31 August 2010

Notes and a short editing & continuing of scene five

         A better night’s sleep, up early, retrieved the papers, breakfast, continued the news on the iPad, dusted upstairs and down, swept floor, and filled up the gas tank as well as upper body exercises. > Before noon and the Gilkey window measurer has completed his work. Take a break. Later, dude. -  Amorella.

         Busy afternoon with errands once Carol returned home. The last one was extended but you finally did find some fresh farm corn for supper. Probably the end for the year for it because of drought.

         Let’s work a bit on scene five.

Scene 5

Ezekiel felt a sensation in the back of his neck he did not have, and felt his head he also did not have move forward and down. L:ight, manifestation of courageous humility, appeared and stood in front and above Ezekiel, the L:ight took on an oddly discovered heaviness until was absorbed into a fully formed more youthful likeness of the once-prophet-to-be.

Later, Aristotle would seize on the concept of L:ight and conjure it into stone of the philosopher, a way to forward time through an object to evolve into its ultimate immortality, even as Mother Earth’s lead can be transmuted into her ultimate immortality gold. Aristotle secretly thought, in the science of our tangible Earth we have the mind and can envision Plato’s immortal Forms.

Ezekiel secretly thought that he was about to meet an Angel but he met an old friend instead.

“Ezekiel, this is Isaac.”

Ezekiel felt a smile form within first. “Isaac, friend of my youth?”

“The same.”

“Your voice comforts me.”

“See yourself with my eyes.”

Ezekiel saw nothing but felt his face shift slight modifications, first, his lips, ears and nose, then eyebrows, cheeks and chin. He said, “I feel tiny pressures, a sculpturing breeze.”

“You are now similar to who your friends and family witnessed.”

Ezekiel meant to asked Isaac, “When do I meet an Angel?” but found the thought immediately unnerved him.

Instead, he saw his comrade. “You are as I wish you to be.” For such I thank G-D, rolled by his mind like a glimpse of sunlight.

         Enough for tonight, orndorff. – Amorella.

         Amorella, this seems a bit too arrogant. Who am I to give Ezekiel an old friend named Isaac? I suddenly find the use of Ezekiel’s name beyond my station. I am not even Jewish. This is very brash of me (who has his name attached to the book). It is one thing to play with a character’s name. I did with Blake Williams in “Pouch Text” selections of the first three books. I even used a part of myself as his character knowing full well I secretly desired to be like William Blake the artist and poet, he fit with my being transcendental-like in my mental nature. But I do not have an identity with Ezekiel other than he is the Old Testament prophet I admire most for his courage and dedication to G---D, even though I personally still have agnostic thoughts.

         Play the chapter out, boy, then reconsider. This is what you have done and will continue to do.

         I want to see the books out. I want to know what the order of the words are in my head. I wish to remain polite in these books. The first three were more honest.

         Tomorrow your chair arrives for the bedroom. The room needs some reorganization. You can more easily use the southeast corner as your office as you once did. We will work more on the scene tomorrow. Post. Amorella.

30 August 2010

Notes and beginning of scene 5, chapter 6

        Again, after noon and going on thirteen hundred hours. Spent the morning reading and in conversation with Carol about your upcoming trips to Cleveland and Burt Lake, Michigan. Errands still to do this afternoon; buying a new smaller and quiet room fan to take to Michigan and later to Florida for one. Look for new prescription sunglasses for another, for both of you as the sale ends tomorrow.

         Amorella, I meant to say, “the scene five cannot be done by me alone.”

         None of this could be done by you alone, orndorff. – Amorella.

         So true. I know this. If someone were to say, “orndorff, you are make all this up,” I would have to disagree. I know myself better than that. First, I wouldn’t waste my time on such a deception. Who would I be deceiving other than myself? Second, I do not have a conscious grasp of the wider perspectives seen in the books. I have no next chapters and no conclusions to any books until they come about. No plan other than to rely on you, Amorella, to steer me through the humor of the works.

         Confession time. That’s where we are in scene five. Let’s go to it.

Scene 5

Ezekiel felt a sensation in the back of his neck he did not have, and felt his head, he also did not have, move forward and down. L:ight, manifestation of courageous humility, appeared and stood in front and above Ezekiel, the L:ight took on an oddly discovered heaviness until was absorbed into a fully formed into a more youthful likeness of the once-prophet-to-be.

