This is Amorella. In case you have forgot, electricity was used as an analogy for the heart and a magnetic field was used as an analogy for the soul, and I said that the magnetic field may break free like light and be as a thought without a thinker.
31 August 2009
Three Peas, No Pod
This is Amorella. In case you have forgot, electricity was used as an analogy for the heart and a magnetic field was used as an analogy for the soul, and I said that the magnetic field may break free like light and be as a thought without a thinker.
30 August 2009
Estates of Mind. Two
This construction paper model of the mind photo gives a clearer sense of the black and white North room as it is right in front of you. One of my problems is that I have to see something tangible when it comes to metaphysics so Amorella designed this for me. I could have made this on the computer but Amorella says that neatness doesn’t count in her sense of metaphysics. I have this tendency to think of metaphysics as some may think of an abstract or schematic, almost idealistically, with Platonic-like forms and all.
In the photograph, the orange East room is on the right and the red West room is on the left. The blue South room is directly behind the North room as it should be.
This is the most dangerous room in the mind. Old and new collide. Compromise or terror. It is the room of the beginning and the ending of things in a circular argument. There is a way out but one must move to where the West meets East, so to speak.
29 August 2009
An Estate of Mind
28 August 2009
The Soul at Work
Amorella here. In this continuing analogy, the heart is being spiked by passion is as electrical energy running on a wire. The soul is as a magnetic field created by the moving energy of the ebb and flow of the passionate heart. The human heart is never static as it is filled with the passionate memories of a lifetime. Once this duel connection of heart and soul exists the magnetic field, if you will, may break free of its source and may sail through space like a thought without a thinker. This is as the property of light entwined in a cyclical dance of its electrical energy and magnetic field, each pushing and then being pulled by the other. In the physics of the universe no energy is lost. In the metaphysical world as I, Amorella, see it there is no energy, only spirit.
27 August 2009
Properties of the Heart Defined. Two
26 August 2009
Introduction: The Heart Defined. One
25 August 2009
The Signs of a Double-Stop

This is Richard as you can probably tell from the use of the Times font. I like this photo because it shows my sense of humor at its best. Grinn Road meets Barret Road in West Chester Township north of Cincinnati. And, as it has a double-stop sign that doubles the humor for unknown reasons for me. Driving west Barrett Road turns left at the T intersection and the citizens on Grinn want to make sure the car population stops for their own safety. It is also a reminder to the Barret Road crowd that there is a sharp left and the “stop signs” are for their safety. The sign mentions it is a “3-Way” stop, which should be obvious even to the casual driver who has other matters on herorhis mind. I don’t have anything else to say but my intuition is to use this uniquely humorous photograph.
Richard picked this picture yesterday and didn’t know why at the time. He still doesn’t. People decide on things all the time without knowing why or even caring why. Laziness has something to do with it. Lazy thought is as no thought at all because of the negligent use of reason.
Richard thinks I am an intensifying human response created for his need of an interior friend, one he imaginatively created because of his ‘passion’ for writing even though he did not know what to write. His notes and past experimental writing show these tendencies of being ready to have the fingers hit the keys even though he has nothing to say. An example of this rests in the beginning of today’s posting.
Indeed, I, Amorella, do see this man from the inside. He assumes he has a heart and soul or some equivalent because this is what he was taught as a youngster. He grew up Presbyterian through no fault of his own, and twelve-year old Richard had problems thinking through the Apostle’s Creed when he joined the church. He has been questioning his world ever since. It is no wonder he considers himself an agnostic when it comes to any religion as it is portrayed today. The same thinking for politics, he has voted Republican and Democrat in various campaigns but he has never voted against a local levy. He considers voting a citizen’s right and obligation, not to the state, but to his private sense of obligation to/for his “G---D given Free Will”.
This conflict exists because of his years of teaching selections of Milton’s Paradise Lost to his senior English literature classes. Richard considers Paradise Lost to be the best work ever written in the English language, Hamlet is second. This is enough background on orndorff.
Here is the problem. Orndorff doesn’t know what words to use when he thinks metaphysically and/or spiritually. He wants to know what the ‘intensity or passion’ of Heart is. He wants to know if a Soul exists. What is the difference between Heart and Soul? His interest is in taking what is important with him when he dies. Even if he just dies and that is it, he still wants the challenge while alive, so that is what I am going to help him with in a metaphorical language that human beings can understand.
