one has been trained to grow on the hairless human body rather than a plant.

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An epiphyte is a plant that grows non-parasitically upon another plant (such as a tree), and derives its moisture and nutrients from the air, rain, and sometimes from debris accumulating around it instead of the structure it is fastened to. An epiphytic organism that is not a plant is not called an epiphyte. Epiphytes are usually found in the temperate zone. . . . Epiphytes provide a rich and diverse habitat for other organisms including animals, fungi, bacteria, and myxomcetes. Epiphyte is one of the subdivisions of the Raunkiaer system.

The term epiphytic derives from the Greek epi- (meaning 'upon') and phyton (meaning 'plant'). Epiphytic plants are sometimes called "air plants" because they do not root in soil. However, there are many aquatic species of algae, including seaweeds, that are epiphytes on other aquatic plants (seaweeds or aquatic angiosperms).

The best-known epiphytic plants include mosses, orchids, and bromeliads such as Spanish moss, but epiphytes may be found in every major group of the plant kingdom. 89% of epiphyte species (about 24,000) are flowering plants. The second largest group are the leptosporangiate ferns, with about 2800 species (10% of epiphytes). In fact, about one third of all ferns are epiphytes. The third largest group is clubmosses, with 190 species, followed by a handful of species in each of the spikemosses, other ferns, Gnetales and cycads.

Selected and edited from Wikipedia - epiphyte
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         1658 hours. I like this Amorella. Very cool. I can feel my imagination mold/flow into this setting.

         Really. Post, orndorff. - Amorella

         1714 hours. Wow. This is what I call fun. Indeed, most cool. The thing is before I thought this event today I would have never thought it at all. 

         2118 hours. Now that I sit down to think on it the priestess is marsupial humanoid not human so the ‘classical’ touch makes little difference. A light blue thin silk-like classical wrap when dressed. How would she publically wear her plant? A towel wrap hanging her pouch line would suffice, down the thigh perhaps mid-thigh. Light brown sparsely oiled skin like lightly toasted buttered bread. With the narrative from the machine’s viewpoint before the Director enters. Two chairs facing one another, similar to the one pictured.

         The floor appears as marble only a dark earth-brown four walls are placed stone fifteen feet high, each multitudes of gray to brown shaded granite-like stone about a foot in length and four to five inches high and at least two feet thick. A smattering of Orchid like plants and flowers placed hanging at various levels, grown with artificial sunlight and humidity. In some ways the placement gave the machine space the appearance of a die from the inside. Three flowers on one wall, two on another, one on another and four on yet another. One would expect six plants from the ceiling and five growing from the floor. Possible ancient marsupial humanoid purpose below:

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Dice can be used for divination and using dice for such a purpose is called cleromancy. A pair of common dice is usual, though other forms of polyhedra can be used. Tibetan Buddhists sometimes use this method of dvination. It is highly likely that the Pythagoreans used the Platonic solids as dice. They referred to such dice as "the dice of the gods" and they sought to understand the universe through an understanding of geometry in polyhedra.

Selected and edited from Wikipedia - Dice
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Dice Image from Wikipedia

         Post. Until tomorrow, orndorff. - Amorella

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