Later, Aristotle would seize on the concept of L:ight and conjure it into stone of the philosopher, a way to forward time through an object to evolve into its ultimate immortality, even as Mother Earth’s lead can be transmuted into her ultimate immortality gold. Aristotle secretly thought, in the science of our tangible Earth we have the mind and can envision Plato’s immortal Forms.

So, you have begun the scene while Carol is on an errand to the bank.

            I would not have thought any of this some thirty minutes ago. Thank you, Amorella. 

           Dusk. You are ready to watch The Closer at nine, a summer Monday ritual. Have you any thoughts as to the next paragraph in scene five?

         No. Actually, I was so happy the words flowed for the first two paragraphs. I thought that would be it for today. I am more than satisfied because it is a beginning. The Philosopher’s Stone was out of the blue as I was taking a break and eating an ice cream bar, but the concept was exciting because I used to talk about it in a couple of early lectures, one in logic, the other in the introduction to the historical background of Medieval British literature.

I wish I could remember some literary allusions to the Stone of the time period but I cannot. I thought there was at least one allusion to the Philosopher’s Stone or Aristotle’s Stone in the Prologue to The Canterbury Tales but having just read though it quickly I did not see a one.

It saddens you to have forgotten some aspects of British literature over the last seven years. You did not know as much as you would have liked but tried to make up for it with historical background. You understood enough to get by in a high school class, even an AP class, but you were no professor of literature, not even close. You did not care for that much scholarly detail. Fiction is about all you can hope to write, so relax and be thankful for that, orndorff.

Tomorrow Gilkey is here to re-measure for the new windows. Carol has a private luncheon with friends and Thursday she is in co-charge of the Blue Ash Retired Teachers’ luncheon. We will work some more on scene five tomorrow. – Amorella.

29 August 2010

Notes on scene five

         After noon. Sunday readings in a lazy morning spent watching the cat slowly losing her morning living room sun set for her basking. Carol is finishing up the paper and you assume something will be done this afternoon.

         I woke up with a sense of ‘something’ for scene five but I forgot all but this: Ezekiel feels he lost something I have no idea what. He should have watched the sunrise, that’s what I think, instead he was waxing for Israel, which of course makes sense.

         Perhaps that is the simple conflict, orndorff. He was thinking of where he had been not recognizing the sun comes up in Babylon too. He did miss his potentially last sunrise and who knows when he saw his last. Now he awakes to a dawn with no sun. Natural sunlight does not exist in the Places of the Dead in these books. The heartansoulanmind must create its own circumstance just as the Living must breathe. First, however, the heartansoulanmind must find a way to coexist. You are thinking of Caesar’s “Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres,” and wonder if one’s personal self-identity is also divided thusly.

         I think it is not so easy to find a place where the three can peacefully coexist. Human beings are constantly debating – particularly their hearts and minds, their feelings and reasoning. Drama is full of it. Sleeping with one’s soul may not be an easy task either. Compromises have to be made. I would think even one’s culture would have to be compromised. Self-forgiveness would have to be in order. One would have to be driven to the utmost sense of humility. Acceptance of such a fact of life/death would be a hard blow to the ego. And, then to rebuild one’s self to a full measure of a shadowed self recognizable with one’s given personality and inward nature, first to friends and family . . . what would be left to rebuild on a base of such utter humility? I cannot imagine such a scene. It would take a disciplined Caesar in each to conquer such an internal event.

         What? No judgment? No Wrath of G---D?

         I reason this reconstruction would come first. I would think one would have to know who sheorhe is before meeting the substance of Angels (should they exist) let alone G---D. The only way to gain a broader reflection of ‘self left over’ would be by friends and family, or so it seems to me. I don’t like the ‘only’ – I assume there may be a multitude of ways to the rediscovery of one’s nature depending on the centeredness of the individual and herorhis friends who as talismans help nurture the bodiless to restructure and re-grow a backbone of self-identity one can live with under such existential conditions.

         How to show this in a single scene, orndorff?

         It cannot be done, Amorella.

         Post, boy. – Amorella.