From my perspective ‘understanding’ is more important than knowing, particularly in spiritual thought. To help provide a further separation between Richard and myself, Amorella, I will take on the persona of a ‘humane though alien’ thinker. We will assume a person survives physical death since it is central to Richard’s thinking through this hypothetical exercise. This is the sort of mental activity Richard considers fun because he hopes it will stretch his mind a bit and make him more conscious and thereby more sensitive as to what it is to be a human being.
Why did Richard intuitively choose the photograph with the stop signs? Here is my explanation. The “Grinn and Barret[t]” popped into his mind because he was thinking about what humor is to human beings. The reason, however, that caused him to unconsciously or intuitively chose the photo is the double stop signs. Richard has apprehensions in disclosing his innermost thoughts because he is not fully aware of them himself.
This provides a type of ‘innocence of inner character’ makes this much easier for me. Solely in the field of writing out his thoughts does he trusts me more than he trusts himself. I am the writer because even though he has a great passion for words and literature he cannot express himself clearly because the thoughts to be expressed have to be clearly felt or internalized in order for him to express them. His sense of words can be quite literal so with the mention of ‘soul’ he has to define it within himself, taking perhaps only one or a combined definition from a college dictionary and then working on his own more specific definition.
From his observations many other people he has come in contact with over the years look at a word such as ‘soul’ in a more general, less specific and less detailed way. Or, so it seems to Richard. Paradise Lost is written in poetic and figurative language from his point of view and easier for the mind to take because it is the ‘rational understanding’ of Milton’s ‘Fall of Humankind’ that makes the work so exciting. In other words, the literary work is well thought out and it shows what a human being can do with a few short verses in the Protestant Bible of the early scientific age of seventeenth century England.
Richard would place the hypothetical Fall on the human beings in the Place of the Dead rather than on ethereal Angels in Heaven in which, (according to Richard's reasoning) ‘real’ Angels could perhaps rebel but could not win any cerebral battle with their Creator, the Creator of All Things and Beyond. This is the same hopeless concept for Satan that he sees in Milton’s version. The passion of self-pride drives Satan on, and he condemns and damns himself in his stubbornness. G---D doesn’t need to do anything. This is spiritual humor at its best, at least to orndorff.
A quick return to the double stop signs: Are they an omen? A Stop Sign for Amorella and a Stop Sign for orndorff. They are taken as an omen especially since Richard has apprehensions about continuing this thought-induced project on the Internet? The double stop signs appealed to his sense of apprehension, and that’s all there is to it. I think this is funny. We two have a similar sense of ‘gallows humor’ built in and it is fairly easy to understand why. I mean, in this post orndorff shows himself to be ‘a superstitious agnostic’ – give me a break orndorff. – Amorella.
24 August 2009
Bird at the Window

23 August 2009
The Tree with Opposite Shadows

This is Amorella. Richard enjoys the humor of this photograph of a two-shaded tree. The darker shadow on the left and the leafy shadow on the right. With a little imagination there is evidence of two suns in the sky. One visible in the sky to the left (the east) that causes one shadow and the other invisible sun in the western sky that causes the western tree shadow to the left. Anyone who out thinks the photograph may see the humor, the joke, if you will. One shadow is real and the other is the thicker shade from a tree further east than the center tree is not real (as far as the central tree is concerned).
This is somewhat embarrassing Amorella because when I took the picture that is what I immediately thought, ‘this picture shows evidence of two suns in the sky,’ and as Earth only has one sun it struck my ‘what if’ curiosity to jump to another like situation.
Let’s say there is a planetary system on the other side of the Milky Way galaxy that has a similar yellow sun to our own. Three planets that support life in that solar system are fully inhabitable. The alien humanoids living there run from danger for survival rather than fight because they have more places to run to. In the process, over the millenniums these people successfully inhabit and civilize all three planets. Individual rights rule unless they conflict with the rights of group. Running for individual survival worked for the aliens because they have three planets to run to while we only have one planet.