28 August 2010


       You and Carol were up working in the yard early and were finished before noon. More dirt and more mulch was needed and spread. A fine lunch at Longhorn then another trip to look for a chair for the bedroom. You found a black leather chair (Lazy Boy style) this time and it will be delivered Wednesday. It is quite similar to the one you used to have only this does not have the expensive electronics and vibrators. No more going downstairs to readjust for sleep part of the night.

         I’m glad that’s done. I am ready for a nap even though it is getting on our usual suppertime. Too early today though. We didn’t eat lunch until two.

         Classmate Kay surprised you with a FB note today saying she was reading your blog and noticed she was referenced in the opening of 24 August and she jokingly wanted to know who her competition was. You wrote back and told her and are still delighted that you are being friendly with both girls from much earlier in your life.

         Kay is a twin. I am sure she was a greater influence on my early life than I can consciously remember. Lots of references to twins in my Merlyn series. I had several sets of mirror image twins through the years of teaching also. They were always of interest. It is amazing what sticks within, at which place I am not sure, unconsciousness has a built-in vagueness about it. I think there may be more chambers within than I can imagine.

         I provide but a flicker of light, old man. You have no idea where rest the heartansoulanmind of your and anyone else’s humanity. There is much more within than without, boy. That’s the humor of it, and so it will show within these three books. A twist of gallows humor to be sure, but your feet are on the ground deeper than you think. Post. – Amorella.

27 August 2010

Notes on scene five concepts

        We were on our walk in the woods when I wondered about yesterday’s thoughts – that I can accept things as intuitively ‘factual’ as long as they are within the range of probability/possibility in my mind. Is this so?

         Most assuredly.

         Then the vibes I get once in a while on my first three books are mostly intuitively factual – that is, I can accept via heartansoulanmind that the books are non-fiction-like?

         This thinking resolves the conflict you have between a truth(s) and fiction.

         So, the animal part of my mind uses animal-survival thoughts even though reason plays a part in the ingenuity, cunning, and cleverness, so to speak, the reason Homer used through the hero Ulysses for instance.

         You are slipping away from a Freudian motif here to something more basic. Your characters survive by humanity where they can. That is, they use their heartsansoulsanminds for intuitive direction where they can and are satisfied with less that objectives facts when they are not presently observed.

         This adds a spiritual dimension to the existential elements. We live in an existential element but our minds can display an addition through a sixth sense of humanity.

         Post, then time for more errands. – Amorella.

        Over at the Tylersville Kroger’s, from there a Subway picnic over along the Little Miami. New Subway at the corner of SR 42 and Mason-Montgomery Road in old Mason.

         On another note, I suggest you do not use numbers in reference to human senses. It implies one sense is more important than another but this is not the case, at least not in the books. For the simplicity why not call it the Human sense, with Human capitalized to reinforce that Humanity is a capital. If you have capital crimes you might as well have a capital species, don’t you think? – Amorella.

         Ho, ho, Amorella; such good gallows humor here. Sort of scary humor in its own intimate sense.

         How’s that, boy? . . . Don’t delete.

         Uh, it means that I don’t want to mess with a Consciousness that uses humor like that in this two-dimensional circumstance. I’ll stand my ground here, Amorella, but the subtlety of the humor raises a sense of intuitive danger to my standing, like perhaps I should at least step back a foot or so as the message suggests to me that I am too close at hand, so to speak.

         You thought to add ‘alien’ to the capitalized Consciousness. Why?

         I don’t know. I didn’t mean ‘alien’ like LGM’s. I don’t know what I meant . . . perhaps non-human-like would be a better word choice than an alien consciousness that you sometimes seem to be, at least to me. You appear to have and use Human elements, perhaps you are a stronger form of Humanity and nothing more. Stronger is not a good word here either. One is either human or one is not. I find the thought of degrees of humanity somewhat misleading.

          You spent the afternoon looking for a comfortable chair for the bedroom, one you can doze in when you can’t sleep in bed during the night.
         I am better off with a chair of some sort when the bones hurt when I turn in bed. A chair keeps me ridged, no tossing or turning allowed. An hour or so almost every night when I am not taking arthritis pain pills. I am tired of ending up in a living room chair part of the night. I’ll find something eventually.