I think this scenario is funny because if such a humanoid species landed on Earth with peaceful intentions, many human beings would not like them so much because G---D gave them three planets and we only get one. Make the alien species generally more humane in their behavior than humans; that is, they provide, ) earthlings charity (free of charge and obligation) to make better healthy living and comfort for all the peoples of the world, and wait and see what happens.
My humor is admittedly gallows-like and it has a tricky juxtaposition built in: the feeling growing in earthlings who know of the aliens is the feeling that humanity is being exploited by these friendly, far more scientifically and technologically oriented, and charitable planetary foreigners whose only crime is that the alien species began socially evolving some twenty thousand years before humans did.
The two seemingly good situations for the humanoid-like aliens: one, having three comfortable planets to live on; and, two, having survived longer as a species by running as they have more places to run to rather than by fighting, can leap to a sense of injustice from the human perspective. The humans stand and fight to remain as they are, despite immediate available humane alien charity. The aliens, in my imaginary scenario, run away when confronted as they always have. And, that, as some say, is that.
This is a rather two-shaded history for both the friendly aliens and the normally friendly humans. This is what comes to mind. You can imagine what comes next for aliens and humans alike. Very funny.
You are in a better mood than I thought you would be after such a busy day. It’s all out of your own head, no question about that.
22 August 2009
Mushrooms on the Mind

Hello again, this is Amorella. I had Richard put this photograph in place earlier today. I wanted to see what went through his mind when I chose it. When I explain what I see from the inside out it gives him greater insight into himself, and hopefully the reader gains some insight, not only into the way this transcendental existentialist thinks, but the way the reader thinks about herorhis self also. The ancient Greek, Socrates, supposedly said there are two things that are very important in being a full-fledged human being, one is “Know Thyself” and the other is “Be Moderate in All Things”. Knowing how your human spirit is, is something really important, but even more so, when, like Richard, you are attempting to learn what it is you want to take with you when you die physically.
From my point of view, being moderate in all things is a necessity if you consciously survive death. It is a necessity in the same way breathing is a necessity in life. This is not a prelude to an argument on whether life continues after death. One day you and Richard will discover this for yourselves, and, as some say, ‘that will be that’.
You are funny, Amorella. This is one of the jokes about living that is a part of our lives. For all the talk in the world about surviving death, no one still knows for sure, and if someone is sure, sheorhe is missing something very human, doubt. If you are human spirited before death, then it seems likely you will be human spirited after death. Otherwise, being human while alive and being less or more human after death, being alive, it seems to me, would be a sham. I don’t know though more than anyone else does about ‘after death’. I have my doubts, and I assume I will always have my doubts. Otherwise, I would not be my honest self. I cannot imagine any kind of dishonesty would not begin correcting itself after death, if one survives death at all. I am puzzled about where you are going with this, Amorella. You haven’t got to the mushroom ring and I promised myself not to take up too much of the reader’s time. The reader can do that by reading the novels penned by me and written by you. ;-)
What do you think about faeries and the like, orndorff?
I was afraid of this question. I had an inkling this post would either be about faeries or angels and I don’t like to give my opinions about either. Here is the dilemma for me. If I say, what I believe, but do not know one hundred percent, as I have my doubts, I do not believe faeries are real. Are they a representation of human thought? I say yes, and in that sense they are as real as angels or ghosts. We have the nouns, the words. The words are in the vocabularies of many cultures other than those of the English language culture. The kicker here is that, for me, you, Amorella, are a product of my imagination. I say you are my internal writer, which you are. Yet, I am disturbed by the fact that you directed me (or I directed myself unconsciously) to write three novels in such a strange and unorthodox way, and that is how they are, strange and unorthodox. I wrote in a trance or if you will as in an enchantment. This is exactly what is going on here presently. My “unconscious passion to write” wells up from the deeps of "self" and spills over into words on a page through my fingers.
21 August 2009
A Spider's Circular Web

Amorella here. A silk circle, this time delicately designed geometric webbing, Arachnid created without its taking high school geometry. This photograph was taken at a city park in Mason, Ohio, but it could have been taken in any similar environment where such a spider resides.
What does this have to do with the human spirit? Look at the environments humans live day to day in and see what behavior the species has in common. One of those interests is personal and familial security. Which is deeper, more imbedded in the individual as well as the family, culture or government? Orndorff, are you reading here?