         Twenty-two hundred hours plus four. You are thinking about bed. Earlier you read the new Time and National Geographic. Joel Stein and King Tut were your favorites. Carol is in the living room with you looking over maps to Brutus, Michigan near Burt Lake where you are going with three other old friend couples for your third annual Fall outing. Key West, Washington D.C. and now Brutus. Your barber, Mary Ann, a Michigander, said today that they will talk Canadian so you are looking forward to the dialect.

         None of this relates to old Ezekiel. I am bone tired. It has been a hodgepodge day. Tomorrow morning I have to finish the yard work, filling in holes with four bags of dirt and raking eight bags of mulch; hopefully in the early morning before it gets warm.

         How would you measure humanity if not by degrees”

         Okay, let’s see. First I need a definition. > The dictionary does not help. > On Yahoo Answers I found a list of the ten best qualities for a good human being. The list was chosen three years ago by voters. Here they are: 1, loving; 2, patience; 3, listens; 4, caring; 5, humor; 6, peacefulness; 7, honesty; 8, humility; 9, joyful; and 10, faith in something they can believe in.

         I don’t see how you can put degrees to this. What separates number one from number five in terms of worth? What is passing on the ‘test’ of one’s humanity? I suppose you could rig up a test with a 1 to 10 for each, with ten being ‘nearly perfect’ and one being ‘nearly worthless’. Then you could add them each up with 100 being ‘nearly perfect’. Now would passing be sixty or seventy percent? Why? Why not? State and justify reasons for each response? Does this go before a committee? Three judges? Who? Do the judges have to have qualified by earning at least a 90 on the exam? Or should it be 96 percent on the earned qualities of humanity exam? Or, is it a simple Pass or Fail? Again, who are the judges? Who votes on one’s qualifications? Do friends count more than acquaintances? Any enemies on the list?

         Amorella, I have no idea how one measures one’s own humanity let alone someone else’s humanity. Degrees doesn’t do it for me. I suppose you could measure a lifetime of ‘good works’ but do they have to be accomplished or attempted? What works count more? Why? Why not? Define a ‘good work’. Assess it by degrees of accomplishment. Motivation for good work, does it count for or against? How much? Why? This can go on and on. It reminds me of the massive amount of BS floating in the world. Mine own as well. Our humanity fails us when we measure people, it works for building good bridges.

         People sometimes say, “Let God be the judge.”

         In the stories each person is herorhis own judge. Is this unreasonable?

         No, but the assumption is that the person will be honest. Some will naturally upgrade themselves, and other for no real reason will downgrade themselves. People are not always fair graders because they are too bias for or against themselves.

         How about people learning from their misjudgments then?

         I don’t pretend to know, Amorella.

         How is Ezekiel going to judge himself or who is going to judge him? Culturally he is going to expect some kind of initial judgment.

         Do what you will, Amorella. I have no idea. It has to be plausible, something that can be culturally acceptable. We could just leave it out. No, wait.  There was a scene in book three where an angel was carrying Diplomat and it was hinted that a terrible, infamous leader in the twentieth century somehow at least partially forgave himself. I don’t remember, but it was implied that he was with most everyone else in HeavenOrHellBothOrNeither. I think he said he would have been better off being an artist and forgotten the politics. Something to that effect. I think the point was that if you ended up in what you thought was going to be Heaven but found your worst enemy at your very table, well, a judgment was going to be made and after consideration, how you made the decision was your own judgment. I would have to go back and find it and reread it. Too much work. Besides, it is time for bed.

         Something to think about, orndorff. Post. – Amorella.

26 August 2010


         Late mid-morning. Carol has not returned from breakfast with friends, and you watched the latest ‘Warehouse 13’ this morning. Nothing much going on this morning. > A bit later, errands and lunch at Potbelly’s in Kenwood. Home and one and a half hours of yard work. You still have dirt to buy to fill in a hole where the old woodpile was next to the Mulberry tree Tim and Eric finished cutting down yesterday. You saved eighty-five dollars having Tim and Eric do the work over a tree service company. Originally, the cutting was Tim’s idea and you went with it. He said it was a bit more work than he thought it would be. The brothers charged a fair price, made some change and hopefully were as satisfied as you and Carol.

         You received another note from Doug, this time on science and UFO’s. All he said was, “Interesting” (about the article) and you agree.  The article was from AOL’s ‘Weird News’ titled: “A UFO Picture Worth More Than 1000 Words” by Lee Speigel who was responding to last Friday’s column by David Corn, “Where Are All the UFO Photos?” in ‘Politics Daily dot com’.  The conclusion by Speigel was that the best visual evidence (scientifically) of a UFO was the McMinnville UFO Case.

         Dusk is done. After watching the news and an old ‘Closer’ I returned to the article I found on McMinnville, first in Wikipedia and second, at angel dot com. This is very irritating because I get those deep vibes that real UFO’s are probably out there somewhere. This opens up the debate within (again). It is as a nearly healed surface wound re-scraped with the blood of wonder and doubt trickling out.

         I can and have used a lot of science fiction in my stories. I taught a class titled “Futures Studies/Science Fiction” at Indian Hill. As far as I have been told I was the first in Latin America to teach a unit titled “Futures Studies” and upon return to the States I became an early member of the World Future Society (1970’s). I never debated UFO’s in my classes and my only comments were “I keep an open mind on such things.” I still have an open mind. I have to have an open mind in order to think, that is, to reason and  to use my imagine in a plausible way not fantasy. We checked out The Chariots of the Gods by actually visiting Tiahuanaco in Bolivia. Wife and I saw no evidence to back up Von Daniken’s claims in his book about the place in question. I realize this inward debate has little to do with spiritual growth or lack of it, but the fact that the McMinnville case has never been resolved frustrates me. Why indeed have we seen little real evidence outside of this case over all these years? Today it is too easy to fake an image. The only proof of aliens in my mind is to produce an actual ship or part of said ship and/or actual DNA in some form to show a being with consciousness was not from this Earth. A craft of some kind would be direct evidence of having vehicular goals and having designs to take one to herorhis goals.

         What is also bothering you, orndorff, is that this curiosity and debate is taking up too much mental energy that would be better spent by me dictating scene five, chapter six, book four, to your fingertips. Is this not so?

         It is. I get revved up with the wonder and doubt. I haven’t even begun scene five.

         Why do you not wonder and doubt about G---D’s existence like many others?

         The universe exists and so do we. This shows to me that G---D is plausible because direct observation shows reason (natural order) not fantasy. Other conscious beings in this universe would leave evidence of their existence just as we do. If G---D exists, then the universe is at least (for me) indirect evidence. We have no concrete evidence of aliens or their vehicles needed to arrive here. The human species is in this physical world.

         Besides, I can’t even relate any of this to the Rebellion and to the fictional characters within. Nor should I? It is of no practical use to conjure concepts, will, etc. that would support alien intelligence outside of the fiction of the Merlyn’s Mind series. A series that is about the dreams of a dead man no less. On a very simple level this makes me look rather foolish to be wasting words on the evidence or lack of it for intelligent alien beings.

         Now, I am getting an inkling of a spiritual dimension, a sudden flash of insight that disappeared before I could consciously grasp it enough to write it down. Was this quick underline above a ‘semi-conscious moment’ a real one, Amorella?

         You had a sense of something you could not mentally grasp, an overriding connection of reality between life, death, earthlings and aliens.

         I accept this above statement intuitively. It’s better than an inkling, at least you put words to it that I could not. Thank you, Amorella.

         I assume then that I feel intuitively that life, death, earthlings and said aliens are factual, that they are a part of the natural universe.

         This is indeed where are, orndorff. You accept this without hard scientific evidence. The dilemma for you is that it is your humanity that accepts this first not your reason as such. The acceptance goes beyond reason alone, and beyond faith and doubt too. This is where you are in heartansoulanmind at this present time and place.

         This is beyond debate, orndorff, so you can let it go for now if you wish. Post. – Amorella. 