Somewhat. I mean I am typing the words as they form from my fingertips dancing across the keyboard. I don’t feel I am actually reading the words; the words are more sensed from the inside out. I have read so many descriptive and expository essays over thirty-five years of teaching, as well as all those eight to fifteen page research papers. The words were gathered subconsciously as my eyes quickly rolled across title, introductory sentences growing to paragraphs and to eventual conclusions. Reading became second nature. I have what some call reading automaticity. According to a university professor or two, the automaticity works similar to the mental system of a simultaneous translator when sheorhe is actually translating from one language to another as a person speaks. Evidently the translator doesn’t necessarily consciously know what is being translated. The words go in herorhis brain and out off the tongue automatically.
People drive this way sometimes. An example would be going through a light then suddenly looking through the rear view mirror to see if the light was green. The driver doesn’t remember consciously seeing the streetlight. Another similar example is driving a manual, stick drive. Rushing through the motions of the engine’s whine and coupling this with shifting from first gear, to second, and then to third and on to fourth and so on. The sound and the motion of the hand on the stick shift become second nature. Automaticity is brain induced and it is not necessarily mindful, at least in my opinion.
Amorella, I am uncomfortable giving an opinion here. This blog is not about what I think; it is about how the human spirit within my mind (and I assume other human minds) attempts to emotionally reason the whys and wherefores in the limited and greater world of observation. That is how I see it. Human beings are not spiders but we tangle ourselves in existential and intangible webs anyway.
And, these human webs; are they circular too?
I don’t know. Human webs are a mystery to me. Some of them, particularly friendship, appear to stretch beyond the grave. Why do human beings feel the necessity to think that far ahead, unless it has to do with the emotional, the healthful, and financial security for their children, yet they think about their friends’ security also.
Nature appears to build this in all living species does it not?
20 August 2009
A Stone Ring
19 August 2009
The Bend in the Ohio

Hello, this is Amorella. Nearly fifty miles east of this bend in the Ohio slaves crossed the river to escape slavery by continuing to follow the Underground Railroad from Kentucky up to the Rankin House at Ripley on the Ohio side. Richard shook hands with a neighbor of his grandparents, a Mr. Press Reynolds, who also lived on West Walnut Street in Westerville, Ohio. The story is that when Mr. Reynolds was a boy on the plantation he operated a tobacco press, thus he took Press for his first name. Supposedly it was a Reynolds’ plantation so he took Reynolds as his last name. Richard remembers Mr. Reynolds as a kindly old fellow with a workingman’s hands. What does it mean to have shaken hands with a man who had been born and early raised as a slave orndorff?
It was an important event in my life at the time. I was five, if I remember correctly. Too be honest, I don’t remember my thoughts at the meeting other than my grandfather and I were standing on an old side porch and Mr. Reynolds was standing on the porch with the screen door open. The house paint of the small one story house was blue I think. Almost directly across from the house stood, and still stands, the war memorial in the Otterbein College cemetery. Mr. Reynolds was like one of those granite stones that lined north to south across that cemetery. As I grew up I learned more about slavery as a matter of course. I mainly remember the event because I thought that here was a man who had witnessed the Civil War. That the war had not been that long a time before, since I could shake his hand in the present, which would have been 1947.
I had shaken hands with history. At five I had not thought much about that before, but I had an early understanding of it, because of the cemetery where as a child I toyed with my imagination while walking, running, or sitting among those stones. I understood the last names of some of those people on the stones because I had already met some of their living children or grandchildren. The concept of generations was something inherently important to me, and still is. The human generations is something I want to remember when I am dead and partially buried in that same cemetery. That is, if one consciously survives death. I think it is entirely possible because the human spirit and mind are very powerful and if anything can survive death they just might. If there is nothing after death, that’s all right too. Whatever is the natural inclination of the spirit and mind has something to do with it. Perhaps we inwardly fear death enough that we just survive it. That would be funny. If G---D exists, I feel SheanHe has a sense of humor and it would be funny to wake up dead. The universe is full of little jokes.
Strangely enough, I awoke in the middle of the night with a flash of memory of old Mr. Reynolds’ round face. He had brightness within his tired eyes, short gray curly hair, and a warm, kind smile for a little one like me.