25 August 2010


         You are at the Mongolian Grill on Mason-Montgomery across from P & G waiting for Rich Grimsley for lunch. While online you found an article on aliens. Let’s put it in here, at least in part.
22 August 2010 Last updated at 19:16 ET

Alien hunters 'should look for artificial intelligence'
By Jason Palmer
Science and technology reporter, BBC News

. . . Seti, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, has until now sought radio signals from worlds like Earth.
But Seti astronomer Seth Shostak argues that the time between aliens developing radio technology and artificial intelligence (AI) would be short.
Writing in Acta Astronautica, he says that the odds favour detecting such alien AI rather than "biological" life.
Many involved in Seti have long argued that nature may have solved the problem of life using different designs or chemicals, suggesting extraterrestrials would not only not look like us, but that they would not at a biological level even work like us.
However, Seti searchers have mostly still worked under the assumption - as a starting point for a search of the entire cosmos - that ETs would be "alive" in the sense that we know.

That has led to a hunt for life that is bound to follow at least some rules of biochemistry, live for a finite period of time, procreate, and above all be subject to the processes of evolution.
But Dr Shostak makes the point that while evolution can take a large amount of time to develop beings capable of communicating beyond their own planet, technology would already be advancing fast enough to eclipse the species that wrought it.
"If you look at the timescales for the development of technology, at some point you invent radio and then you go on the air and then we have a chance of finding you," he told BBC News.
"But within a few hundred years of inventing radio - at least if we're any example - you invent thinking machines; we're probably going to do that in this century.
"So you've invented your successors and only for a few hundred years are you... a 'biological' intelligence."
From a probability point of view, if such thinking machines ever evolved, we would be more likely to spot signals from them than from the "biological" life that invented them.
'Moving target'
John Elliott, a Seti research veteran based at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK, says that Dr Shostak is putting on a firmer footing a feeling that is not uncommon in the Seti community.
"You have to start somewhere, and there's nothing wrong with that," Dr Elliott told BBC News.
Alien AI may choose to linger at galactic centres, where matter and energy are plentiful
"But having now looked for signals for 50 years, Seti is going through a process of realising the way our technology is advancing is probably a good indicator of how other civilisations - if they're out there - would've progressed.
"Certainly what we're looking at out there is an evolutionary moving target."
Both Dr Shostak and Dr Elliott concede that finding and decoding any eventual message from such alien thinking machines may prove more difficult than in the "biological" case, but the idea does provide new directions to look.
Dr Shostak says that artificially intelligent alien life would be likely to migrate to places where both matter and energy - the only things he says would be of interest to the machines - would be in plentiful supply. That means the Seti hunt may need to focus its attentions near hot, young stars or even near the centres of galaxies.
"I think we could spend at least a few percent of our time... looking in the directions that are maybe not the most attractive in terms of biological intelligence but maybe where sentient machines are hanging out."
         Cyborgs, that’s the way I remember them. Sounds like science fiction to me. I would not have put this in here, Amorella. They would be more efficient than machines, but more efficient yet would be DNA converted to be more machine-like and efficient – why not just stick with the biology and physics that already exists? That’s what I like about the tiny alien in the books – a parasite with full consciousness measuring no more than the physical size of the orbit of an electron around a hydrogen atom. Extremely efficient with the ability to move from one host to another somewhat like a dandelion seed that the aliens were first in their biology and higher consciousness.

         Post, boy. Later, Amorella.

         Home, and re-reading the above BBC article I can understand looking at a problem from a new perspective, however, I am somewhat stuck from what is already written in the first three books. It is almost like I have created a ‘formula’ for just this series. It works though which is more important than anything else. What happens in scene five, Amorella?

         The greeter, the first voice, is that of Meir the ancient Israeli shaman and the shade Panagiotakis quietly follows.

         Dusk. Tim K. and Erik K. finished cutting down the tree by the house  and cleaning the area after. You paid them both and feel better that the project is done. Also, you both ordered the new windows and patio door from Gilkey so that is complete. A good lunch with Rich, and Carol has breakfast at First Watch on north Montgomery Road with her friends tomorrow. Thus, it has been a busy and quite productive day.

         In a different light one of your high school classmates asked what you think about when you are in a stage of forgetfulness, or as you like to say, “not here in the world,” on Facebook earlier today.

         I erased the material a little while ago and forget who asked but I think it was Bev S. Anyway, I forgot to respond and told her that I would ask Amorella later.  I think I have asked before but I forget what your response is. Basically, where am I (consciously) when I am in a forgetfulness in the world?

         You are in a semi-conscious autonomous state. There is little consciousness of time and place other than you are ‘here’, that is you are where you are. These states are usually very short like dots and dashes flowing in a telegraph message. The dots may represent the short lived autonomous state and the dashes a conscious of time and place state. This happens many times a day during your life. You are sometimes ‘here’ enough to catch most of what is going on, but then again, you may, as it were, miss a short part of a message. Sometimes you just don’t listen, other times, you half listen – enough to get the gist – other times you miss the point altogether but it is your practice to say nothing and wait until you can pick up the gist of the message a short time later. Do you disagree with this assessment, orndorff?

         No. It is perhaps simplified, but that’s the way my mind works. Pretty much my private inner life of sensory apparatus at work, or not.

         Tomorrow, dude. Post. Amorella. 

Notes: Scene Four, Chapter Six, Book Four

         Up early and downstairs in the chair wondering on Ezekiel, let’s go see what’s going on. And here you have the present scene.

Scene 4

         An unusually frosty late Fall pre-dawn nests on the vegetation along the presently named town of al Kifl in Babylonia in the sixth century BCE.  The Euphrates, low this time of year, flows to old Ezekiel’s left as he stands for the last time, looking across the river and the desert west towards his birthplace, Israel. His last thought, ‘I see my Israel coming at me on this commonly dry and strong southwesterly wind.’

         Focus fell from the tired eyes and large spots of color erased the details of sight. Ezekiel felt his head silently float across the river as his priestly body collapsed without tension for the first time in his long life. The Euphrates below and sky above. ‘I never turned to see the rising sun,’ settled on his mind like the cool morning frost and he never thought to look back to see his limp body on the light mustard brown streaked sandstone and dull edged gray to black shale clothing the sides of one of the two great rivers in Nebuchadnezzar II’s  Babylon. Babylon, whose much earlier great Mesopotamia’s king, Hammurabi, had carved the world’s first known coded laws in stone.

         I look for my father priest, thought Ezekiel and “Buzi!” called out from his now naked mind, seemingly flowing like a river from his once skull dressed brain. A revelation: I am Ezekiel still.

         What moments before would have appeared as a desert royal blue sky transposed matter before free Ezekiel’s eye-filled mind and took on a thickness of an airy coating. The dense substance appeared eight hundred times thicker than earthly air. His mind slowed to a stillness as Ezekiel sensed he suddenly plugged a pipe. His mental senses scattered into the surrounding royal blue tight ambience, floating out about an arm’s length in all directions. The perception of the moment: My mind grows tiny thin squid-like sea-hairs.

         Ezekiel thought to reach out and touch the floating mind-hair ends and felt forearms tug at his sides where none existed. A thousand mind-tipped eyes budded and bobbed. I am broken into a multitude of crystal pieces, each as a crudely cut star in my own worldly heavens. I have no earthly floor. Yet, I am Ezekiel still.

Ezekiel’s mind transcends into light itself. Reason becomes substance. The now ten-thousand eye-hairs settled into skin first and into a shadow-like human form second. What is it to be this Ezekiel?

Youth flew into few. Troubling times and heartfelt confusions. Singing praises to G-D. I promise to sing of Angels through my life. I promise to love G-D. I promise to love the songs worth singing to Rachael my beautiful love of promise. This is love to give. A state of bliss in an angel’s heart. O Israel, the love of Angel’s. G-D’s promise. G-D’s promise. To serve the Tribe’s common good, I promise to give such voice as my father’s voice.

“Ezekiel” echoes across new ears.

‘Who is this?’ whispered this new tongued dead man surprised he was but a predetermined construction with neither an in or out to run into.

Make do, boy, and listen to what you have left to listen to, heard new ears. Make light in the darkness for old friends.







         Self reflection without a mirror in the House.

         It is as if I floated those lines down. A controlled madness is as it seemed to be delivered. Then once I could not write no more and that, by default, becomes the scene’s end.

         Later today, we move on for now. Deconstruction can come later, orndorff. The light of dawn and dusk is by direction only in the world of the Living. The newly Dead must learn substance has not a bit of matter to it otherwise how can one be touched by friends old or otherwise. You know this through me, old man, as I am your younger friend, Amorella. Post, boy.

         To think as a dead man thinks takes more thought and more matter both. I am ready to move on to the eastern light of morning.